TitaniumChain will provides assets like BNB, USDT, TTC with instant, verifiable assurance for any real-world application.
December, 2021TitaniumChain will also available for developers interested in deploying their own projects and using TitaniumChain for a wide variety of collateral use cases
June, 2022 Stakig Live - Anyone can stake TitaniumChain (and earn rewards) using products built on TitaniumChain, such as Flexa Capacity.
April, 2022 The TitaniumChain Smart contracts will live that offer a variety of built-in incentive models, including micro-distributions and continuous compounding.
March, 2022 TitaniumChain will ready to collateralize a transfer. With the use of collateral pools, TitaniumChain effectively decentralizes the risk of asset transfer—especially suitable for fraud-proof networks and real-world applications.
January, 2022 Token Listing - TitaniumChain tokens TTC on the pancakeswap exchange at the price of 1 TTC = 2.5$
November, 2021 Launch of a large-scale Airdrop for the distribution of free tokens and pre-sale tokens
August, 2021 Website development for the Titanium Chain Airdrop and Presale
TitaniumChain also simplifies network reward distribution once a transfer is complete. The TitaniumChain smart contracts offer a variety of built-in incentive models, including micro-distributions and continuous compounding.
TitaniumChain was designed to be as flexible and future-proof as possible. TitaniumChain’s open-source license makes it possible to create and deploy custom collateral managers for your app to interface with TitaniumChain on your own terms.
TitaniumChain collateralization is tested, audited, and freely available for anyone to use. It’s easy to build apps that lock and unlock TitaniumChain on demand to secure transfers, enable lending, and make value move more quickly.
TitaniumChain will provides assets like BNB, USDT, TTC with instant, verifiable assurance for any real-world application.
TitaniumChain will provides assets like BNB, USDT, TTC with instant, verifiable assurance for any real-world application.