Be quiet! is a brand owned by the german company listan gmbh & co. kg, who manufactures power supply units, cpu coolers, pc cases, and case fans.
JET Equipment was born in 1958 when the founder of the company, Leslie P. Sussman, took the first Boeing Jet Airplane trip from Seattle, WA to Japan.
JET began as a small dealer of manual chain hoists and trolleys; sold from a single hardware store in Tacoma, Washington. Over the years, JET has carried everything from electric chain hoists to air hoists. Beginning in the 70's JET introduced a full line of industrial air tools and material handling products which included paving breakers and backfill tampers and forklifts.
By the early '80s, as JET continued to grow, the metalworking products became the core business line. And 5 short years later, JET launched it's woodworking product category rounding out the largest breath of product categories under one brand. JET pioneered the import business by working with overseas suppliers.
Hotpoint Electric Heating Company (Hotpoint), "Hotpoint" is an American and European brand of home appliances.
September 2014
December 2008
German automobile manufacturer
On 29 June 1932, Audiwerke, Horchwerke and Zschopauer Motorenwerke/DKW merged on the initiative of the State Bank of Saxony to form Auto Union AG. At the same time a purchase and leasing agreement was concluded with the Wanderer company for the acquisition of its automobile department. The new group had its headquarters in Chemnitz. When Auto Union AG was established, it was the second-largest motor vehicle manufacturer in Germany. The four interlocking rings chosen as its emblem symbolised the indissoluble unity of the four member-companies. The brand names Audi, DKW, Horch and Wanderer were retained. Each of the four brands was allocated a specific market segment within the new company: DKW (motorcycles and small cars), Wanderer (medium-size cars), Audi (cars in the upper midsize market segment), Horch (top-class luxury cars).
Parcl is a collection of synthetic real estate DeFi protocols built on Solana.
Parcl's mission is to broaden the set of market participants able to gain exposure to expensive and illiquid real estate investments.
Parcl is launching with a CDP smart contract for creating synthetic real estate tokens called "parcls" or "parcl tokens" as well as an AMM decentralized exchange for trading parcl tokens. Each parcl token represents the median price per square foot of residential real estate in an arbitrary geography, such as city neighborhoods, and is overcollateralized according to the CDP smart contract's risk parameters. Parcl Labs produces the median price per square foot indexes.
In the future, Parcl Labs plans to work with the Parcl community to continue development of a suite of composable DeFi protocols as well as innovate and experiment with new oracle implementations and data indexes.
Parcl is a collection of synthetic real estate DeFi protocols built on Solana.