Kaddex is the evolution of DeFi on Kadena. Safe DeFi begins with our Gas free DEX
Thanks to Kadena’s gas stations, users will never have to pay gas to utilize Kaddex.
Gas will always stay free because the Kadena blockchain scales horizontally, which means as the demand for block space goes up, we can increase the number of chains, increasing the number of available blocks.
Kaddex provides unique LPs incentives that will attract new DeFi customers to our new network, thanks to the 40% of tokens allocated for incentivizing the network. When a swap is performed the user is charged a standard 0.3% trading fee, of which 100% goes to Liquidity Providers.
Because Kadena has the ability to scale TPS infinitively, network congestion will never be a problem. This coupled with gas free transactions will ensure quick settlements and security, while providing the best possible users experience.
The Kaddex DAO will play a large role in how Kaddex operates, controlling the parameters for individual pools. On top of this, the DAO will have a strong focus on ecosystem development, working to help growing the entire Kadena blockchain.
Kaddex lives up to the decentralized claim: everything from liquidity provision, pricing to swapping is done entirely on-chain, requires no intervention from off chain authorities or oracles, and is fully autonomous with no control by any central on-chain authority either.
KDX Stakers will earn 0.05% of all swaps happening on Kaddex, giving holders a simple way to earn passive income while still participating in governance.
Kaddex is built on community, our governance system will give the users control of network incentives, protocol mechanics, and pool rewards, all while maintaining our approach to safe DeFi.
Kaddex is a developer of a decentralized cryptocurrency exchange built on the Kadena blockchain.
Leading the charge for DeFi 3.0 in building the most value-centred protocol on Avalanche