As we study the long-term effects of lithium citrate on the human body, it became clear that it has many side effects. In particular, it contributes to the appearance of excess weight, causes electrolyte imbalance, reduces the activity of thyroid hormones. Studies of lithium preparations in animals have shown that in the case of its long-term consumption, the risk of death increases.
The history of food popular in our time is sometimes quite unusual. For example, who would have thought that radioactive elements were added to the first energy drinks. Perhaps this is exactly the case when the name "energy" fully corresponds to its content...
But the drink 7up known to every person these days was originally advertised as... hangover remedy. True, the composition of 7up in those days was completely different. First introduced in 1929, this drink had the long name "Bib-label Lithiated Lemon-Lime Soda" and included lithium citrate.
Lithium citrate is a psychotropic drug and is used as a psychiatric medicine to stabilize patient mood and treat neurotic disorders. Often, lithium-based drugs are prescribe
So, mood-raising, soothing effect plus getting rid of headache is the perfect formula for a hangover cure. This is what manufacturers thought and began to add a small dose of lithium citrate to each portion of their product. On these properties at one time, the main emphasis was placed on the advertising campaign of the drink, and he himself changed the name to "7up Lithiated Lemon Soda."