hh.ru -- сервис, который помогает найти работу и подобрать персонал в Москве более 20 лет! Создавайте резюме и откликайтесь на вакансии. Набирайте сотрудников и публикуйте вакансии.
HeadHunter is one of the largest job and employee search sites in the world (according to Similarweb rating). We create cutting-edge technologies on all available platforms so that employers can quickly find the right employee and job seekers find the right job. Our mobile apps are consistently ranked #1 in the Business category across all platforms. Our search uses artificial intelligence, and the site processes up to 3000 requests per second. More than half a million vacancies appear on the site every month, and technology for working with personnel has more than 30 positions. Every day we help hundreds of thousands of people change their lives for the better.
HeadHunter is a job and employee search site based in Russia.