DNA sequencingDNA sequencing is the determination which nucleotide bases are present and in which precise order they occur within a segment of DNA.
May 2, 2019
ESRD is the last stage of Chronic Kidney DiseaseChronic Kidney Disease (CKD), when your kidneys can no longer sufficiently perform their function (i.e. remove waste and excess water from your body) to keep you alive.
Finland (Finnish: Suomi [suo̯mi] (listen); Swedish: Finland [ˈfɪnland] (listen)), officially the Republic of Finland (Finnish: Suomen tasavalta, Swedish: Republiken Finland (listen to all)), is a country in Northern Europe bordering the Baltic Sea, Gulf of Bothnia, and Gulf of Finland, between Norway to the north, SwedenSweden to the northwest, and Russia to the east. Finland is a Nordic country and is situated in the geographical region of Fennoscandia. The capital and largest city is Helsinki. Other major cities are Espoo, Vantaa, Tampere, Oulu and Turku.
The Great Salt Lake, located in the northern part of the U.S. state of Utah, is the largest salt water lake in the Western Hemisphere, and the eighth-largest terminal lake in the world. In an average year the lake covers an area of around 1,700 square miles (4,400 km2), but the lake's size fluctuates substantially due to its shallowness. For instance, in 1963 it reached its lowest recorded size at 950 square miles (2,460 km2), but in 1988 the surface area was at the historic high of 3,300 square miles (8,500 km2). In terms of surface area, it is the largest lake in the United States that is not part of the Great LakesGreat Lakes region. The lake is the largest remnant of Lake Bonneville, a prehistoric pluvial lake that once covered much of western Utah. The three major tributaries to the lake, the Jordan, Weber, and Bear rivers together deposit around 1.1 million tons of minerals in the lake each year. As it is endorheic (has no outlet besides evaporation), it has very high salinity (far saltier than seawater) and its mineral content is steadily increasing. Due to the high density resulting from its mineral content, swimming in the Great Salt Lake is similar to floating. Its shallow, warm waters cause frequent, sometimes heavy lake-effect snows from late fall through spring. Although it has been called "America's Dead Sea", the lake provides habitat for millions of native birds, brine shrimp, shorebirds, and waterfowl, including the largest staging population of Wilson's phalarope in the world.
"Sleep is the greatest legal performance enhancing drug that most people are probably neglecting."
Humans beings are the only species that deprive themselves of sleep for no apparent gain. Mother nature has never faced the challenge of coming up with a safety net for lack of sleep.
All stages of sleep are important - "mother nature wouldn't waste time putting you into a state that wasn't necessary.
Our cardiovascular system goes through periods of dramatic acceleration and then dramatic deceleration. Our brain paralyzes our body so our mind can dream safely, so we don't dream that we can fly and then attempt to do this.
Our brain replays memory sequences we learn while awake, but approximately twenty times faster than when you're awake.
Canabis is very good at blocking REM cycles . Marijuana certainly puts people to sleep quicker, but it's debatable whether it's naturalistic sleep.
Alcohol is also very good at blocking REM cycles. When an alcohol stops drinking alcohol, they'll often develop delirium tremens. The alcohol has been blocking REM sleep for so long, and the pressure for deep sleep has built up so much, it spilled over into wakefulness.
When we dream, we essentially become psychotic – we see things that aren’t there (hallucination), we believe things that couldn’t possibly be true (delusion), we have wildly fluctuating emotions, and we become confused about time/place .
In the brain, during REM sleep, the chemistry of the brain is very different . This specific balance of noradrenaline and acetylcholine change the input/output of information flow into the memory center of the brain
It’s more about output (generating dreams), than input (the saving of memories/dreams) .
This is very similar to a DMT trip – shortly afterwards it feels like a dream
Perhaps it’s just a byproduct of REM sleep - Dr. Matthew Walker doesn’t agree with this because it’s metabolically demanding to have dreams in addition to REM sleep, and whenever mother nature burn calories it’s usually for a reason
Lack of sleep and physical performance
If you're getting 6 hours or less of sleep, your time to physical exhaustion drops by up to 30%.
We need 7-9 hours each night. Impairments in the brain below 7 hours each night are measurable.
Biological anthropology is the study of human biological variation and evolution. Biological anthropologists seek to document and explain the patterning of biological variation among contemporary human populations, trace the evolution of our lineage through time in the fossil record, and provide a comparative perspective on human uniqueness by placing our species in the context of other living primates. Students concentrating in biological anthropology are advised to take a course in statistics, as well as one or more advanced courses in biological sciences.