Norwegian children's writer.
Norwegian children's writer.
Norwegian children's writer
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi - american psychologist of Hungarian origin, professor of psychology, former dean of the faculty at the University of Chicago, known for his research on happiness, creativity, subjective well-being, but best known for his idea of "flow" - a flow state, which he studied for several decades.
Author of several bestsellers and more than 120 articles for magazines and books, many of which have been translated into different languages of the world. He is considered one of the most widely cited psychologists of today in several fields related to psychology and business.
Sergio Lorenzo Pizzorno - musician, producer, one of the founders of the British rock band Kasabian.
Kasabian is a British rock band formed in 1997. The band consisted of vocalist Tom Meighan, guitarist and vocalist Sergio Pizzorno, guitarist Chris Karloff and bassist Chris Edwards. In 2004 drummer Ian Matthews joined Kasabian. In 2006, Chris Karloff left the band and founded his own band. In July 2020, Tom Meighan left the band.
In 2010 and 2014, Kasabian won the Q Awards for Best Contemporary Band, the Q Awards for Best Live Performance in 2014, and the NME Awards for Best Live Band in 2007.
Kasabian have released six studio albums: Kasabian (2004), Empire (2006), West Ryder Pauper Lunatic Asylum (2009), Velociraptor! (2011), 48:13 (2014) and For Crying Out Loud (2017).
Kasabian -is a British rock британскаяband рок-группа, образованнаяformed вin 1997 году. ВThe составband группыconsisted входилиof вокалистvocalist ТомTom МейганMeighan, гитаристguitarist иand вокалистvocalist СерджиоSergio ПиццорноPizzorno, гитаристguitarist КрисChris КарлоффKarloff иand басистbassist КрисChris ЭдвардсEdwards. ВIn 2004 годуdrummer кIan Matthews joined Kasabian присоединился барабанщик Иэн Мэтьюз. ВIn 2006, годуChris Karloff Крисleft Карлоффthe покинулband коллективand иfounded основалhis собственнуюown группуband.
Kasabian - британская рок-группа, образованная в 1997 году. В состав группы входили вокалист Том Мейган, гитарист и вокалист Серджио Пиццорно, гитарист Крис Карлофф и басист Крис Эдвардс. В 2004 году к Kasabian присоединился барабанщик Иэн Мэтьюз. В 2006 году Крис Карлофф покинул коллектив и основал собственную группу.