Imagine playing for a living. Welcome on MetaAxis, a revolution BSC project that rewards you to play!
Play the game to start playing and earning some tokens, and yeah, that's all that it takes!
Start playing today, it's really easy, just click the button and connect your wallet.
Here you can also find some useful buttons links to access to our various services and informations provided by MetaAxis!
1) Download Trust Wallet on your Mobile Device
If you are using iOS, head over to the App Store and search Trust Wallet it should be the first option with the shield logo, if you are on Android, head onto the Google Play Store and again search Trust Wallet and it should be the first option with the shield logo once again.
2) Buy and Send BNB to your Trust Wallet
You can buy Smart Chain BNB directly on Trust Wallet or you can buy it on an exchange such as Binance and send it to your wallet address which can be found on the Trust Wallet app
3) Visit PancakeSwap and swap your Smart Chain BNB for $MTA
4) Check you've received your $MTA in your wallet.
If you can't see your MetaAxis in your wallet, click the icon in the top-right hand corner, type in MetaAxis select 'Add Custom Token'. Insert the MetaAxis, write MetaAxis, for Name, $MTA for symbol and choose 9 Decimals, congratulations, you are now a proud holder of $MTA
Cheapest, fastest and simplest! Discover DuckyDeFi, the first fair launch DEX on Cronus Chain with the best farms and pools in DeFi. More exciting features coming soon!
What drives us?
Decentralized finance, or commonly referred to as DeFi, has gained massive growth over the past year and continues on pioneering new models for individual financial autonomies and opportunities.
We are a group of enthusiastic and early adopters of the crypto world, that strongly believe the crypto world is the future. We understand the necessities of the crypto ecosystem and aim to bring as much real-world application using blockchain technology and make it more attenable and closer to everyone, even for someone who has just begun their crypto journey.
Not just me and not just you, it's us. In DuckyDeFi, we believe in our motto "By Community, For Community. We want to be as transparent and as fair as possible. That's why we adopt a fair launch protocol: NO PRE-MINT, NO SEED, NO IFO, and NO PRESALE.
What's even more, is that trading fees are lower than other decentralized exchanges too!
Ducky Swap:
Instantly swap tokens at low fees
Supply liquidity to earn proportionate of 0.17% transaction fee whenever the pair of assets are traded
Ducky Farm:
Stake LP tokens and earn DEGG. Higher exposure to market fluctuation but higher APR
Ducky Pool:
Stake DEGG and earn other tokens for free. No other hassle.
Cheapest, fastest and simplest! Discover DuckyDeFi, the first fair launch DEX on Cronus Chain with the best farms and pools in DeFi. More exciting features coming soon!