Vote for your favorite cryptocurrency project and help it unlock all the PancakePoll features.
PancakePoll is the leading coin voting platform on Binance Smart Chain, with the highest unique visitors volume in the market. The most voted projects will stand out from the rest and allow it to unlock new features.
Vote instantly by connecting your wallet to our platform. Unlike other coin voting platforms, Pancakepoll doesn't require an account, emails, or phone numbers to express your vote.
Get an egg from Vote to Earn and have it hatch into a duck! You'll be able to raise your very own NFT ducks with this special reward.
Earn PPOLL and other tokens for free with super high interest rates.
Stake NFTs, earn free tokens. It’s really that easy.
DuckArmy will be a Play-to-Earn NFT game with a new revolutionary way of rewarding its users whereby the winnings will be distributed in PPOLL, BNB, and other tokens.
No farm? No problem. Even if you're just holding your PPOLL tokens in your wallet, you still get rewarded a small amount every time a PPOLL transaction is done.
Sounds like fun?
Then get flipping!
The leading coin voting platform on Binance Smart Chain, with the highest unique visitors volume in the market.
The leading coin voting platform on Binance Smart Chain, with the highest unique visitors volume in the market.