Vivid Labs is a full-service NFT technology and strategy provider and the creator of VIVID, the next-generation NFT publishing platform that allows anyone to create, manage, and sell multimedia NFTs.
Powered by the VID token under agreement with its issuer, the VideoCoin Development Association Ltd., VIVID enables new use cases and business models evolving NFTs into transformative media experiences.
American businessman
October 20, 2021
We made it. Улыбающееся лицо с глазами в форме сердцаУпакованный подарок We are pleased to announce our NFT project over the Solana network. Gözleri kalp şeklinde gülümseyen yüz With the network update, we are paving the way for gifts to be made with NFT and Gifto. Now is the Time to Grow, Gifto Family
Carbon is a cross-chain protocol that acts as abuilding block for DeFi.
Carbon is a cross-chain protocol that acts as abuilding block for DeFi.
MaidSafe, builders of the SAFE Network, are a small team of: thinkers, inventors, tinkerers, engineers and designers started by Scottish engineer David Irvine in 2006.
AVINOC is a team of specialists dedicated to revolutionize the entire aviation industry through the use of innovative business models and cutting-edge technologies.
In the aviation industry, there are many feasible ways to use TOKENIZATION and BLOCKCHAIN & TOKEN for transactions, operations and assets: Ticketing, airport and aircraft management, loyalty programs, to name just a few possible fields of application.