Bulgarian politician, MP from the parliamentary group of the Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP).
Bulgarian pop singer and music producer.
Bulgarian singer
Papi Hans has been appeared in channels as follow: FacingTheSunOfficial, Papi Hans.
Born 14 December, 1990 (31 years old).
What is the zodiac sign of Papi Hans ?
According to the birthday of Papi Hans the astrological sign is Sagittarius .
Career of the Papi Hans started in 2017 .
Bulgarian singer
Bulgarian footballer
Yavor Dimitrov Yanakiev
Bulgarian hipermarcet
Bulgarian hipermarcet
Bulgarian singer of turkish origin
Bulgarian musician
Penev was a chorister in the Representative Ensemble of Construction Troops. Sings as a vocalist for the group "Satellite" , and then for the group "Bard", who later founded the studio "Graffiti". The first album of B.T.R. with vocals Nasko Penev is called "Feel the Life" and is in the style of heavy metal . Among his hits together with B.T.R. are: "Diamond and Glass", "Flowers from the Moon", "Hope", "Night Trains", "Easy Livin", "July morning", "Free me". With the group, he performed over 500 concerts .
For the song "Flowers from the Moon" B.T.R. won first prize at the "Ardas" festival in Greece and at the "Rock-explosion" festival in Burgas . The group was awarded an award from the prestigious "Golden Stag" festival, Romania . He has a brother, Dimitar Penev.
He also voices the songs in Disney productions , among which are the animated film "The Enchanted Emperor ", the series " Club Mouse " and the three films in the " Aladdin " series.
Bulgarian musician
Bulgarian rock band.
B.T.R. was established in 1984 and broke up in 1986. During its early years nearly thirty musicians played with the band. B.T.R. played live for the first time at a rock festival in Troyan, Bulgaria in 1990.