The Orkan Protocol is a meta-governance protocol, that aims to bootstrap the liquidity flow on the Fantom Opera Blockchain. It’s going to use bond issuance to acquire governance tokens from the projects that employ liquidity gauges and locking mechanisms as exchange incentives.
The Orkan ($ORK) is a meta-governance protocol that aims to bootstrap the liquidity flow on the Fantom Opera Blockchain. It’s going to use bond issuance to acquire governance tokens from the projects that employ liquidity gauges and locking mechanisms as exchange incentives. At the time of publishing, we are mainly referring to SpiritSwap and LiquidDriver.
Also, by using some of the voting power accrued by the Orkan, we are looking to enable deep liquidity and usage of wrapped BTC assets within Fantom. But why? To build our way to one of our long-term objectives: creation of a powerful, flexible and unprecedented neutral entity across the interchain. This will allow our holders to (safely) enjoy numerous incentives in an unpredictable and diversified liquidity landscape.
SpiritSwap is one of the most important protocols (and gateways) on the FTM ecosystem. Their high product diversity and constant innovation is an example of what DeFi should be.
That’s why 75% of the $SPIRIT acquired is going to be locked as $inSPIRIT and 25% is going to remain liquid for our treasury to re-allocate freely (according to the DAO’s vote).
LiquidDriver has been accruing a lot of well-deserved attention. By having one of the most cohesive and active communities in the space, they have achieved a firm, but flexible grip over FTM.
That’s why we are locking 75% of the obtained $LQDR for $xLQDR. This will allow us to harvest a lot of value out of their yield rewards and perpetually feed our treasury. As with $SPIRIT, 25% of $LQDR is going to remain liquid.
Currently, our resources are being devoted towards the “Bootstrapping Phase” or Phase 1. For the moment, we are solely looking to increase the treasury and the value behind $ORK. Once we achieve our first milestone, the DAO will evaluate and decide what are going to be the next steps of the protocol towards our long-term objectives.
Both pre-sale and airdrop tokens are going to be delivered directly to your wallet. There’s no need to claim your tokens anywhere, you only have to wait until the contract has been deployed. In both cases, the tokens are going directly to the addresses that participated in the $TRDL lock on Ethereum.
With the objective of protecting our investors, we have decided to start our Public Sale in a Liquidity Generation Event (LGE) on BeethovenX’s platform. We believe this is the only way to protect new buyers from slippage, investors from suffering significant price impact, and seed investment from being diluted, while minimizing the treasury’s cost of providing liquidity to the launching pool. Objectively, this is the most capital-efficient way of bootstrapping new treasury assets.
We believe that Orkan should act as a meta-governance protocol over liquidity flow within the FTM ecosystem. Specifically, that Orkan should utilize perpetual bond issuance to acquire governance tokens from those projects on FTM employing liquidity gauges and locking mechanisms as exchange incentives (i.e. Spirit and Liquid Driver).
We propose to first focus on acquiring Spirit and LQDR as they are proven within the ecosystem and present a clear revenue generating opportunity. However, with the much anticipated launch of Solidly it is possible that adding additional bonds for assets with Solidly token allocations may be beneficial. We suggest that this consideration is monitored while both the Orkan and Solidly protocols begin to take shape.
As a long-term objective, we believe that a portion of voting power accrued could be used to enable deep liquidity and usage of wrapped BTC assets within ecosystem (i.e. wBTC and vBTC). This transition may also enable Orkan to adequately grow and maintain the peg of Strudel’s vBTC product via bond issuance and arbitrage.
These proposed directives benefit the Orkan community in the following ways:
a) Acquisition, and subsequent locking, of exchange related governance tokens allows Orkan to:
b) Accumulation of wrapped BTC assets in the treasury over time will enable Orkan to:
c) Establish the first DAO owned Bitcoin treasury and grow it in perpetuity with the following goals:
We believe the first priority of Orkan should be to gain as much voting power as possible, as quickly and efficiently as possible. Therefore, the protocol should initially focus on acquiring assets employing liquidity gauges and locking mechanisms as exchange incentives.
In our opinion, the first assets that should be acquired are Spirit and LQDR. This opinion stems from the fact that both are gaining market share as a hub for decentralized exhange and yield farming on FTM. Moreover, locked Spirit (inSpirit) and LQDR (xLQDR) have current APRs of ~43% and ~103% respectively. Of note, we may later wish to accumulate those tokens governing protocols like Solidly or BeethovenX.
To incentivize Spirit and LQDR acquisition, we propose the following bond discount rates and treasury allocation based on the following targets:
We believe these targets can be achieved within the first four weeks of launch.
As Spirit is acquired we believe that half should be locked and wrapped as OinSpirit (OrkaninSpirit) and a swap pool in BeethovenX could be created for OinSpirit/Spirit to collect additional exchange fees in Beets. If creating our own wrapper is not technically feasible or slow, we believe 75% of spirit should be locked as inSPIRIT and 25% remain liquid. Similarly, we believe 75% of LQDR should be locked as xLQDR and 25% remain liquid.
Of note, Spirit and LQDR will be perpetually locked. Spirit votes will initially be used to boost the FTM/ORK liquidity pool to improve treasury LP rewards.
During the governance bootstrap stage all Spirit and LQDR rewards will be harvested and locked continuously to compound the treasury’s positions. Once initial targets are met, consensus should be reestablished as to what policy should be implemented in order to meet sustainable growth rates and whether we want to continue acquiring Spirit or move to alternative assets.
Once the desired levels of voting power are accrued, we propose that Orkan shift more resources towards other potentinal partnerships (veDAO, 0xDAO) and growing a treasury of Bitcoin indefinetly. In our view, by becoming the first DAO to explicitly accumulate BTC we can over time control a significant position in the network. The Bitcoin design allows for value to be stored in perpetuity which makes it the perfect asset for a treasury to hold as backing.
The BTC allocation in the treasury will initially be mainly composed of wBTC which is the most widely used BTC wrapper on chain. Over time other wrappers will be introduced in order to diversify the risk profile of on chain BTC.
To acquire wrapped BTC assets, bonding discounts and treasury allocations targets will shift to the following (pending the need for additional FTM/ORK liquidity):
As wrapped BTC assets are acquired, we suggest putting them to work in money market protocols such as Scream, which will provide lending yield or allow the treasury to lever up its position. Alternatively, these positions can unwound to create or contribute to liquidity pools — deepening BTC liquidity on FTM. We could again use inSpirit voting power to boost rewards in these pools.
During the BTC Accumulation and Utilization stage 50% of Spirit and LQDR rewards will be locked to compound Orkan’s inSpirit position and 50% will be used to purchase wBTC or vBTC. Once the target holdings are met, consensus should be reestablished as to treasury allocations, bond dynamics, and acquisition of alternative assets.
Upon obtaining adequate and sustained protocol growth, we propose that Orkan contribute to maintaining Studel’s vBTC peg via perpetual bond auctions.
A perpetual bond auctions enable the control of the vBTC supply in the following two scenarios:
In this instance, bond discounts will be dynamic for vBTC (depending on where it is trading in relation to the peg) and depend on the need to acquire additional assets.
At this stage, we suggest a higher treasury weighting for wBTC and vBTC as follows:
Apart from revenue generated from inSpirit and xLQDR rewards and yield/fees from wBTC, the procotol can participate in vBTC arbitrage to gain an additional revenue stream.
Orkan vesting periods
Linear vesting
Gradual unlock of tokens (on a per/block basis) over course of vesting period(s).
Team allocation (staked)
Team allocation will be staked, converting from ORK to sORK prior to first epoch. Team members will be able to claim their pro-rata share of sORK at each unlock.
Launch details
Friday, February 11th.
Launch & Airdrop:
Tuesday, February 15th.
Strudel is a reserve currency on Fantom, that will pose as a proxy for the growing Spirit ecosystem. Our main goal is to acquire sizeable positions in the best protocols on the network, allowing us to grow our treasury and protocol.
It is powered by the governance token, Strudel Token (TRDL), Strudel allows BTC, BCH, and other assets to be utilized in the Ethereum and Polygon ecosystems to reap the benefits of liquidity mining, cross-chain arbitrage, and index funds with a goal to incorporate lending and collateralization in the near future.
We found Fantom's approach on continuous technical innovation and strong application layer foundations fascinating. Fantom is also a solid ecosystem, which has been rising even when Bitcoin was on its worst time, that's a clear sign that the market is aware of Fantom's potential. That's why we choose to launch on the Fantom, a new network with a fresh supply starting from zero.
At this very same moment, SpiritSwap if Fantom's second largest DEX by volume and TVL. SpiritSwap is going to distribute farming rewards to its farms in a gauge system, where each week there will be a vote to do so, akin to Curve. Permanently acquiring voting power of such a protocol means being able to distribute increasing rewards on a certain farm. You might make your liquidity providers happy. Or you might use a part of this rewards to invest in more voting power and then get even more returns. And this is one of the main reasons why we Strudel Finance is launching on Fantom.
The Ohm model allows a protocol to get treasury without downward pressure on the native coin it bargains with. Often, quite the contrary. The more a protocol gets in debt, the more treasury it got in the meanwhile. More treasury, increasing expectations for the future, or increasing yields for your stakers if those assets can even produce. We do not want to spend too many words about this topic, because it’s been already discussed everywhere enough. But we can tell you we're adding a slight twist to the vanilla dynamics. Users will be able to lock, not stake, their tokens. Number one protocol dynamics meet number one tokenomics. Less circulating supply. More yields for the long term believers. You get the point.
Being able to bridge vBTC on a blockchain on a trustless way, needs consensus. The more people bridge, the more will be able to bridge The more it is used the better it keeps peg. After we’ll have acquired our sizeable positions in Spirit and/or other projects, we’ll introduce vBTC farms and direct yields to those. The permanently increasing demand will make vBTC price rise, even above peg. The bridging will come as natural arbitrage. people will bridge. A lot. And we’re building other strong use cases for vBTC, which is here to stay. Everywhere there is a pool with wrapped Bitcoins, there will be vBTC. And, most of the times, we'll make it be the highest paying one. The finest choice.
Strudel Bitcoin (vBTC)
The first engine to Strudel, Strudel Bitcoin (vBTC), is minted at 1:1 (plus Strudel Token incentives) when Bitcoin (BTC) is bridged in a 100% trustless manner through the Strudel protocol to Ethereum. vBTC can also be swapped just like any other token on Ethereum and now can be traded and pooled on Polygon (Matic) as well. Currently multiple incentivized pools and funds exist for vBTC on both Ethereum and Polygon (see below). Plans for the ability to lend and collateralize vBTC will also be implemented in the near future, making it an even more valuable and relevant asset to own in this dawning age of decentralized finance. The archaic strategy of holding Bitcoin without a way to make capital work for the holder is a thing of the past. vBTC allows holders to make their capital work for them. By combining the benefits of Bitcoin with the benefits of decentralization, and while doing so in a uniquely secure and trustless manner, vBTC can be thought of as “Bitcoin with benefits”.
Strudel Bitcoin Cash (vBCH)
The second engine to Strudel, Strudel Bitcoin Cash (vBCH), is when Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is bridged through the Strudel protocol to Binance Smart Chain (BSC). This L2 solution provides dramatically improved gas fees for claiming bridged tokens as well as Strudel Token (TRDL) incentives for early adopters. This solution will eventually be incorporated on all prior and future Strudel bridges. Furthermore, has recently been implemented to bring minted vBCH and TRDL back to Ethereum where they can be reap the benefits of decentralization. This BSC-ETH bridge is another checkmark for Strudel’s goals to expand cross-chain for interoperability, a fantastic utility in its own right. This application allows for investors to bridge funds on ETH to BSC through vBCH and TRDL, and vice versa. Recently developed pools/funds have allowed for investment of vBCH on Ethereum, and its utility will continue to expand on Ethereum and other blockchains. Think of vBCH as “Bitcoin Cash with benefits”.
Strudel Token (TRDL)
The gas to vBTC/vBCH’s engines, The Strudel Token (TRDL or $TRDL) serves as the governance token for the Strudel protocol as well as an incentive for using the Strudel bridges and providing liquidity. Furthermore, TRDL can also be pooled on various protocols with economic incentives, including , allowing users to compound earnings. As Strudel continues to expand cross-chain, the TRDL is now available on Ethereum, Polygon, and Binance Smart Chain with plans to further increase utility and liquidity in the near future.
Strudel has recently adopted a revolutionized governance system where TRDL is used to give the community a voice in instituting changes to the protocol. We are open to feedback and eager to have community members have a more active role in Strudel’s development. Beyond the utility of governance, TRDL lockups inherent in the governance system will lower circulating supply and add holding incentive, naturally leading to an increased TRDL value. Furthermore, TRDL incentives are provided for those who choose to lock their tokens for use in governance. These will be automatically distributed when unlocking. The Return on Investment (ROI) for governance lockups is a function of the number of weeks users choose to lock up their tokens, ranging from 1-52 weeks, and the size of the stake. The interest gained on TRDL deposits starts at 10% for a 100 TRDL deposit for 52 weeks and tapers down as the amount staked increases. This ensures we can guarantee a fixed rate to all users who wish to be more involved with the TRDL community.
The Orkan Protocol is a meta-governance protocol, that aims to bootstrap the liquidity flow on the Fantom Opera Blockchain. It’s going to use bond issuance to acquire governance tokens from the projects that employ liquidity gauges and locking mechanisms as exchange incentives.
The BBS Network is a public network of interconnected message boards (nostalgically called BBS, for Bulletin Board System)public network of interconnected message boards (nostalgically called BBS, for Bulletin Board System), where all critical data is kept on-chain and every post is an NFT. The BBS token can be used to purchase ad space across the entire network as well as be staked to govern the network. Mining BBS tokens is done by generating verifiable engagement on user-created BBSes. In a sense, BBS Network can be likened to a "decentralized Reddit", spread across multiple domains to prevent censorship, while maintaining a network effect and openness for anyone to build upon.
End-users are rewarded based on their contribution, weighted with their traditional social media clout, in order to incentivise the migration of influencers. Ad revenues are distributed automatically to the post publishers, content curators and board moderators, rewarding contributing members financially and encouraging healthy community alignment. A pre-launch version of BBS is currently being piloted at with more than 10,000 weekly visitors to multiple pilot BBSes.
End-users are rewarded based on their contribution, weighted with their traditional social media clout, in order to incentivise the migration of influencers. Ad revenues are distributed automatically to the post publishers, content curators and board moderators, rewarding contributing members financially and encouraging healthy community alignment. A pre-launch version of BBS is currently being piloted at with more than 10,000 weekly visitors to multiple pilot BBSes.
Measuring Users
Measuring Engagement
Daily Distribution Logic
Daily Distribution Logic
BBS Blacklist
BBS Blacklist
The BBS Network utilizes an ERC-20 token - BBS (written here with a strike through the S). The BBS token is used as the native currency of the BBS network, flowing between BBSes, Operators and Developers. BBS tokens enable the holder to participate in network governance via voting.
● Advertisers use BBS tokens to buy ad space on different BBSes.
● Royalties from revenues are paid to developers, operators and BBS owners in BBS tokens.
● BBS token holders can vote on governance proposals concerning:
○ Beneficiaries of newly issued BBS as well as BBS burning policies
○ Network upgrades and project funding
○ BBS interoperability standards and integrations - enabling all BBSs to function as a single network
● BBS holders can choose to lock their tokens for up to multiple years in order to:
○ Boost their DAO voting power (given their commitment to hold BBS tokens for the long term)
○ Earn fees from trades on the BBS-BNT liquidity pool (with no impermanent loss)
○ Earn staking rewards, also boosted by longer lockup periods
The BBS tokens are distributed as follows:
● 50% - Engagement Mining (Explained Below)
● 13% - Liquidity Mining & Staking Rewards
● 17% - Initial Capital Providers
● 10% - Long Term Development and Operations Budget (Reserve)
● 10% - Founding Team
In order to bootstrap the BBS network, 50% of the BBS tokens will be distributed over multiple years to BBSs as ad revenues, based on the user-engagement they generate relative to the rest of the network on each day.
Social Capital
Members of the BBS system are encouraged to publicly link their BBS account to their existing social accounts from YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, and other popular platforms. Daily bonus amounts are based on the member accounts’ Social Capital (representing the members’ followers, friends, karma, etc. in the different networks) in order to attract high-profile members as well as to prevent fraud.
Measuring Engagement
The engagement is measured using post impressions by registered members. The primary reason is to prevent fraud, as registered members are authenticated and their social capital can be monitored to detect anomalies.
Distribution Logic
The DAO may set a different CPM for any specific BBS category, language or other parameters.
The CPM is the BBS token amount paid for 1,000 registered members' post impression. The CPM rates would increase or decrease in order to hit the BBS token daily engagement-mining distribution targets.
Engagement Mining Fraud Prevention
A BBS Blacklist is used by the DAO (BBS Network Governance) to deter any attempts to fraudulently gain BBS tokens from the initial distribution by faking user activity. BBS tokens can be earned through engagement mining as soon as the BBS Network is launched. For a BBS to participate in mining engagement
The specific periods and thresholds are set via the DAO voting process to make sure that eligible BBSs can be realistically reviewed by the community prior to collecting their mined BBS tokens.
Through the governance system, BBSs can be added to or removed from the blacklist. Blacklisted BBSs are simply ignored in the daily token allocation process. This mechanic incentivizes existing BBS owners to review, detect and report any fraudulent activity sooner rather than later, for each day it continues is a day they are directly harmed,
despite the fraudster ultimately being stripped of their earnings. Lastly, the BBS DAO uses the BBS tokens to purchase ad space from the BBSes, at a price-per-impression set by the DAO. The data collected through those campaigns (CTR,
conversion rate, etc) would enable transparent monitoring of the actual volume and nature of participating BBS's user traffic.
The BBS Network DAO will be launched by BBS Switzerland AG - A fully owned subsidiary of deWeb LTD.
● deWeb will sign a license agreement with BBS Switzerland for the product’s source code which may be assigned to 3rd parties through a BBS network DAO governance decision.
● Initially - BBS network data (users, posts, etc.) will be stored on the EOS blockchain, given its low cost and high speed.
A bridge for the BBS token will be deployed between Ethereum and EOS.
The bridge will enable locking BBS tokens on Ethereum, using them on EOS, and redeeming them back on Ethereum.
An oracle feed for the BBS:USD price will be deployed on EOS in order to enable conversions between BBS and any CT at market values.
● A novel liquidity-mining program, which features impermanent-loss insurance, is being considered together with Bancor.
Researcher and CTO of BBS Network.
I have over twenty years of experience in designing and developing technologies, as well as managing software and hardware development projects. During the first decade, I focused mainly on gaming, graphics, sensors, computer vision, and virtual environments. During the second decade, I have been working a lot with cryptography, and have been heavily involved with decentralization technologies and cryptocurrencies for the last half of it.
Researcher and CTO of BBS Network.
Israeli businessman
I've been focusing on building and launching end-user ecosystems online since 1998 in the domains of social networks, content sharing, user-generated currencies and blockchain.
Specialties: Product Architect
deWeb and BBS Network Founder and CEO
It’s a BSC based BEP20 token, 1.5% or 2.5% Reward system for holders
depending on the amount of each transaction, and each transaction has 2%
burning. It will be purchased by centralized and decentralized exchange
listing and the total supply is 10 billion.
Cryptocurrency exists as a fully digital and decentralized money like medium with almost no regulatory or centralized authority. Even more, it works as a separate peer-to-peer, blockchain powered, exchange entity allowing global transactions independently from any central bank, sovereigns, and fiats.
To guarantee the security and verifiability of the peer-to-peer transfers, the crypto entities are secured through private or public keys that are connected directly to the receiver's wallet. This technology offers many advantages in the financial market, such as portability, divisibility, inflation resistance, and transparency.
To be the most trusted cryptocurrency exchange platform cryptocurrency excellence and customer experience worldwide.
customer experience worldwide.
Create a competitively low cost, no scam, and globally accessible cryptocurrency.
Forus team believes that the project will grow with the suggestions and involvement of its community. Our goals is to improve the customer experience and gain customer trust through our services.
Forus team is developing this project for everyone who believes in the power of blockchain technology and wants to make an impact on society by giving people more control over their data.
We are a community-based token and platform. The more you participate, the more everyone benefits!
Our Values
To create a competitively low cost, no scam, and globally accessible cryptocurrency.
Forus goal
Forus team believes that the project will grow with the suggestions and
involvement of its community. Our goals is to improve the customer
experience and gain customer trust through our services.
It's a BSC based BEP20 token, 1.5% or 2.5% Reward system for holders depending on the amount of each transaction, and each transaction has 2% burning. It will be purchased by centralized and decentralized exchange listing and the total supply is 10 billion.
It is platform exchange that provides
• Buy/Sell crypto with low-cost fees
• Trading System including
• Buy/sell with (market/limit/stop loss) price
• Buy with the amount of the token or the total of the money
• Setting the percentage of the buy and sell
• Secured payment
• Email and SMS system for deposit and withdraw
• Deposit can be by crypto, p2p, visa/MasterCard
• Live chat support
• KYC verification with ID, Passport or driving license
• Add coins, and there are strong criteria to list coins in the platform with high approach to avoid scams
• Responsive website with Exchange Dashboard
Общее предложение: 5 триллионов (5 000 000 000 000)
Отсутствие комиссии за транзакцию. Токен Trendsy, созданный на основе сети Binance Smartchain, не имеет комиссии за транзакцию. BSC в целом имеет чрезвычайно низкие сетевые сборы и предназначена для предоставления высокопроизводительной цифровой инфраструктуры, способной поддерживать несколько продуктов и услуг DeFi в тандеме.
Предварительно проверенный код: Токен Trendsy также поддерживает предварительно проверенный код, важный компонент любого криптопроекта, который дает заинтересованным сторонам уверенность в безопасности и целостности кода и сети токена.
Проведен аудит безопасности смарт-контрактов: компания Soken провела комплексный аудит. Это показывает, что уровень безопасности нашего проекта находится на хорошем счету. Аудит, проведенный Soken, был сосредоточен на четырех основных областях: анализ проекта, анализ смарт-контракта, модульное тестирование и автоматизированное тестирование.
Полная прозрачность: смарт-контракт Trendsy легко просматривается в BSC Scan, что упрощает просмотр профиля Trendsy BscScan, истории переводов и другой важной информации.
Подтвержденное право собственности: основатель подтвердил право собственности на адрес смарт-контракта с помощью адреса Binance Smart Chain, который использовался для создания смарт-контракта, а затем связал адрес контракта с учетной записью владельца BscScan.
Основатель использовал сообщение, подписанное развертывателем/владельцем контракта, что является шагом безопасности, добавленным BSC, чтобы гарантировать, что только владелец/создатель адреса контракта может обновлять информацию о токене контракта, который они развертывают. Это означает, что никто другой не может обновлять информацию о токенах на BscScan, что дает команде Trendsy контроль над тем, что передается инвесторам. Это означает большую последовательность, подотчетность и, что более важно, прозрачность. У проекта есть сильная и опытная команда в области финансов, веб-инженерии и технологии блокчейн. НАША КОМАНДА НЕ АНОНИМНА. Все имена членов основной команды, роли и профили LinkedIn публикуются на веб-сайте.