A forest is an ecological systemecological system, a biogeocenosisbiogueocenosis, in which trees are the main life form.
A forest is an ecological system, a biogeocenosis, in which trees are the main life form.
The forest is an integral part of nature, the concept of "forest" can be considered at different levels. On a global scale, it is part of the biosphere, on a local scale, it can be a plantation. The forest can also be considered as a natural-zonal subdivision, as a provincial subdivision, as a forest area (Thorn Forest, Shatilov Forest, Black Forest), as an ecosystem. Forests cover about a third of the land area. Half of the forest area belongs to tropical forests.
a professional who is engaged in modeling, grooming, and eyebrow design
Brow designer or brow maker a professional who is engaged in modeling, grooming, and eyebrow design. Focusing on the color type of the face and the oval, the specialist selects the appropriate color and shape of the arcs. He must have, firstly, excellent taste, and secondly, do his job with maximum accuracy.
a professional who is engaged in modeling, grooming, and eyebrow design
a master specializing in professional eyelash extensions
Lashmaker glues artificial eyelashes, while acting as a stylist who can adjust the shape and cut of the eyes, change the volume and length of the eyelashes, visually correct flaws.
The task of the lashmaker is to determine the individual characteristics of the client, to choose the optimal equipment and materials, to perform high-quality extensions in accordance with the wishes of the client. A professional can imperceptibly adjust the shape and color of eyelashes, beautifully decorate eyelashes for special occasions, with the help of decorative elements (rhinestones, sequins, colored stones).
profession of a person who keeps a diary on the Internet
A blogger is a person who keeps a diary on the Internet, he supplements texts with graphic images, videos, and personal photos. A blogger can talk about his life, work with news, create texts about hobbies, record videos that will attract new subscribers.
A blogger has to find interesting topics and keep the audience very, very difficult. More than 20 million blogs are created annually in the USA alone, but only 1% of authors receive a stable profit from their work. Many bloggers create blogs, text blogs, and microblogs, working with different topics, and then choose the one that attracted users. All blogs can be divided into 2 types:
A blogger begins to make a profit after he has a certain number of subscribers. Different sites where you can create your blog put forward individual requirements, but most often pay attention to the number of subscribers, visits or views.
Well-known bloggers sign contracts by advertising certain products on their pages on social networks and in videos. The profit from the Internet diary can be extracted by placing contextual advertising, selling links, receiving material funds from sponsors who are interested in the development of the blog.
profession of a person who keeps a diary on the Internet
Spring, also known as springtime, is one of the four temperate seasons, succeeding winter and preceding summer. There are various technical definitions of spring, but local usage of the term varies according to local climate, cultures and customs. When it is spring in the Northern Hemisphere, it is autumn in the Southern Hemisphere and vice versa. At the spring (or vernal) equinox, days and nights are approximately twelve hours long, with daytime length increasing and nighttime length decreasing as the season progresses.
Matrix Professional Hair Color & Care
MATRIX is a leading brand in the field of professional coloring and hair care. MATRIX is part of the professional products division of L'Oreal CJSC.
The brand was founded in 1980 by Arnie and Sidelle Miller, hairdressers. Before creating MATRIX, Arnie Miller worked as a hairdresser for more than 20 years.
In the late 70s, Mr. Miller realized that the needs of the market were changing and sold the Ardel company in order to fully devote attention to building the MATRIX brand in 1980. His goal was to create a brand that would be available for sale exclusively in the professional market of the beauty industry.
Now, more than three decades later, the idea of the Millers is still relevant. For MATRIX, the main task and focus now is the development of the salon business. The brand offers a wide range of products for coloring, care, texture and styling.
Matrix Professional Hair Color & Care
Badyaga, or bodyaga (Latin Spongilla)— is a medicinal product, a drug of animal origin that has a local irritant, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. It is obtained by drying colonies of freshwater sponges from the badyagov family (Spongillidae): lake badyaga (Spongilla lacustris), river badyaga (Ephydatia fluviatilis). It is prescribed for hematomas.
Badyaga is a traditional folk remedy for bruises, bruises, rheumatism, and "stabbing in the side". Powdered dried sponges were used to rub the skin, or as an ointment mixed with fat or water to apply to the skin. The medicine from badyaga was also used as an internal remedy for the treatment of scrofula.
From folk medicine, the use of badyaga passed into medical practice in Russia, and then in Europe. Badiaga powder was exported from Russia for export until the First World War, and as a result, the word badiaga from the Russian language entered the names of several species of freshwater sponges (Badiaga lacustris, Badiaga fluviatilis) and was used as synonymous for the genus Ephydatia, primarily in the German tradition. In the medical literature of the XIX century, the use of badyaga after corporal punishment was noted. In the XX century, badiaga for some time left the arsenal of modern medicine, although it was used as part of homeopathic remedies; so, in the 1930s in Europe, the use of tincture "die Badiaga-Tinktur" was noted, allegedly helping from a number of diseases.
Badyaga powder, despite the harm caused by prolonged use, has traditionally been used as a cosmetic as a cheap substitute for blush. Blush is caused by small hemorrhages due to microtraumas caused by rubbing spicules into the skin — microscopic silica needles that make up the inner "skeleton" of the sponge). The use of this tool in the acting environment gave rise to the phraseology "to breed a bodyguard" in the meaning of "to engage in trifles, nonsense", "to start empty conversations".
Karapan sapi is a traditional bull racing festival on the Indonesian island of Madura. Every year from about July through October, local bulls are yoked to wooden skids and raced for 130 meters, similar to a chariot race. There are several of these races throughout the season, and there is a final trophy race held in Pamekasan. The bulls participating in the event are adorned with gold and other decorations, and the event may be accompanied by Gamelan music, food, and wagers on the outcome of the race. A depiction of the festival was featured on the reverse of the 100 rupiah coin for Indonesia from 1991 to 1998. An Indonesian stamp issued in 2009 also depicted the race, along with the Surabaya–Madura Bridge.