Meson Network is a bandwidth trading platform built on blockchain.
Bandwidth trading platform built on blockchain
Bandwidth trading platform built on blockchain
Taraxa is a public ledger platform purpose-built for audit logging of informal transactions.
Taraxa is a public ledger platform purpose-built for audit logging of informal transactions.
Taraxa gives every entity verifiable reputations by making informal transactions trustworthy, removing operational friction and making the world more innovative and productive.
Taraxa is purpose-built to track informal transactions via audit logging with its next-gen Block DAG ledger, supporting its application platforms serving a variety of use cases.
Incentivized Testnet
MVP Release
GAME is a fair and secure distributed game platform that supports the development of new games and makes it easier to trade valuable data such as items, weapons and armor in the game. Items, weapons, armors etc in the games will be distributed to the market as uniquely defined tokens on GAME Hub, enabling transactions that do not require third parties. Unlike the conventional centralized game structure, GAME creates new value for data in a game virtual space because token ownership does not belong to the game operator. The new value created in virtual space has the potential to start to have more realistic value in the future, and to create a larger economy.
Our team has deep experience building and scaling blockchains from projects like Ethereum, Cosmos and Harmony.
We are on a mission to change the way that blockchains and decentralized applications are built—making them more secure, scalable and sovereign. We envision a world where global communities have the power to self-organize without being burdened by existing power structures.