Account for all your local & international banking
New Era Of
Business Banking
Many businesses are still underserved by banks. We have created a
hassle-free banking experience for them.
For the Next Billion users
Cashaa is about empowering the banked and unbanked business and individuals to
enable them to participate in the global economy and develop the new outlook for this
community by using open architecture. It is a great irony that the blockchain or crypto
community has continuously been denied access from existing financial institutions due
to some inherent AML and compliance problems.
We firmly believe that there should be an efficient alternative to the existing payments
and banking system and are thereby working over some fundamental principles
dedicated to bank the unbanked by providing better support for easy adoption of future
money. Furthermore, we are committed to accelerate the growth of digital innovation by
bringing Cashaa SDK and Open API into the ecosystem. Thus, embracing the
Local and international banking