UniLend is a permission-less DeFi protocol that combines spot trading services and lending/borrowing functionality within the same platform. Whereas other DeFi protocols support only ~30 assets, anyone can list any ERC20 asset on UniLend for decentralized trading and lending/borrowing.
How is UniLend different to other DeFi protocols?
Existing DeFi solutions have left the majority of digital assets outside of the DeFi ecosystem. There are over 6000 tokens listed on coinmarketcap. However, other DeFi protocols support less than 30 assets. Some protocols offer lending and borrowing with a limited set of tokens while others offer the freedom to trade any ERC20 assets but neglect the lending and borrowing aspect.
UniLend is bridging that gap by combining the decentralization aspect of enabling any ERC20 to be utilized as collateral for lending & borrowing whilst providing the flexibility for users to also trade their assets in-platform. Ultimately, UniLend aims to unlock the full potential of digital assets for their owners.
FIBOS describes itself as a platform for creating and developing blockchain application ecosystems. It aims to enable developers and entrepreneurs to easily create their own value network.
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