Rick and Morty is a sitcom that began its existence back in 2013 In the center of the plot is a schoolboy named Morty and his grandfather Rick. Morty is a very ordinary boy who is no different from his peers. But his grandfather is engaged in unusual scientific research and is often completely inadequate. He can grab his grandson at any time of the day or night and go on crazy adventures with him with the help of a flying saucer built of various junk, which is able to move through an interdimensional tunnel. Every time this couple finds themselves in the most unexpected places and in the most ridiculous situations. https://rickandmorty.fandom.com/wiki/Rickipedia
The series is dedicated to the misadventures of the cynical mad scientist Rick Sanchez and his naive, capricious and insecure grandson Morty; the creator of the series Royland voices both characters.
The series, which grew out of a hooligan animated parody of the "Back to the Future" franchise, received extremely high reviews from critics, who particularly noted its originality, creativity and sense of humor.
What is the essence of the appearance of "Rick and Morty"? Harmon describes it as "Justin Roiland's outburst with a touch of punk rock." And indeed, upon first acquaintance, the animated series gives the impression of a crazy version of "Back to the Future" devoid of any restraining factors. The main characters are a mad alcoholic scientist Rick Sanchez and his grandson, mumbling Morty, who, between their wild adventures in parallel universes, sort out relations with their relatives. With such a degree of madness from the very first series, the show not only surpassed the official animated series based on "Back to the Future", but also most of the other animation currently on TV.
the creators of the animated series adopted another principle of the first part of "Back to the Future": "Marty McFly is the perfect protagonist. He does not learn anything, he has no conscious aspirations or desires. He is that fearless hero who rushes into the attack and spoils everything, and also does not learn any lesson for himself — and does not change much by the end. That is, the character has no development, which, according to Robert McKee and other teachers of writing, should not delight the audience, but the audience is delighted!" explains Harmon.
Exactly the same can be said about Rick Sanchez. For two seasons, the showrunners have led us to the fact that for all the scientist's outward disregard for the family, he actually loves his relatives (and even sacrifices himself for them). However, at the beginning of the third season, Harmon and Royland rolled back the situation when it turned out that Rick lives not for the sake of his loved ones, but for the sake of Sichuan sauce from McDonald's, which they stopped producing in 1998. Are the authors mocking us? Definitely.
This is due to the fact that, like "Back to the Future", "Rick and Morty" violates as many rules as it should — and when the rules of the game are constantly changing, it becomes even more interesting to watch the series, because you never know what its authors will throw out next time.https://www.adultswim.com/videos/rick-and-morty
story of rick and morty
Is an American comedy science fiction animated series created by Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon and produced as part of the Adult Swim block on Cartoon Network. The series premiered in December 2013
The creators of the cartoon, Justin Royland and Dan Harmon, met in Los Angeles at the monthly non-profit short film festival Channel 101, of which Harmon was one of the founders. The participants of this festival offered pilot versions of their short works to the audience, after which the audience chose those of them that, in their opinion, are worthy of being released as TV series. A year after the foundation of the festival, in 2004, Royland began to send his works to it. Royland's pilots, which Harmon described as "sick and gone," caused mixed reactions from the audience, but nevertheless, Harmon liked such humor, and they began to cooperate.https://www.slashfilm.com/996489/how-justin-roiland-and-dan-harmon-each-approach-rick-and-morty-differently/
Sigmund Freud was an Austrian psychologist, psychoanalyst, psychiatrist and neurologist. Sigmund Freud is best known as the founder of psychoanalysis, which had a significant impact on psychology, medicine, sociology, anthropology, literature and art of the 20th century.
He was born in May 1856, Pribor, Moravia, Austrian Empire and Died September 23, 1939 (age 83), Hampstead, London, UK
Sigmund Freud is an Austrian psychoanalyst, psychiatrist and neurologist. Founder of psychoanalysis. He proposed innovative ideas that resonate in scientific circles even today.
Sigmund Freud was born in Freiberg (now Příbor, Czech Republic) on May 6, 1856, becoming the third child in the family. Sigmund's mother is the second wife of Jacob Freud, who already had two sons from his first marriage. The textile trade brought the family a profit that was quite enough to live on. But the revolution that broke out trampled even such a small undertaking against the background of other ideas, and the family had to leave their home. First, the Freud family moved to Leipzig, and a year later to Vienna.
Sigmund Freud was born in the German city of Freiberg on May 6, 1856. Currently, this settlement is called Przybor and belongs to the territory of the Czech Republic. The nationality of the parents of the future scientist is Jewish. The boy was the third child in the family, but the firstborn of his mother. His father, Jacob Freud, married a second time, from his first marriage he had two sons. The father of the family was engaged in trade, selling fabrics, and the Freuds lived quite well. However, the time of prosperity ended with the economic crisis. To be able to continue trading, the family had to move to Leipzig. Things did not go well at the new place, a year later the family left for Vienna.
For little Sigmund, these forced migrations in search of a better life were remembered as a difficult time, associated with many troubles. The boy could not get used to the new conditions in any way, he missed little Freiberg, his half-brother Philip, to whom he was strongly attached. The older brother, to some extent, replaced Sigmund's always busy father. In the Austrian capital, the Freuds had to settle in Leopoldstadt, the poorest district, a kind of Jewish ghetto. Their neighbors were real proletarians, gypsies, prostitutes, life next to them seemed unsettled, noisy and dirty. And this depressed Sigmund to such an extent that later he preferred not to recall the early period of his life at all.
Not much time passed, the father managed to solve his financial problems, the family moved to a prosperous area. The Freuds lived in abundance, but there was no question of any luxury. At that time, there were already eight children in their family.
In 1885, Freud, having enlisted the recommendations of venerable doctors, applied to open his own neuropathology office. His authority among scientists and physicians was high, Sigmund received permission to engage in private practice without any problems.
In 1885-1886, he trained in Paris with the psychiatrist Jean-Martin Charcot at the Salpêtrière clinic. Under the influence of his ideas, he came to the conclusion that unobservable dynamic traumas of the psyche can be the cause of psycho-nervous diseases.
Upon his return from Paris, Freud opened a private practice in Vienna, where he used the method of hypnosis to treat patients. At first, the method seemed effective: in the first few weeks, Freud achieved instant healing of several patients. But soon there were failures, and he became disillusioned with hypnotic therapy.
Freud turned to the study of hysteria and made significant contributions to the field through the use of free association (or "talk therapy"). The results of his joint research with the Austrian physician Josef Breuer on hysterical phenomena and problems of psychotherapy were published under the title "Studies in Hysteria" (1895).
In 1892, Freud developed and used a new therapeutic method - the insistence method, focused on constantly forcing the patient to remember and reproduce traumatic situations and factors. In 1895, he came to the conclusion about the fundamental illegality of identifying the mental and the conscious and about the importance of studying unconscious mental processes.
From 1896 to 1902, Sigmund Freud developed the foundations of psychoanalysis. He substantiated an innovative dynamic and energetic model of the human psyche, consisting of three systems: the unconscious - the preconscious - the conscious.
He first used the concept of "psychoanalysis" in an article on the etiology of neuroses, published in French on March 30, 1896.
The psychoanalytic method of treating patients, developed by Freud, consists in analyzing, according to certain rules, associations that spontaneously arise in the patient about any element of his mental life (method of free associations), interpretation of dreams, as well as various erroneous actions (slips of the tongue, slips of the tongue, forgetting, etc.). .p.) with the aim of isolating, with the help of psychoanalysis, the true (unconscious) causes of these phenomena and bringing these causes to the consciousness of the patient.
The result of the generalization of Freud's psychoanalytic studies of this period was the classic works "Interpretation of Dreams" (1900), "Psychopathology of Everyday Life" (1901), "Wit and its Relation to the Unconscious" (1905) and others published at the beginning of the 20th century.
The causes of many neuroses in Freud's patients at that time were various sexual problems, so Freud turned to research on sexuality and its development in childhood. Since then, Freud placed the development of sexuality at the center of the entire mental development of a person ("Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality", 1905) and tried to explain to them such phenomena of human culture as art ("Leonardo da Vinci", 1913), features of the psychology of primitive peoples ( "Totem and taboo", 1913), etc.
In 1902, Freud became a professor at the University of Vienna.
In 1908 (together with Eigen Bleuler and Carl Gustav Jung) he founded the Yearbook of Psychoanalytic and Psychopathological Research, and in 1910, the International Psychoanalytic Association.
In 1912, Freud founded the periodical The International Journal of Medical Psychoanalysis.
In 1915-1917 he lectured on psychoanalysis at the University of Vienna and prepared them for publication. At the same time, his new works came out of print, where he continued his research into the secrets of the unconscious.
In January 1920, Freud was awarded the title of ordinary professor at the University of Vienna.
In the 1920s, the scientist developed new problems of psychoanalysis: he revised the doctrine of drives ("Beyond the pleasure principle", 1920), highlighting "life drives" and "death drives", proposed a new model of personality structure (I, It and Superego), extended the ideas of psychoanalysis to the understanding of almost all aspects of social life.
In 1927 he published The Future of an Illusion, a psychoanalytic panorama of the past, present and future of religion, interpreting the latter in the status of an obsessive neurosis. In 1929 he published one of his most philosophical works, Anxiety in Culture. In it, Freud described a theory according to which not Eros, libido, will and human desire are in themselves the subject of the thinker's creativity, but the totality of desires in a state of permanent conflict with the world of cultural institutions, social imperatives and prohibitions, personified in parents, various authorities, public idols, etc. In 1939, Freud published the book Moses and Monotheism, dedicated to the psychoanalytic understanding of philosophical and cultural problems.
Freud was awarded the Literary Prize in 1930. Goethe. He was elected an honorary member of the American Psychoanalytic Association, the French Psychoanalytic Society, the British Royal Medical Psychological Association.
In 1938, after the capture of Austria by Nazi Germany, Freud emigrated to Great Britain.
In 1923, Freud was diagnosed with jaw cancer, caused by his addiction to cigars. Operations on this occasion were carried out constantly and tormented him until the end of his life. In the summer of 1939, Sigmund Freud's health began to deteriorate, and on September 23 of that year he died.
Freud's works had a tremendous impact on pre-existing ideas about man and his world, and laid the foundation for the formation of new ideas and psychological theories.
In St. Petersburg, Vienna, London, and Pribor there are museums to them. Freud. Monuments to Freud are installed in London, Pribor, Prague.
Sigmund Freud was married to Martha Bernays, the family had six children. The youngest daughter Anna (1895-1982) became a follower of her father, founded child psychoanalysis, systematized and developed psychoanalytic theory, made a significant contribution to the theory and practice of psychoanalysis in her writings.
In 1885, Freud got an internship with the famous French psychiatrist Jean Charcot. It was not easy, it was necessary to win a competition among many young colleagues. Sigmund was helped by the recommendations of prominent medical luminaries. He had high hopes for studying with Charcot and was not mistaken in his expectations. Work under the guidance of a venerable scientist inspired Freud. At that time, Charcot was engaged in the treatment of hysteria, using hypnosis for this. Freud learned the techniques of hypnosis and subsequently applied them in his practice.
However, after some time, Sigmund abandoned the use of hypnosis to treat diseases or eliminate pain. He began to talk a lot with patients, giving them the opportunity to speak out, to change their minds. This method became known as the "Method of free associations". Random thoughts and phrases of patients, which the psychiatrist carefully monitored, made it possible for him to understand the problems of the patient, to find ways to solve them. The innovative method of such communication in full and pure consciousness made it possible to completely abandon hypnosis.
Freud convinced the whole world that any psychosis is a consequence of a person's memories, which are very difficult to get rid of. He came up with a very interesting theory that most psychoses are based on infantile childhood sexuality and the Oedipus complex. It was sexuality that he called the fundamental factor of many psychological problems. The psychiatrist confirmed his opinion with a scientific work called "Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality." Not all of Freud's colleagues agreed with his views. Many representatives of the scientific community believed that the psychiatrist himself suffers from a mental disorder, and his scientific work is nothing more than the delirium of a sick person.
Peru of the venerable scientist also owns the book "Interpretation of Dreams". When this work was published, it was mistaken for an ordinary dream book, which mystical people were very fond of at that time. But after some time, psychiatrists and psychoanalysts were able to appreciate the book, recognizing the importance of dreams in the treatment of their patients. Freud considered the dream to be an essential factor influencing the physiological state of the body. After the publication of The Interpretation of Dreams, professors began to be invited to lecture at universities in the United States and Germany. Freud considered this a real breakthrough in learning.
The next work, which had a great influence on the creation of a topological model of the psyche, was the work of a scientist called "Psychopathology of everyday life." A special place among the works of the scientist is occupied by "Introduction to Psychoanalysis". It talks about the core of the concept, ways of interpreting the theory and methods of psychoanalysis, the philosophy of thinking of Freud himself. After some time, the basics of philosophy became the basis for the creation of the "Unconscious" - the totality of mental phenomena and processes.
Freud tried to explain social phenomena in his work "The Psychology of the Masses and the Analysis of the Human Self". Here he talked about the factors influencing the crowd and the behavior of the leader. All of Freud's books listed have not lost their relevance to this day.https://psychoanalysis.org.uk/our-authors-and-theorists/sigmund-freud
Unconscious: what is it, examples of manifestation, meaning
The term "unconscious" has become quite widespread in philosophy, psychology and psychoanalysis, as well as in psychiatry and many other sciences and fields. Psychology in most cases contrasts the unconscious with the conscious.
If we consider the definition from the point of view of its mental content, then something is implied that is currently inaccessible to awareness, and this something can be fixed as a result of unconscious actions, dreams of a person or his incoherent thoughts and conclusions. This is due to the constant activity of the psyche, which is forced to simultaneously perform a huge number of functional duties both during wakefulness and sleep. It is worth noting that among the huge number of mental processes, only a small certain part is conscious.
Freud was one of those who spent a lot of time studying the "unconscious". He even founded his own doctrine of the unconscious, where he considered it as a dynamic system.
There are a huge number of varieties of the manifestation of the unconscious in the daily behavior of each person. For example, these are reservations, habits or manners that appear when communicating with other people. Very often, the unconscious reveals the true motives of a person that he tries to hide, but they appear when they come into conflict with the conscious. Such conflict leads to reservations and spontaneous manifestations of behavior.
The category of the unconscious can also include actions that a person has brought to automatism. Initially, their implementation occurs consciously, and then it turns into the unconscious. For example, one of the typical manifestations of unconscious action is the driving of a car by an experienced driver. Despite the fact that driving requires attentiveness: follow signs, traffic lights, lane changes - a person can completely "go into himself" and do it all on full "autopilot". In addition, dreams are also one of the manifestations of the unconscious. They are the receptacle of dreams, thoughts and fears of a person.
Sigmund Freud invested his whole life in the study of human behavior, building the foundations of modern psychology, his contribution cannot be overestimated
Tim Berners-Lee, in full Sir Tim Berners-Lee, (born June 8, 1955, London, England), British computer scientist, generally credited as the inventor of the World Wide Web. In 2004 he was awarded a knighthood by Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom and the inaugural Millennium Technology Prize (€1 million) by the Finnish Technology Award Founda...
Tim Berners-Lee is one of the greatest people of our time and the creator of the World Wide Web, whose biography I will describe .Creator of URI, URL, HTTP, HTML, and the World Wide Web and current head of the World Wide Web Consortium. Author of the concept of the semantic web, many other developments in the field of information technology.Tim Berners-Lee was born on June 8, 1955 in London (UK) . 25 years ago in 1991, one of the greatest inventions of mankind was made, which once and for all changed the course of history Timothy John Berners-Lee is from the UK. He was born on June 8, 1955 in London. His parents, Conway Berners-Lee and Mary Lee Woods, were mathematicians. They were also associated with IT: they conducted research in the field of creating one of the first computers - the Manchester Mark I.
In addition, the prerequisites for the invention of the WWW was the idea of the American scientist Vannevar Bush, who came up with the concept of hypertext.
In a broader sense, a hypertext is a literary work, dictionary or encyclopedia, which contains configurations (patterns), the use of which allows you to correlate parts of the text that are not connected by a linear sequence, considering them as the embodiment of semantic unity.
In computer terminology, hypertext is text formed using a markup language with the expectation of using hyperlinks.
A few years after the birth of Tim Berners-Lee, Ted Nelson proposed a "documentary universe" where all the texts ever written by mankind would be linked together by what we would today call "cross-references".
Childhood and youth
At the age of 12, Tim entered the private school Emanuel in the town of Wandsworth. There the boy began to show interest in the exact sciences. After leaving school, he went to college at Oxford. Once he was deprived of access to educational computers for a serious offense - a hacker attack (according to another version, he was caught playing computer games at the computer of the nuclear physics laboratory). In those days, computers were big and computer time was expensive.
This circumstance gave Tim the idea that he could assemble the computer himself. After some time, he got a homemade computer based on the M6800 processor, with an ordinary TV instead of a monitor and a broken calculator instead of a keyboard.
Berners-Lee graduated from Oxford in 1976 with a degree in physics, after which he began his career at Plessey Telecommunications Ltd. in the county of Dorset. The scope of his activity at that time was distributed transactions. After a couple of years, he moved to another company - DG Nash Ltd, where he developed software for printers.
The next place of work played a decisive role in the fate of Tim, and indeed of all mankind. The European Laboratory for Nuclear Research (CERN, CERN) was located in Geneva (Switzerland). There, Berners-Lee developed the Enquire program (the literal translation from English sounds like “interrogator”, “reference” or “notebook”), which used the method of random associations. The principle of its work, in many ways, was the basis for the creation of the World Wide Web.
Tim then worked as a systems architect for three years. And as part of his scientific work at CERN, he developed a number of distributed systems for collecting data.
From 1981 to 1984, Tim Berners-Lee worked for Image Computer Systems Ltd.
In 1984 he returned to CERN on a fellowship there. During this time, he worked on the FASTBUS system and developed his own RPC (Remote Procedure Call) system. In addition, the Enquire program has undergone a redesign.
At the new stage of development, it had to not only support arbitrary hypertext links, making it easier to search in the database, but also become a multi-user and cross-platform system.
The main task of the new program was to publish hypertext documents that would be interconnected by hyperlinks. This made it possible to significantly facilitate the search for information, its systematization and storage. Initially, the project was supposed to be implemented in the CERN internal network for local research needs, as a modern alternative to the library and other data repositories. At the same time, data download and access to them were possible from any computer connected to the WWW.
The World Wide Web https://www.britannica.com/topic/World-Wide-Web
The first ever communication session between remote computers took place on October 29, 1969 at 9 pm.
Computers Honeywell 516 with 12 kilobytes of RAM were located at a distance of 640 km from each other. Charlie Kline transmitted the word logon letter by letter from Los Angeles. And Bill Duvall received a message at Stanford, reporting into the phone on the reception of each letter. In one session, only three log letters were transmitted, after which the connection was cut off. The system was restored in an hour and a half, and the word was transmitted in full. Against the backdrop of the recent landing of a man on the moon and in an atmosphere of military secrecy, this event remained unnoticed by anyone. But on that day, humanity made a no less significant leap forward than six months before, when Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon. On October 29, 1969, the history of the Internet began.
Eleven more universities and research centers joined Arpanet in 1970. All of them, to one degree or another, worked for the US Department of Defense.
Universal Language of the World Wide Web
This problem was solved in 1983. The public non-profit organization Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) approved as a mandatory protocol for the exchange of information and control of the correctness of its transmission Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol, TCP / IP.
Since then, all computers in the world have spoken to each other in the same language. After the separation of the military segment and the renaming of Arpanet to the Internet, the network continued to expand at the expense of scientific, commercial and public organizations.
Back in 1971, there were two dozen computers on the network, in 1984 - a thousand, in 1987 - ten thousand, in 1989 - hundreds of thousands.
However, in 1985, the US National Science Foundation (NSF) created its own NSFNET (National Science Foundation Network). NASA and the US Department of Energy took part in the implementation of the project. The network brought together six major research centers equipped with the latest supercomputers. Moreover, it was announced that any American scientist and engineer could connect to these powerful resources. Not surprisingly, the network grew at a fantastic rate.
And in 1990, the former network, the former Arpanet, closed, and the name Internet was inherited by the younger network.
In the early 1990s, the number of Internet users was already in the millions. It is quite understandable that as the number of users increased, the throughput of NSFNET, which had a transmission rate of 1.54 Mbps, began to decrease. And instead of a dispersed structure with low-performance support nodes, a different architecture was adopted.
In 1994, NSF funded the creation of four powerful network access points - NAP (Network Access Point) in San Francisco, New York, Chicago and Washington. Each NAP that regional providers connected to had a throughput of 155 Mbps. (Now this figure is measured in gigabytes). Providers of the lower levels distributed traffic through modem pools with a maximum speed of 54 kb / s.
As a result, a grandiose international network began to take shape, which now consists of dozens of large access points, hundreds of national providers, tens of thousands of large and small providers, as well as servers containing invaluable content. The number of sites has long ago exceeded one hundred million, and the number of users - over a billion and continues to grow rapidly.
All this splendor was created, so to speak, on a voluntary basis and is not subject to state and official international structures. It develops "by itself", that is, with the participation, tutelage and control of public non-profit organizations that exist on membership fees and proceeds from the sale of domain names.
In December 1990, Berners-Lee wrote a browser program and began to offer it online to everyone.
And on August 6, 1991, he opened the first ever website. The site contained a description of the World Wide Web and practical recommendations for creating a web server and working with a browser. Subsequently, as resources began to proliferate on the Web, site number one became the first Internet directory to contain links to other sites.
Thus, the services available on the Internet (FTP - file transfer, e-mail, bulletin boards, chat rooms, newsletters, etc.) were supplemented by a powerful tool that anyone could use. Click with your computer mouse and you will go wherever your heart desires.
On April 30, 1993, free access to all CERN software and hardware developments in the IT field was announced. This caused the exponential growth of the World Wide Web. At the end of 1996, the number of sites exceeded one million. The milestone of 10 million was overcome in 2001, 100 million in 2007.
The first websites were mostly text-based. This is explained by the fact that with the power of personal computers and the data transfer rate, it was difficult to pump and display large amounts of information on the monitor. However, soon, as the capabilities of the equipment expanded, both photographs and video appeared. Social networks flourished. E-commerce has emerged. Advertising is increasingly transferred to the Internet.
A new era has truly begun, which provides mankind with unprecedented opportunities. Including in business.
The terms "World Wide Web" (World Wide Web, www) and "Internet" are often confused, although they are far from the same thing. The Internet - just like a network - was indeed created by the US military and long before the WWW. But the World Wide Web is a project that originated in Europe, within the walls of the Geneva laboratory for nuclear research at CERN, and Berners-Lee was its author. Although, of course, it was the creation of the WWW that provoked the frantic pace of the development of the Internet.
So what is the World Wide Web? This phrase Berners-Lee called the scheme of cross-references in hypertext documents. To put it even more simply, these are web pages with links. That is, each web page is such a document created using a special HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language - Hypertext Markup Language) document. And this document has its own unique link URI / URL (Uniform Resource Identifier - Uniform Resource Identifier), and you can access it using a special program - a browser - via the HTTP protocol (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol - Hypertext Transfer Protocol).
However, it is even more interesting that Berners-Lee worked on WWW on NeXT computers - this name must have seemed familiar to some readers. NeXT is a computer company based on its own operating system, founded by Steve Jobs after he was fired from Apple. The NeXT computer software itself played a significant role in the creation of hypertext - in particular, there was a WYSIWYG editor (What You See Is What You Get - you see what you get). It's funny that with the development of the WWW, the concept of WYSIWYG will be forgotten for a while. In fact, it was the convenience and functionality of the NeXTStep operating system that inspired Tim : https://kids.kiddle.co/Tim_Berners-Lee
At 63, Tim Berners-Lee, the creator of the World Wide Web, has a life divided into two parts - before and after the creation of the Internet. The first part is marked by the fact that he studied at Oxford King's College, worked at the European Organization for Nuclear Research, and also came up with what later became the World Wide Web. Initially, the main purpose of the Internet was the ability of scientists to exchange data among themselves, but Berners-Lee slightly changed the idea and made the Internet an open and democratic platform that everyone can use.
Sir Tim Berners-Lee, British computer scientist, generally credited as the inventor of the World Wide Web.
Leonardo Da Vinci - The complete works, large resolution images, ecard, rating, slideshow and more! One of the largest Leonardo Da Vinci resource on the web!
Leonardo da Vinci is one of the key figures of the renaissance and plays an incredibly important role to this day.
Being an Italian artist, scientist, inventor, writer, musician. The creator was born back in April 15 1452 in Anchiano to May 2, 1519, which is a small village in Italy and later worked in Florence.among such contemporaries as Raphael and Michelangelo, he brought his unique genius to almost everything he touched. Like the Athens of the age of Pericles, Renaissance Italy is the pinnacle in the history of mankind. Today it seems that there is no better name symbolizing the Renaissance than Leonardo da Vinci.
Early years: from 1452 to 1476.
Leonardo da Vinci was born in a Tuscan village near Vinci. At the age of 14, he began a ten-year apprenticeship with Andrea del Verrocchio, a popular sculptor, painter and jeweler who was an important figure in the art world of that time. In the lively Verrocchio studio in Florence, the young Leonardo probably met masters such as Sandro Botticelli, working together with other students Domenico Ghirlandaio, Pietro Perugino and Lorenzo di Credi :https://www.leonardodavinci.net/
it is also worth voicing the great works of art of the author , which include : Mona Lisa , the Last Supper , the Vitruvian Man , Madonna Litta , the Lady with the Ermine , the Savior of the World , John the Baptist and others
Leonardo da Vinci was also engaged in science , which in many ways gave his future descendants great technological capabilities : a garlic press , a lock with sliding doors , a searchlight , a submarine , Scissors, a winged airplane (hang glider) , a helicopter ,Diving equipment and more : https://www.lifepersona.com/the-30-most-important-leonardo-da-vinci-inventions
let's talk more about some works of art
Mona Lisa
Painting by Leonardo da Vinci, one of the most famous paintings. The exact date of writing is unknown. Now kept in the Louvre. It is believed that the painting depicts Lisa Gherardini, the wife of the Florentine silk merchant Francesco del Giocondo.
It depicts a young woman named Lisa Gherardini from the waist up. It is believed that her husband, Francesco del Giocondo, ordered the portrait to the great master, so the depicted lady is also called Gioconda. And "Mona Lisa" literally means "Madame Lisa". Da Vinci's work is displayed in the Louvre Museum in Paris.
Lisa Gherardini came from a prominent family that was influential in Tuscany and Florence. She married Francesco del Giocondo, a prosperous silk merchant. The portrait of Lisa was commissioned by Francesco on the occasion of the birth of their second son and was supposed to decorate their home. The identity of the woman depicted in the picture became known only in 2005, and until then countless versions were put forward as to who is actually painted in the portrait.
"Mona Lisa" is painted in oil on a poplar wood tablet (so it's not a canvas, as some people think). Perhaps such a basis for the picture is one of the reasons for its unusual properties. For several centuries of its existence, the work has never even been restored - which is very unexpected, given the age of the masterpiece.
Most Renaissance artists used biblical scenes in their work. This distinguished painting from other areas of art of that period. Anatomical accuracy is a hallmark of the era, and the Mona Lisa stands out from the greatest works of art due to the accuracy of the depiction of details - hands, eyes, lips. In the corners of the woman's mouth and eyes, da Vinci used shading, which gave the image an amazing believability. At the same time, in the expression of her face one can trace the restrained fun and cunning, as if she knows some secret and rejoices in it.Da Vinci also painted a background that looks like an overhead view of a beautiful landscape. However, all the elements of the painting, except for the woman's face and hands, are skillfully darkened. Another unique feature is the absence of visible brush strokes. It is not surprising that this painting is considered a true masterpiece of art : https://www.britannica.com/topic/Mona-Lisa-painting
The Last Supper
1495-1498 Monastery of Santa Maria delle Grazia, Milan, Italy
Leonardo conceived to harmoniously fit his work into the surrounding environment. He built an ideal perspective. The real space smoothly transitions into the space depicted.
The shadows from the plates and bread indicate that the Last Supper is illuminated on the left. The room has just windows on the left. The dishes and tablecloths were also painted the same as in the refectory itself.
Leonardo da Vinci's The Last Supper is a cult masterpiece of the Renaissance, which has been praised, rewritten and tried to imitate it for many years. However, despite all the hardships and troubles, this canvas is still in the monastery of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan.
It turned out that Leonardo began working on the fresco at a time that was absolutely unsuitable for this, namely, literally a year before Louis XII, as king of France, decided to fight with Italy. For Italy, it was a time of troubles and a turning point that began a terrifying, bloody and difficult war for both sides.Louis's invasion meant that Leonardo lost his job, because at that time he was working on one masterpiece - a statue of a horse, which was supposed to be made of natural bronze. Leonardo spent about ten years on this work, but Louis's decision had very sad consequences for him. At that time, bronze was considered a very valuable material, which was readily used for the manufacture of weapons. Therefore, it is not surprising that his work was quickly taken apart, considering that the world needed a monument less than a few guns.
It is believed that he began work on it in 1495-1496, and the canvas itself was ready in 1498. It depicts the famous scene from Good Thursday, in which Jesus and his apostles share the last meal before death and resurrection. During dinner, Jesus said that one of his disciples would betray him and turn him over to the authorities for execution (it was Judas, whom da Vinci depicts spilling salt on the table). This picture is a reflection of the reaction of the apostles, close in spirit to Jesus, when he said that one of them would be his traitor."Leonardo puts a striking emphasis on this episode like no other," said historian and writer Ross King. "He grouped his thirteen figures together on one plane - a very difficult task — in such a way that each of them is individualized by gestures and expressions, but none detracts from the overall effect."Each figure is unique and memorable, down to the smallest details. According to Ross, never before has the artist created such drama in a painting, with such realistic figures and the smallest details. Take, for example, how masterfully precisely the right hand of Christ is made, visible through the transparent surface of a wine glass. Many art historians consider such detailing to be the highest degree of skill.It is not at all surprising that during its existence, this work of art has faced many dangers. A year later, King Louis decided that the time had come for the conquest of Milan. Then he saw this fresco, which he liked so much that he initially wanted to scrape it off the wall and take it with him.
Later, towards the end of the 16th century, the fresco was significantly damaged by moisture, and some of its parts crumbled, peeling off, and therefore it was believed that it was completely destroyed.
Three hundred years later, in 1796, the French were able to return again, this time as a Republic. The troops that invaded the territory of Milan occupied the dining room, in which the painting was located. It is believed that the military, with its help, expressed their antipathy towards the church in every possible way, throwing into it everything that comes to hand, including stones, and also disfiguring the eyes of the apostles in the image.
But all this is only trifles compared to when the authorities made a stunning decision to place prisoners inside the building, according to The New York Times, who, without denying themselves anything, scoffed at the work of art in every possible way.
Vitruvian man
In 1490-1492, a drawing appeared in one of Leonardo's notebooks dedicated to the 3rd book of Vitruvius. The picture showed a naked man in 2 different poses. This drawing was called "Vitruvian Man", he entered the top three most popular creations of Leonardo as an artist along with "La Gioconda" and "The Last Supper". At the present time, the sketch is stored in the Venetian Gallery (Museum) of the Academy.
The first thing that catches your eye in the picture, which measures 24.5 x 34.3 centimeters, is that one pose of a person is inscribed in a circle, and the second in a square. These figures were not chosen by chance, even in the ancient world they were considered ideal from a geometric point of view. It turns out that a circle and a square are best suited for depicting human proportions.
It is easy to see that the figure with divorced limbs is inscribed in a circle. But to find that the center of this circle is the navel of a man is not an easy task. When the legs are brought together and the arms are spread apart, the human figure is inscribed in a square. The point of intersection of the diagonals of this square is the inguinal region.
It was not possible to establish who served as a model when Leonardo da Vinci painted his Vitruvian Man, because the artist himself was not going to publish the image, creating it "for himself" in one of his own diaries. Moreover, experts in the field of art believe that, depicting a person, Leonardo deviated from his true size, since the scientist's goal was to draw the ideal mathematical proportions of the human body. By the way, one of the versions of art historians is that the picture shows a self-portrait of a scientist.
In 2011, a study of the image, conducted by Khutan Ashrafyan, a surgeon at King's College London, yielded completely unexpected results. According to the British scientist, the person drawn on the sketch suffered from an inguinal hernia. This later could have been the cause of the man's death.
let's go back to the biography
As a young man, he studied under the guidance of the respected Tuscan master Andrea Verrocchio, who introduced him to sculpture and the art of painting. In addition, the master taught humanities and technical disciplines, taught how to make leather and create metal products. Da Vinci used this vast knowledge for the rest of his life.
It was not possible to establish who served as a model when Leonardo da Vinci painted his Vitruvian Man, because the artist himself was not going to publish the image, creating it "for himself" in one of his own diaries. Moreover, experts in the field of art believe that, depicting a person, Leonardo deviated from his true size, since the scientist's goal was to draw the ideal mathematical proportions of the human body. By the way, one of the versions of art historians is that the picture shows a self-portrait of a scientist.
In 2011, a study of the image, conducted by Khutan Ashrafyan, a surgeon at King's College London, yielded completely unexpected results. According to the British scientist, the person drawn on the sketch suffered from an inguinal hernia. This subsequently could cause the death of a man. The genius devoted the main part of his scientific biography to engineering developments for both military and peaceful purposes. In his workshop, the Italian created prototypes of tanks, aircraft, catapults, a mobile bridge and even a machine gun. Many drawings of the scientist are still not fully solved.
In 2009, the Discovery Channel aired the multi-part project Da Vinci Apparatus. In each of the nine episodes of the fascinating cycle, viewers were offered to observe the creation of devices and mechanisms according to the original designs of the master. Filmmakers tried to recreate Leonardo's masterpieces using modern materials:https://www.leonardoda-vinci.org/
he was and remains one of the most famous and interesting figures in human history, and judging by his diverse interests and inventions, all this is only confirmed
a very cool project with great prospects and interest among large top companies , I think it is important to disclose some information about it .
First of all , it should be said that a huge number of modern blockchains have the problem of an ever — growing amount of information , with the lack of necessary mechanisms for processing it , the network begins to slow down and work worse .The problem is not with data streams per se, but that
the systems they are embedded in may require their length to be unlimited.
KYVE , in turn , solves this problem by helping to store and move information instantly . The platform is capable of processing almost any data system , doing everything quickly and instantly .
KYLE is a network through which individual elements of the information center pass; they are standardized, combined, constantly stored and checked.
If we explain the process of the protocol itself , then its scalability , consistency and availability is ensured by the interaction of KYVE , which ensures the reliability and reliability of data and Arweave , which in turn is facussed on the availability of data . In simpler terms , KYVE extracts data through the nodes of the blockchain , validates it and checks for authenticity , and then the information is stored using Arweave .
the project has a bunch of cool integrations and an incredibly developed ecosystem , well — known names include : Moonbeam , NEAR , Solana , Cosmos , Celo , Aurora and so on
The joint work of the two protocols KYVE and Arweave implies the creation of healthy and resource — intensive ecosystems .However, without proper standardization, interoperability suffers.
For example, there are no formal standards in the blockchain that describe how
data should be stored. Solving this problem, KYVE automatically transfers the original
sources through a simple standardization step. By doing so, KYVE can generalize the data retrieval process and offer users a query interface
to extract information.
The protocol is completely decentralized, doing everything possible for this, its participants launch a huge number of nodes, in exchange for KYVE nodes perform various tasks. Inheriting the core logic of KYVE, these nodes validate, standardize, and archive data streams. The protocol also provides a secure network state .
Data archiving plays a huge role for scaling projects, while remaining an efficient, fast and long-term protocol, blockchain data can only grow without such a solution as KYVE, new nodes face great difficulties when entering, which eventually leads to
network depletion and increased centralization, which is why WEB3 technology requires these projects and their importance is simply obvious .
Operators no longer
need to extract blocks one by one; instead, data flows are reduced
to snapshots with guaranteed availability. In addition, the query interface
is included out of the box to simplify the synchronization requirements.
Also below I will leave a list of the top investors of the project , of which there are a very large number , all this will allow the ecosystem to actively develop :
He has a cool team that has developed a practical roadmap , which you can also read below :
Q1 2022
-PoC Governance
-Improve network stability
-Improve slashing mechanisms
-Continued Integrations with L1s and L2s
Q2 2022
-Incentivised Testnet
-Continued Integrations with L1s and L2s
-Q3/Q4 2022
-DEX/CEX Listing
Mainnet Launch
-Governance and Data Indexing Launch
-Continued Integrations with L1s and L2s
Now , according to the project plan , the community and the company are developing through work on the ambassador program , as well as the testnet , and each of you can take an active part in this .
Huge opportunities are open for you , you can get points for completed tasks in the form of : videos , articles , blogs , memes and chat work , active and high — quality task completion , that ‘s what the community needs and needs .
As for the testnet , in this case you will need to install and keep a test node and get into the top validators , soon I will write down a guide on this topic , where I will tell you in detail what you will need to do .
website : https://www.kyve.network/roadmap
discord : https://discord.gg/kyve
twitter : https://twitter.com/KYVENetwork
my blog is in Russian : https://medium.com/@sibagatovroman01/kyve-4dae8b9a35d9
thank you for your attention
zkSync is a ZK rollup solving Ethereum scalability with zero security compromises.
top project, with excellent prospects, now I’ll tell you about everything
zkSyncs supports meta transactions, instant confirmations with
economic finality, low-cost privacy, and more, thus enabling Etherium to scale
The main idea is that instead of checking each transaction separately, the transactions are “rolled up” into one element (rollup block), which is then checked, validating them all at the same time.
Unlike many other protocols, this project has virtually no ceilings i.e. upper bounds on the value it can safely handle in L2, all assets can be efficiently and quickly moved by capital between ZK and L1 accumulation. Also, zkSync has the lowest real data transfer costs in all existing and planned accumulations.
At the same time, the distinguishing feature of zkSync from other optimistic protocols is the unlimited value of the blocked funds, the efficiency in terms of capital withdrawal time is only 10 minutes, the cost of confidentiality (compared to the usual tx) in the amount of 2 times, and the security of smart contracts is certainly ensured.
zkSync respect all signs of decentralization and crypto encryption, their main motto is: only the paranoid will survive
to determine the degree of decentralization, let’s move on to this scale:
Centralized storage (fully trusted): Coinbase
Collective guardianship (trust in an honest majority): sidechains
Non-custodial evidence of fraud (honest minority trust): optimistic results
Non-custodial, centrally managed (no trust): Argent
Multioperator (unreliable*, weak censorship resistance): Cosmos
Peer-to-peer (no trust*, strong censorship resistance): Ethereum, Bitcoin
the protocol classifies itself as a level 4 decentralization.
Thanks to validators and custodians, the project will provide decentralization for itself, while this will not affect security, because security is provided by smart contracts of the main Etherium network
It is also very important to note that zkSync is built on the ZK convolution architecture. ZK Rollup is an L2 scaling solution in which all funds are stored under a smart contract on the main chain while computation and storage is done off-chain.
Although the time to completion is about 10 minutes, this does not affect the usability of the network. Transactions sent by users to zkSync are instantly confirmed, instantly displayed to the receiving party in the UI and API (although they are marked as unconfirmed), and transferred assets can be immediately used for further transfers (which may even end up in the same zkSync block).
Validators will be able to confirm transactions in a fraction of a second, thus allowing scaling later. The consensus performed by validators provides the user with a second confirmation that their transaction will be included in the next zkSync block signed by a majority (more than) ⅔ of the participants in the consensus (weighted by share) .
The project also has a very developed ecosystem, which actively continues to grow.
more about technology
as I already said, this project solves the problem of Ethereum scalability while maintaining all security principles.
zkSync also supports meta transactions, instant confirmations with
economic finality, inexpensive privacy, and more.
what is the advantage of the project, the bottom line is that all funds are stored by a smart contract on the main chain, and calculations and storage are performed outside the chain. The main idea is that instead of checking each transaction separately, transactions are “rolled up” to one element (accumulative block), which is then checked, validating them all at the same time.
Let’s figure out how it all works, you, as an ordinary user, send transactions to validators for approval, they, in turn, combine thousands of transactions of different users into one block and send a cryptographic obligation to the mainnet smart contract with a SNARK cryptographic proof, in addition to this, a small amount of data is sent each transaction, all this allows anyone to restore the state at any time. The proof and state are then verified by the smart contract, thereby verifying the validity of all transactions included in the block and the availability of the block’s data.
And most importantly , all of this contributes to the low cost of transaction validation , which gives SNARK a huge advantage over the EVM in terms of increased scalability .
Regarding transactions
Transactions in zkSync reach Ethereum finalization as soon as the SNARK proof of the zkSync block is generated and accepted by the smart contract. Proof time generation is expected to be around 10 minutes, i.e. 10 minutes after being sent, a zkSync (proof) transaction will be as final as any L1 Ethereum transaction included in the same Ethereum block as the proof transaction. The moment the user submits a transaction, we are waiting for the block to fill, and therefore we do not generate a proof immediately. With a higher throughput of the zkSync system, the time between blocks will decrease.
however, zkSync provides them with virtually instant confirmation, they are very quickly and efficiently confirmed by the relying party in the user interface and API.
however, zkSync smart contracts can call each other just like Ethereum smart contracts. Each call transaction tree is atomic, regardless of the number of contract instances involved. Any DeFi project can be migrated to zkSync since the large
At one time, EVM technology had great advantages for the Ethereum protocol.
Let’s figure out what the Ethereum virtual machine is:
The EVM gives smart contracts additional functionality without complicating their operating model. It takes over all the transactions that could be performed on your computer — for example, sending and receiving money, documents or contracts — and transforms this system on a global scale.
How the Ethereum virtual machine works
Let’s say you want to create a mechanism that will allow you and your three roommates to shop fairly for a house. You create a smart contract according to this need. And you have several tasks that the smart contract must take into account.
In addition to the fact that it allows you to solve the money issue with your flatmates? In fact, EMV can do a lot of useful things.
You can create contracts that require several conditions to be met, such as insurance contracts that require certain pieces of information to be provided before paying out a policy.
You can let different people create their own mini-contracts inside larger ones. Imagine a builder who hires contractors to build a house. He can enter into mini-contracts between plumbers, plasterers and electricians, each of which will only receive payment if certain conditions are met.
however , as the popularity of the Ethereum network has risen , there have been many shortcomings , namely in the field of transaction prices , which is why zkSync with SNARK technology has huge advantages in meeting modern needs , with the global change in demand for Ethereum
Steven Paul Jobs (February 24, 1955 – October 5, 2011) was an American business magnate, industrial designer, investor, and media proprietor. He was the chairman, chief executive officer (CEO), and co-founder of Apple Inc.; the chairman and majority shareholder of Pixar; a member of The Walt Disney Company's board of directors following its acquisition of Pixar; and the founder, chairman, and CEO of NeXT. Jobs is widely recognized as a pioneer of the personal computer revolution of the 1970s and 1980s, along with his early business partner and fellow Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak.
Steven Paul Jobs is an inventor, entrepreneur and industrial designer. He stood at the origins of the creation of Apple and Pixar.
Unlike many historical figures, Steve Jobs became a legend during his lifetime - he was a daring dreamer, a computer genius who made a real revolution in the world of computerization. The son of foster parents, who never graduated from college, managed to start his own business in an ordinary garage. It is then that his company will become the most expensive in the world, its shares will skyrocket. Throughout his life, he believed that the most important thing is a dream and faith in yourself, and then everything will definitely work out. well, almost everything.
Steve Jobs was born on February 24, 1955 in San Francisco. His father was Abdulfatta Jandali, a Syrian by birth who worked as a teaching assistant at the University of Wisconsin. Mom Joan Schible at that time was a student at this university. On the maternal side, Jobs inherited German blood. Young people were not married, Joan's parents categorically did not perceive her chosen one. For this reason, the birth took place in one of the private Californian clinics, and after being discharged from there, the young mother abandoned the child in favor of the adoptive parents.
Steve Jobs as a child
The boy was adopted by the Jobs spouses, Paul and Clara, whose marriage was childless. Steve's mother put one condition before the adoptive parents - the child must graduate from the university and become a specialist with a higher education.
School years and the first invention of Steven Jobs
Stephen did not like school classes for formalism, but his teachers considered him a diligent student. Having brilliantly passed the exams in the fourth grade, the boy immediately "jumped" into the sixth. Despite the fact that the director offered Clara and Paul to transfer Steve immediately to the seventh grade, however, the parents decided not to risk so much.
In addition to school, the boy went to the research circle, which was organized by one of the largest information technology companies at that time, Hewlett-Packard. Engineers were invited to the club, who told the guys what project they were working on. There, for the first time, a personal computer appeared before Steve's eyes. He already made a strong impression on the boy.
During the course, the students worked on their own projects. Steve managed to assemble a frequency meter - a device that allowed you to determine the frequency of periodic signals. There, in the club, the student managed to agree with the head of Hewlett-Packard about the first job. Bill Hewlett invited the 13-year-old boy to stand behind the conveyor, to which Steve, of course, agreed. Later, Jobs would also distribute newspapers and work in a warehouse at an electronics store. And by the age of 15, the young inventor will already have acquired the first car - of course, with the financial support of his parents - and put a new engine on it.
The "legend" studied at the Jobs school. Stephen Wozniak was a graduate who was seriously into computers. Every student knew him, and among themselves everyone called him simply "Woz". Jobs managed to meet Wozniak, who was five years older. They later became best friends.
In 1971, Wozniak, a longtime student at the university, learned about a certain subculture of freaks who learned to grab telephone lines and call for free around the world. They did this using a sound imitation of a tone signal of a special frequency.
One of these eccentrics found out by experience that the sound of the required tonality is emitted by a whistle that the manufacturers of Cap'n Crunch oatmeal put inside the box. From there came the pseudonym - Captain Crunch. This eccentric invented a special device for capturing a telephone line and called it the Blue Box.
The same invention was created by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. The first attempt was unsuccessful. The "box" - an analog prototype - did not produce stable tone signals. Then we decided to make a completely digital device. Blue Box began to reproduce signals with the required frequency with the required accuracy.
At first, friends were just fooling around, making calls to different parts of the globe. But later, Jobs realized that the "box" can generate income. The young men realized that business was a risky and illegal business, but they began the handicraft production of devices. Jobs and Wozniak sold about 100 Blue Boxes for $150 each, costing about $40. The entrepreneurs shared the income equally. Several times the police visited them, and it was decided to stop the production in order to avoid further problems. However, it was the first business that taught young people to invent things useful for society and make serious money on it.
In 1975, Jobs and his longtime friend Wozniak began attending meetings of a group of enthusiasts who called themselves the Homemade Computer Club. The participants gathered in the famous Steve Jobs garage and thought about how to introduce new technologies that are difficult for ordinary people to understand in the life of every person.
Inspired by the ideas of the club members, Steve Wozniak began to design a machine that would later be called the Apple I. In just a few months, the young man received a result that was unique for that time. Woz displayed on the screen the characters he had typed on the keyboard. The result of the work showed Steve. Jobs, in turn, again spoke about the commercial potential of his friend's invention.
The 20-year-old guys first began to create and sell printed circuit boards, later it came to assembling full-fledged computers. A year later, the inventors took on an assistant - draftsman Ronald Wayne. In addition to direct duties, the new employee was used as a third voice in cases where the other two argued. On April 1, 1976, the three of them created a company - Apple Computer Co. For start-up capital, Jobs had to sell his minibus and switch to a bicycle, while Wozniak said goodbye to the thing dearest to his heart - a programmable calculator.
Soon the guys were waiting for the first large order. The local electronics store asked for 50 computers. However, entrepreneurs did not have money for parts for so many cars. Friends had to take out a loan, but after ten days the computers were ready and entered the store. Jobs, Wayne, and Wozniak each sold for just over $666.
Fifty cars were also sold to the Homemade Computer Club. Later, several hundred computers were sold through stores and among familiar entrepreneurs.
One of the most popular questions: why Apple? It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously. Some say that it's all about the designer Rob Yanov, who worked with the guys then. The man allegedly brought apples from the store, began to draw them, took a bite of one and realized that this was an ideal drawing for advertising computers. Others argue that Jobs' colleagues did not come up with a name for a long time, then Steve delivered an ultimatum: if there are no other options, we will call the computer an "apple". Believe it or not in these versions - you decide. It is only known for certain that initially the logo also featured Newton, on whom a fruit falls from a tree. Then a multi-colored apple appeared, and only by 1998 - a single-colored one, due to the monochromeness of which ripples in the eyes no longer arose, as in the first two cases.
The talented SEO director relied on stylish design. By doing this, he managed to attract the attention of the target audience. New devices have appeared in the list of manufactured products, for example, iMac is a line of monoblocks. For several years, the American brand has introduced several revolutionary products at once: MacBook Air laptops, iPod media player and iPhone smartphone. Competitors could not keep up with the pace of the company, so they simply released dim copies that faded against the background of the original.
The success story of Steve Jobs repeated itself. He was able to breathe a second life into his own company. By 2007, the quarterly reports were phenomenal. The share price reached $199. It was a record high for the mid-2000s. As for the net proceeds, this was also in full order. A profit of 1.58 billion and zero debt allowed for experimentation. The company has managed to create a solid reserve of $18 billion.
An important chapter in the biography of Steve Jobs was the launch of proprietary software developments: iCloud, iTunes, the development of the Apple Store. All of them were also successful. In 2008, the company took the second position in the ranking of the most influential music retailers in the United States. Walmart was the leader. The popularity of the iPod series of media players contributed to the growth in iTunes sales.
Apple Steve Jobs finally takes first place in the rankings of Fortune. The authoritative publication recognizes the company as the most respected in the United States. In the Fortune 500 list, an unconditional leadership was also achieved. Apple Corporation brought record dividends to shareholders.
The Internet (or internet) is the global system of interconnected computer networks that uses the Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) to communicate between networks and devices. It is a network of networks that consists of private, public, academic, business, and government networks of local to global scope, linked by a broad array of electronic, ...
The Internet is a truly revolutionary technology that has changed the world once and for all, without any doubt, this technology can be considered one of the most ingenious inventions of mankind.
Concept: The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that uses the Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) to communicate between networks and devices. It is a network of networks consisting of private, public, academic, business knowledge
number of people of different ages and hobbies. You can access the web from almost any device, even from your TV.
Therefore, it is quite important to know what is hidden under this term, its correct definition and what it is in general. How can millions of people be united into one big global network?
The Internet is built and operates on the TCP/IP protocol model. It is used as a means of transmitting information for many different data transmission systems. It is on its basis and within it that the World Wide Web works - the World Wide Web, thanks to which we can visit our favorite sites.
How the Internet works and works
These are millions of connected devices and other networks. All of them are united in one large - global network and can communicate with each other in it. TCP / IP protocols are used for data transmission, thanks to which it is possible to transmit and receive a wide variety of information.
The World Wide Web is an integral part of the Internet, thanks to which all sites work. It gives us the ability to visit and create websites and other resources on the web.
Computers are connected to the same network using cables owned by providers. All traffic is routed through them. Also, access to the Internet can be transmitted via satellites.
Traffic exchange centers are called Internet Exchange (IX), they handle the main international traffic. And, yes, these cables are located between continents and under a huge depth in the sea / ocean - about 3 km.
term :world wide web
A distributed system that provides access to interconnected documents located on different computers connected to the Internet. The word web and the abbreviation WWW are also used to refer to the World Wide Web.
Date of origin: March 12, 1989
The World Wide Web is made up of millions of Internet web servers located around the world. A web server is a program that runs on a computer connected to a network and uses the HTTP protocol to transfer data. In its simplest form, such a program receives an HTTP request for a specific resource over the network, finds the corresponding file on the local hard drive, and sends it over the network to the requesting computer. More sophisticated web servers are capable of dynamically allocating resources in response to an HTTP request. To identify resources (often files or their parts) on the World Wide Web, uniform resource identifiers URI (English Uniform Resource Identifier) are used. Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) are used to locate resources on the network. Such URL locators combine URI identification technology and the DNS domain name system (English Domain Name System) - a domain name (or directly an IP address in a numeric notation) is part of a URL to designate a computer (more precisely, one of its network interfaces ) that executes the code of the desired web server.
personalities :
Tim Berners-Lee
Tim Berners-Lee
British inventor
Creator of URI, URL, HTTP, HTML, and the World Wide Web and current head of the World Wide Web Consortium. Author of the concept of the semantic web, many other developments in the field of information technology.
Born: 8 June 1955 (age 66) London
On August 23, 1991, British scientist Timothy Berners-Lee officially launched the world's first website. During this time, the world has changed dramatically.
However, what the Internet is now no longer matches Berners-Lee's original vision. Whether this is good or bad is debatable. What does the creator of the WWW think about this? What path did Berners-Lee himself go through?
Timothy John Berners-Lee is from the UK. He was born on June 8, 1955 in London. His parents, Conway Berners-Lee and Mary Lee Woods, were mathematicians. They were also associated with IT: they conducted research in the field of creating one of the first computers - the Manchester Mark I.
In addition, the prerequisites for the invention of the WWW was the idea of the American scientist Vannevar Bush, who came up with the concept of hypertext.
internet history
The history of the Internet briefly first begins as a military idea in the mid-twentieth century at the height of the Cold War. In 1962 J.K.R. Licklider, of the US Department of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA in English), voiced the idea of a so-called "galactic network" of interconnected computers.
In 1967, Lawrence Roberts of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology published a plan for such a network, which he called "Arpanet" (in English - ARPANET, a derivative of DARPA). According to him, two computers were first networked in 1969.
In 1972, this technology was first presented to the general public at the International Conference on Computer Communications. In the same year, the first e-mail message was sent.
Joseph Carl Robnett Licklider
American scientist. Early works were devoted to psychoacoustics, subsequent works - to the field of information technology. One of the creators of the ARPANET, the prototype of the Internet.
Born: March 11, 1915, St. Louis, Missouri
Died: June 26, 1990 (aged 75), Arlington
Born in 1915 in St. Louis. He graduated from the University of Washington with a bachelor's degree in three specialties: physics, mathematics and psychology. He wrote his doctoral work on psychoacoustics. In 1942 he worked in a laboratory at Harvard University. In 1950 he moved to work at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he became interested in computer technology. He expressed the idea of the need to create computers that work in real time. Deepened my knowledge of computers at BBN. In 1962−1964. worked at ARPA, laid the foundations of ARPANET. He expressed the idea of the need to create a combination of computers in a network with free access for any person from anywhere in the world to its resources. Licklider is called the spiritual father of the World Wide Web, the man who sowed the seeds of the Internet.
Licklider's contribution to the emergence of the Internet is enormous, it consists of ideas and principles, not inventions and technologies. Licklider foresaw the need to network computers with simple user interfaces. His ideas anticipated computer graphics, point-and-click interfaces, digital libraries, e-commerce, online banking, and web hosted software.
In the 1970s, scientific communities began to create highly specialized local networks to exchange thematic results of the latest research and development. However, it was too early to talk about a global network that would cover the whole world and allow the simultaneous connection of millions of gadgets.
A key development in the history of the Internet can rightly be considered in brief since 1983, when the 2 network protocols TCP/IP were created, making it easy to connect to the Internet using a telephone line. A few years later, the Internet has become gradually becoming more widely available. Since the beginning of the 90s, the modern history of the Internet begins in the form in which it is familiar to us now.
The modern Internet operates on the basis of hyperlinks. They were invented and implemented by Tim Berners-Lee of the European Organization for Nuclear Research. In 1991, he released a hyperlink reader called "World Wide Web," literally translated as "World Wide Web." The source code for the WWW meant that any enthusiastic programmer could use it without paying royalties.
The entire history of the creation of the Internet is the history of the expansion of the WWW system. Browsing sites has become accessible and interesting not only for geeks, but also for ordinary users who would like to get access to the latest information. It is strange to think that until the 1990s, paper publications remained the most reliable and responsible source of information, whether it was scientific, journalistic or any other research area.
In the mid-1990s, the so-called "technological protest" took place. Representatives of professions that have long enjoyed prestige in society protested against the use of the Internet. In particular, lawyers resented proposals to send documents by e-mail. In their opinion, the digital format of documents diminished the prestige of the profession and undermined the trust of clients. As we can see, this prejudice has lost weight over time.
Moreover, if we consider this particular case of the computerization of jurisprudence, we may encounter not too comfortable forecasts for today's generation of lawyers. Basic statements of claim and other similar template documents can be compiled by computer algorithms that do not require the participation of live lawyers.
The year 1991 was marked by the creation of WEB1, the first web browser was created, however, there was no accessibility to the masses and it was available to local scientific institutions for the exchange of information.
In 1993, CERN made WWW technology public domain. In 1994, Tim Berners-Lee founded the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), an organization that develops technical standards for the Web and the Internet. The era of Web 1.0 has begun.
With the advent of websites, content that used to be delivered on a scheduled basis on radio and TV is available at any time from any computer connected to the Internet.
Berners-Lee himself described Web 1.0 as a "read-only web". This characteristic reflects that the information was presented on static pages.
The lack of proper animation and interaction between servers and users, I am silent about building large ecosystems around websites and interactions between people.
The ability to comment on content was limited to a separate guest page on the site, and comments had to be sent using an email client.
Basically, the Internet consisted of electronic advertising and controlled news. The Internet was controlled by a small number of organizations, the space was underdeveloped.
By the end of the 90s, the popularity of dot-coms or Internet-related companies increased greatly, but many corporations could not survive in such a fast technology race and went bankrupt, the dot-com crisis was in the early 2000s, many investors became disillusioned with projects, and the surviving companies became build a new WEB2 world.
The hallmark of the era that began in 2004 is characterized by the fact that users themselves were able to create content, and not just consume the content of producers, a lot of new areas have opened up. People were able to interact with each other through social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and even record their videos on You Tube.
Everyone understood that the Internet is useful not only for reading boring and monotonous text from a limited number of companies. However, everything has become very centralized and controlled by the big tech giants like Google, facebook, Twitter, Amazon and a small number of other giants. People got excellent technologies and opportunities for work, studies and free time, the world has changed forever, life has become easier. However, very often we hear about the removal of objectionable content by companies, the groundlessness of blocking social networks and the leakage of information about users of the state. There was a need to soften control and centralization.
At the moment, the world is actively immersed in the web 3, but has not yet moved to it. WEB3 is a semantic web. Not without the creator of the World Wide Web, Tim Berners-Lee, who first described the Semantic Web in 1994. Later, his article in Scientific American in 2001 brought the idea to popularity in the Internet community, and the terms "Web 3.0" and "Semantic Web" became almost interchangeable. The Semantic Web is now one of the core technologies at the heart of the new web.
In the web three, in addition to issues of decentralization, the issue of a close relationship between the offline and online world can be resolved.
At the same time, other technological breakthroughs must occur. These breakthroughs have been blockchain, machine learning, and the Internet of Things.
conclusion: the Internet and the World Wide Web have changed people's ideas about communications, transmission and storage of information, a lot of jobs and various services have appeared that provide their services through the Internet
thank you for your attention and see you soon
The Internet (or internet) is the global system of interconnected computer networks that uses the Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) to communicate between networks and devices. It is a network of networks that consists of private, public, academic, business, and government networks of local to global scope, linked by a broad array of electronic, ...
Continuing our series of blogs on the best early Etherium scaling projects, it’s time to share what we know about the new protocol.
Like I said, the project solves the problem of scalability while also providing you with a so-called shield that will protect your money in the new Web3 realm.
Aztec Connect allows users to privately access world-class DeFi services on Ethereum with up to 100x cost savings while strengthening Aztec’s existing privacy safeguards.Everything works in such a way that thanks to the protocol, not only the confidentiality of personal data is preserved, but also the anonymity of transaction amounts, validators and network users will not be able to understand the essence of the operation, they will not be able to understand who exactly can be the intended sender and who is the recipient.
So in this case you could be some combination of internal transactions summing up 10E:
10 domestic transfers 1E
100 domestic transfers 0.1 E
1000 domestic transfers 0.01 E
Being built on top of PLONK, the protocol ensures transaction speed, De-Fi anonymous governance compatibility, and finance programmability.
The team also recently announced the launch of Aztec Connect, which is a truly revolutionary event and will allow a huge number of users to interact with decentralized services and at the same time save commission costs by almost a hundred times, while remaining almost completely anonymous. Connect combines privacy and scalability for money markets, dex, liquid rate pools, derivatives and more.
the next great news is the closing of a $17 million funding round from Paradigm with the support of existing partners a_capital, Ethereal Ventures and Libertus Capital, as well as with the participation of the fund Variant, Nascent, imToken, Scalar Capital, Defi Alliance, IOSG Ventures and ZK Validator, as well as leading angels including Anthony Sassano, Stani Kulechov, Bezcashny, Defi Dad, Mariano Conti and Vitalik Buterin.
the ecosystem of the project is actively developing and attracting a lot of attention, the project is also at an early stage and I advise all of you, as always, to follow his social networks, and also be active in the discord community.
important news and article about cryptography: Some time has passed since I wrote an article on this project, today I would like to share important information On February 17, the following message...
Cryptography is the science of mathematical methods to ensure confidentiality (the impossibility of reading information to outsiders) and authenticity (the integrity and authenticity of authorship, as well as the impossibility of refusing authorship) of information: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9A%D1% 80%D0%B8%D0%BF%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%B3%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%84%D0%B8%D1%8F
Cryptography appeared as early as the beginning of the 20th century BC, because even then in Egypt, unusual hieroglyphs appeared in ancient scriptures, reminiscent of some kind of encryption.
Ancient Egypt was the first place where cryptography was first applied, and the use of special hieroglyphs is also believed to be around 4000 years ago. Elements of cryptography have already been found in the inscriptions of the Old and Middle Kingdoms, fully cryptographic texts are known from the period of the XVIII dynasty: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%98%D1%81%D1%82%D0%BE%D1 %80%D0%B8%D1%8F_%D0%BA%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%BF%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%B3%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%84 %D0%B8%D0%B8#:~:text=%D0%94%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%B2%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B9%20%D0%95%D0 %B3%D0%B8%D0%BF%D0%B5%D1%82.%20%D0%9F%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B2%D1%8B%D0%BC%20%D0% B8%D0%B7%D0%B2%D0%B5%D1%81%D1%82%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%BC%20%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%B8%D0% BC%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B5%D0%BC,%D0%B8%D0%B7%D0%B2%D0%B5%D1%81 %D1%82%D0%BD%D1%8B%20%D1%81%20%D0%BF%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%BE%D0%B4%D0%B0%20XVIII %20%D0%B4%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%B8
It is worth saying that cryptography has been very useful throughout the history of mankind, it has helped:
keep information confidential
keep information transfer flexible
helped to transfer and store data more reliably
All this was useful both in peacetime and in wartime, because recalling the history of World War 2, one can cite a fact about such a person as Alan Turing, who was a mathematician, logician, cryptographer, who had a huge impact not only on the field of computer science, but and the outcome of many battles of World War II: https://golden.com/wiki/Alan_Turing-YX9V , https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A2%D1%8C%D1%8E%D1% 80%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B3%2C_%D0%90%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%BD
The abstract computational “Turing Machine” proposed by him in 1936, which can be considered a model of a general-purpose computer, made it possible to formalize the concept of an algorithm and is still used in many theoretical and practical studies.
This is what the Turing machine looked like:
What made the name of the mathematician firmly entrenched in the minds of the British was the decoding of the German Enigma code system during World War II. All this made it possible to significantly shorten the war and significantly influence its outcome, because thanks to the decoding of the enigma, it became known about a huge number of planned operations.
Modern cryptography has found significant use in cryptocurrencies and has changed the lives of many forever.
Modern cryptography is the backbone of computer security. It is based on various mathematical concepts such as number theory, computational complexity theory, probability theory.
Cryptography was applied in the field of finance for a reason, because in 2008 the world was overtaken by a global crisis caused by the policy of banks that issued mortgage loans, fiat currencies were seriously collapsed, many banks closed.
In 2009, in order to experiment with Satoshi Satoshi Nakamoto, created Bitcoin
which is a decentralized asset that could be stored, handled and transferred without intermediaries in the form of banks.
Satoshi Nakamoto is a person known as the founder of Bitcoin and the creator of the original Bitcoin client. In his P2P Foundation profile, he said that he was originally from Japan: https://ru.bitcoinwiki.org/wiki/%D0%A1%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%BE%D1%88%D0%B8_%D0%9D%D0%B0%D0%BA%D0%B0%D0%BC%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%BE#:~:text=%D0%A1%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%BE%D1%88%D0%B8%20%D0%9D%D0%B0%D0%BA%D0%B0%D0%BC%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%BE%20(Satoshi%20Nakamoto)%20%E2%80%93,%D0%B3%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%BB%20%D1%87%D1%82%D0%BE%20%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B4%D0%BE%D0%BC%20%D0%B8%D0%B7%20%D0%AF%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B8
Cryptocurrency is an electronic means of payment without a physical expression of form. The basic unit of measurement is “coins” or coins. They are used as traditional money, including storage, transfer to third parties, payment for goods or services.
at the moment in 2022, since 2009 there have been many changes in this area, starting from the creation of Btc, the first ico in 2014 in the form of ETH and ending with a huge number of projects that go beyond finance, a huge number of centralized and decentralized exchanges have been created, and market capitalization over the entire period showed insane growth.
It is worth saying that the creation of the first cryptocurrency entailed the use of blockchain, which is also an innovative technology.
Blockchain is a distributed database that contains information about all transactions carried out by system participants. Information is stored as a chain of blocks. Each of them contains a certain number of transactions.
Блокче́йн ( англ. blockchain, изначально block chain - цепь из блоков) - выстроенная по определённым правилами
The connection between blocks is provided not only by numbering, but also by the fact that each block contains its own hash sum and the hash sum of the previous block. Changing any information in a block will change its hash sum. To comply with the rules for building a chain, changes in the hash sum will need to be written to the next block, which will cause changes to its own hash sum.
Output :
Since its inception, cryptography has evolved significantly, starting from the encryption of the language in ancient Egyptian writings and ending with the development of mechanisms for deciphering military strategies, as well as the emergence of the blockchain and the first cryptocurrencies, which has changed all spheres of public life, from political to economic and social spheres.
- I gave an example of an article with a trio of facts, writing meaningful information on specific facts and events, citing links to reliable sources and persons, participants in the events, and also, if necessary, gave time frames.
I think that this news and my example will help many community members in working with the project, I wish you all good luck,
see you soon ,
discord :RomanS#3640