Nancy Patricia Pelosi (/pəˈloʊsi/; née D'Alesandro; born March 26, 1940) is an American politician serving as speaker of the United States House of Representatives since 2019, and previously from 2007 to 2011. She has represented California's 12th congressional district in the United States House of Representatives since 1987. The district, numbered as the 5th district from 1987 to 1993 and the 8th from 1993 to 2013, includes most of the city of San Francisco. A member of the Democratic Party, Pelosi is the first woman elected Speaker and the first woman to lead a major political party in either chamber of Congress.
American Singer/Songwriter, Actress
Mariah Carey, born on March 27, 1970 in Huntington, Long Island, New York, USA, is an American female singer, songwriter, actress, and record producer.
Chinese businessman
宗庆后,男,1945年12月出生,浙江杭州人。 [1] 娃哈哈集团创始人,现任集团董事长 [45] ,浙江省饮料工业协会会长、浙江娃哈哈智能机器人有限公司董事长,第十一届全国人大代表。 [2]
1991年,宗庆后成立了娃哈哈食品集团公司。2007年,娃哈哈遭遇达能强行并购,宗庆后辞职引发员工抗议,商标终审判归娃哈哈。 [3] 2010年,宗庆后首次荣登胡润全球百富榜内地榜首。2012年10月12日,《福布斯》发布2012年福布斯中国富豪榜,娃哈哈董事长宗庆后以100亿美元的净资产重新登上首富的宝座 [4] 。2013年接受记者采访时表示全家人已经注销了美国绿卡,自己已经没有美国绿卡和任何外国国籍,也没有移民计划。2015年宗庆后以103亿美元位列福布斯华人富豪榜第18名。2015年10月24日,被聘为浙商总会第一届理事会荣誉会长。2015年10月24日,被聘为浙商总会第一届理事会顾问。2016年3月2日,全国人大代表宗庆后随团抵达北京,出席全国人代会。