The completely decentralized blockchain for mobile devices
ABOUT MINIMAWhat is MinimaMinima is a secure, scalable, and completely decentralized blockchain that has a hard-capped supply of a billion coins. Minima is designed to use a small amount of resources and be compact in size, so that it can run continuously and completely on a mobile device, without consequence to its user. This ensures every user on the network is equal, as all users can run Minima in the same way, all the time. Third parties in such a system become redundant, as no critical aspects of the network need to be outsourced to specialized user classes at all. This means centralization becomes not just undesirable, but impossible to achieve.How does it workThe foundation to understanding Minima is knowing that every user of the Minima network runs a Minima node by default, which both validates and constructs the base layer, via a mobile application that is compact in size and accessible to use. At first glance, this may seem like a relatively trivial piece of information, yet it is the core of what makes Minima so powerful. This novel design allows the Minima protocol to be adopted and thus secured by a substantial number of users, simply because it is easy to use.Every Minima user is equalHaving all network participants run a Minima node by default ensures that every Minima user is equal on the network, meaning there is no need for any user to rely on another to validate or secure the base layer of the Minima chain for them. All roles are the direct responsibility of every user and are completed simply by letting the Minima app run in the background. This is key, since it allows for a truly decentralized network of equal nodes with full network responsibilities to finally be achieved in a blockchain system.Truly decentralized applicationsThe network of decentralized nodes afforded by Minima’s novel design also provides the foundations of the network for decentralized applications, known as MiniDapps, to be operated on. Providing developers with the opportunity to build truly decentralized applications using simple web-native coding languages, on a mobile-first platform.Layers to scale from inceptionThe final key feature to understand is that the Minima protocol will consist of two distinct layers at Mainnet launch. Layer 1, known as Minima, is the base verification layer of the protocol (secured by all users as discussed above), while Layer 2, known as Maxima, is the transactional layer. Having these differentiated layers, enables the reduction of transaction fees while increasing processing speed on the network as a collective whole.How is Minima different?While other blockchain protocols have traded decentralization for scalability and security, Minima’s architecture was designed with decentralization as its primary feature. Since, if one approaches the blockchain trilemma from first principles, it becomes clear that the only way for all three properties to exist in union, is if true decentralization can first be achieved. The scalability and security of a blockchain, ultimately, become emergent outcomes of such a truly decentralized system.Easy to useWith this in mind, the Minima protocol was designed to be compact enough in size so that anyone could run a Minima node on their mobile, via an app, that both validates and constructs the chain. This ensures all users of the network are equal, by removing traditional barriers to becoming a full blockchain network participant. The ability for everyone to participate in constructing and validating the Minima chain, is what really sets Minima apart.Accessible to allIt is only when individuals start using blockchain technology, purely because it is easier to use than traditional alternatives, that it will start to have a true impact on the world. Minima has taken this into account, and in doing so, become the perfect tool to enable cryptocurrency adoption on a global scale. Now as a community, we must work together to onboard the next generation of users to the ecosystem so that together we can create an open financial system for all.Minima use casesMinima has a number of capabilities and potential use cases, these include:a base-layer blockchain for trustless payment, token and contract processinga secure platform for information and value transferan ecosystem for the creation, sharing and use of decentralized applicationsan expanding network of mobile-connected usersa number of enterprise use cases including telecommunications/healthcare systems/voting mechanisms
LEARNMinima NodesEvery user runs a complete Minima nodeEvery user is involved in the construction and validation of the chainEvery user enables value transfer on the Minima network
Every Minima user runs a Complete Minima node by default, once they download the Minima app. ‘Complete’ refers to the fact that all Minima nodes both construct and validate the Minima chain. Such protocol design is novel and immensely powerful, as it ensures all network participants must agree on any protocol modification before it is implemented, meaning forks of Minima are highly improbable. Together, Minima nodes create a secure value transfer layer for transactions on the Minima network.There is no technical knowledge or specialized hardware required to run a Minima node. Simply by downloading the Minima app and letting it run in the background, users help grow and secure the Minima network, while consuming no more energy than a regular messaging app.Follow the instructions below to run a Minima node.You can download the latest version of the Minima app on any Android device (v9 onwards) from the #download-and-bugs channel in our Discord communityInstall & run the Minima app - you will be asked to allow the installation of an unknown app, it’s OK, this is expected behaviourAgree to the battery optimisation settings
That’s it, once the app set up is complete you are now running a Minima node.Maxima NodesSecure the Minima network by undergoing Proof of Work to send dataCharge fees in the form of Minima coins for routing large amounts of dataCreate a fast and scalable peer-to-peer layer 2 network
Maxima overviewMinima runs below a fast and scalable Peer-to-Peer (P2P) layer 2 network called Maxima. On Maxima, users can transmit any data they like, not just Minima transactions, to other individual Maxima users. Users of Maxima who have no Minima, no tokens and send no transactions, can still help to secure the network, by sending messages over Maxima and undergoing the Proof of Work required for doing so — thereby securing the Minima network as a collective whole.Maxima nodesMaxima nodes are run by users who are incentivised to set up Maxima routers, effectively a node with an external IP, that other Minima users can easily access. Since Maxima nodes allow the transfer of small amounts of data for free, aside from the required Proof of Work needed for them to be sent, it is possible for them to charge for larger amounts of data that users wish to send. This is realised in the form of a fee in the form of Minima coins, that are paid to the Maxima node that has routed a user's message.Consequently, as increasing amounts of large data are sent over Maxima, users of Minima are increasingly incentivized to set up better Maxima routers to meet the demand for the network traffic. Ultimately, providing a positive feedback loop that improves the integrity and quality of Maxima’s peer-to-peer network over time.Instructions on how to run a Maxima node will be published here in the future.MiniDappsTruly decentralized apps for AndroidA way for Android users to interact with blockchain applicationsAn on-ramp for developers who want to build decentralized applications on Android
What are MiniDapps?MiniDapps are decentralized applications that run on the Minima network. Users host them locally on an Android device and use them as they would a traditional app. They can be designed in the same way traditional web apps are, using simple web-native coding languages such as Javascript, HTML, and CSS. This allows developers to leverage the power of smart contracts on the Minima blockchain whilst using a build environment that is familiar.MiniDapps for UsersUsers host MiniDapps themselves by downloading them onto an Android device. Making them resilient to censorship, since users do not rely on any third parties, meaning no one can stop users from choosing to use a MiniDapp or decide who users may use them with.When will MiniDapps be available?The MiniDapp system will be available to users in Q1 2022.
MiniDapps for DevelopersMiniDapps can be built using web-native coding languages such as Javascript, HMTL and CSS and provide an accessible front-end to smart contracts on the Minima network. Such smart contracts allow for tokens to be automatically managed by a rule set that can be defined to meet the requirements of a specific use case.Documentation to allow Developers to build MiniDapps for Minima, along with details of our Developer Grant Program will be available Q1 2022.MiniDapps SummaryAn ecosystem of open-source decentralized apps for Minima users.An accessible way for the large community of mobile-native users to interact with blockchain applications that utilize smart contracts.Allow developers to build decentralized applications in a familiar build environment, without learning blockchain-specific programming languages.BurnA strong incentive to propagate and process a transaction.A method for ordering transactions and regulating on-chain traffic.A mechanism for spam prevention by making DDoS attacks expensive.What is the Burn?The Burn is a mechanism that generates a small cost for every transaction sent on the Minima network.How the Burn worksThe level of Burn employed is determined by the level of network traffic and exists as a value relative to all other transactions on the network. 'Burnt' coins are removed from Minima's hard-capped supply, thereby maintaining a deflationary model that increases the scarcity and thus the value of the remaining Minima coins in circulation over time.Burn PurposeThe Burn is used in a similar way to a fee model on other blockchain protocols, to order transactions and regulate on-chain traffic. Although, unlike fees, the Burn has no minimum value, since there is no requirement for the total Burn to be large enough to support the type of mining industry that exists on other Proof of Work protocols.The Burn is likely to be high during periods of heavy traffic or spam, and as it rises, traffic will decrease, and the system will self-regulate. The burn can be very low when traffic is at manageable levels as the total amount is not important, only the relative burn amounts in comparison to other transactions are.Burn SummaryProvides a strong incentive for users to propagate and process transactions, since doing so reduces the overall supply of Minima coins created at genesis (1 billion coins), making existing coins more scarce and thus more valuable.Order transactions based on the value of the burn for individual transactions, which acts as a method to regulate on-chain traffic.Create a mechanism for spam prevention by making DDoS attacks expensive, by forcing network actors to incur a cost for every transaction sent, making malicious attempts to spam the network expensive.Protocol LayersThe Minima protocol consists of two distinct layers. Layer 1 is the base verification layer of the protocol and is called Minima, while Layer 2 is called Maxima and is the transactional layer.Why are distinct layers needed?The reason for this is simple, layer 1 does not scale, whereas layer 2 does. Scalability relates to the number of transactions per second that a layer can process. On Layer 1 there is an upper bound limit on the number of possible transactions per second, but on Layer 2 there is no limit. Having these differentiated layers enables the reduction of transaction fees while increasing processing speed.MinimaAll on-chain transactions occur on layer 1, known as Minima, where users of the network collaborate to secure the chain, removing the need for centralized miners. Users should only be using layer 1 if they need to begin a transacting relationship, end a transacting relationship or dispute a transaction that has occurred on layer 2. The layer essentially acts as a layer of trust for users, where all transactions are accounted for.Minima key usesSetting up a transacting relationshipStarting and completing a transactionEnd settlement and conflict resolutionSecure, but slower than Maxima
MaximaAll off-chain transactions occur on layer 2, known as Maxima, where the bulk of peer-to-peer exchange between users of the network takes place. This is faster because users of layer 2 only need to process their own transactions, instead of processing the entire network's transactions, as occurs on layer 1. For this reason, Layer 2 scales, while layer 1 does not.Maxima key usesPeer-to-peer transacting layerOperational level for any number of transactionMaxima is fast and scalable
The purpose of distinct layersBy removing computation from Layer 2, where the majority of exchange between peers takes place, Maxima enables users to transact instantly with each other. Users only pay a fee, in the form of PoW, when they decide to start, end, or dispute a transaction. This ensures Minima as a collective whole can scale, to process a large number of transactions without bloating the network, thereby avoiding high fees (in the form of the Burn), and long waiting times for users.Traditionally on PoW chains, high fees are used to pay miners to compensate for traffic that is taken off layer 1, or the supply is increased each year to pay miners. Both of these models work, but neither is optimal. Since either average users cannot afford to use the chain once it becomes expensive, or the chain is forced to sacrifice its fixed supply, removing its ability to become a long-term Store of Value proposition.PulseUsing a mechanism known as the Pulse, all Layer 2 users secure the base layer by providing PoW to the chain. The Pulse is information that all Maxima users must process on the peer-to-peer Maxima network in order to replace the fee-based security model with a PoW-based model. When you combine the two layers of the protocol you end up with an immensely powerful architecture that can scale to meet the needs of any number of users on the network, without compromising with high fees, slow processing times, or needing to inflate the supply.
February 8, 2022
Dopamine provides decentralized finance for everybody, everywhere and is the first end-to-end user-centered crypto mobile app.
DOPE Price Live DataWhat is Dopamine App (DOPE)?Dopamine is a mobile app available on Android and iOS devices, providing decentralized finance. It currently has over two million downloads and hundreds of thousands of active users. In addition to a broad panel of DEFI functionalities, the user can create his own app structure, connect all his social networks and bring his contents which can be shared or remain private. All you need in one app.DOPE is the native utility token that is used for:Access to premium features like trading data, signals, analysis, AI models DOPE holders will get access to premium real-time trading signals, which can give you a considerable advantage compared to the rest of the market. Advertise within the app DOPE token can be used as a utility token to unlock advertising within the Dopamine ecosystem. Reduced transaction fees Holders of DOPE will benefit from discounts when utilizing the features of the platform.Community Governance Voting on new Dopamine app functionalities Staking, farming & referral rewards DOPE holders can stake tokens and earn interest on them. The staked amount will be used within the ecosystem and can be unstacked at any time. Access to Dopamine Launchpad DOPE holders will be one of the first users to come across these innovative dApps before being launched to the general public. With DOPE, users have access to early investment opportunities.Airdrops, token burns & more Airdrops will be done as and when needed, such as celebrating a milestone or by completing small actions within the app.
February 6, 2022
Dopamine provides decentralized finance for everybody, everywhere and is the first end-to-end user-centered crypto mobile app.
Unleashing Value.
Songbird, Flare’s Canary Network marks a key step for the entire industry in enabling tokens on networks without smart contracts to be used trustlessly and in a non-custodial manner for the first time with scalable smart contracts. Flare's technology, which is the engine behind Songbird, is a scalable, low carbon, low cost, highly decentralized smart contract platform that runs the Ethereum Virtual Machine and utilizes Federated Byzantine Agreement-based consensus. The platform’s native token Spark (FLR) will enables Flare to unleash the tremendous value in diverse ecosystems and blockchain communities. Flare is unique in that it derives its network structure from its underlying integrated networks, leveraging the decentralisation and security of the underlying networks. Flare’s development team features experts from the worlds of electronic engineering, distributed systems, quantum computing, mathematics, computer science, quantitative finance and risk management.
February 6, 2022
CNYX is a community focused, DeFi Token that rewards holders through reflections from token transfers. It will also become one of the first reserve assets in the CanaryX DAO.
Our purpose is to build a decentralized reserve currency protocol on the Songbird network, Each CanaryX DAO token is backed by a basket of assets (CAND, CNYX, Liquidity Pool Tokens etc.) in the CanaryX DAO treasury, giving it an intrinsic value that it cannot fall below. It tries to achieve this by backing every CanaryX DAO token with e.g. one CAND (=1 USD) but not pegging it. This means that the value of CanaryX DAO token although backed by at least $1 is free to increase above this "1 CAND floor price". The price the token rises to above the floor price is determined by the market.
CNYX is a community focused, DeFi Token that rewards holders through reflections from token transfers. It will also become one of the first reserve assets in the CanaryX DAO.
Kin is a decentralized cryptocurrency purposely designed to integrate easily across Mobile and Web Apps, with a built-in incentive model that rewards developers for increased usage
Kin is money for the digital world. Earn, spend, and transfer cryptocurrency across an ecosystem of consumer apps and services.