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Futbol Club Borussia Mönchengladbach
Podlesna brand (Erz.Vir Tawla) - village in the Kochkrovsky district of the Republic of Mordovia, is the administrative center of the underprole-Tavlinsky rural settlement.
Podlesnaya TavlaPodlesnaya Tavla (Russian: Подлесная Тавла, Erzya: Вирь Тавла) is a rural locality (a selo) in Kochkurovsky District of the Republic of Mordovia, Russia. Population: 606 (2010 Census);[1] 704 (2002 Census).
Noginsk-9 (Military town, Dubrovo) is an urban-type settlement, a previously closed military town. Located near the border with the Vladimir region, 7 km south of Fryanovo, 8 km south-west of A108 and 25 km from the regional center.
On January 25, 1963, the first invited specialists of the space industry and their families arrived on the territory of modern Noginsk-9, and soon the military unit 72175 was formed, which later received the name of the Second Central Observatory of the Navy.
On March 6, 1965, the Directive of the General Staff of the Air Defense Forces (CPO) on the formation on the basis of the 45th Specialized Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense (SNII) of the "Special CCCP frame" was signed. In April 1965, the Government was decided to build a complex of technological buildings for the Central Committee in the Noginsk district of the Moscow region, the name Noginsk-9 was named.
In 1980, the construction of the "Analytical Center for the Navy of the USSR" begins next to the CCPP (V / h 34364). The object was created as an information element for the collection and processing of information, in the interests of combating submarines of the likely opponent of all classes and types. For the technical side of the project, Academician A. I. Savin and his "Tsight Comet" answered.
Since 2009, the Second Central Observatory Navy received the name of the 69th Test Center of the Navy.
In April 2012, the town has lost the status of a closed military town.
At the beginning of the summer of 2014, an appeal to the adoption of measures to restore order on the territory of the village was sent to the prosecutor of the Balashikhinsky garrison, and 5 administrative affairs were initiated by OJSC Slavyanka, which serves as Slavyanka. One of the reasons for the appeal and inspections was the sewage of the sewage waters of public areas of the village, which occurred in the spring of 2014.
In April 2016, the law on the transfer of the territory of the village from the composition of the Shchelkovsky district in the composition of the Noginsky district came into force.
The territory of the village, previously served by the Moss of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "Vlasiha", October 26, 2016 is transferred to the territory of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "Noginskoye".
Noginsk-9 (Military town, Dubrovo) is an urban-type settlement, a previously closed military town. Located near the border with the Vladimir region, 7 km south of Fryanovo, 8 km south-west of A108 and 25 km from the regional center.
Thermite welding. The connection of metals is carried out by heating the edges with thermite. This is a special powder consisting of a fine fraction of aluminum and iron scale. Instead of aluminum, magnesium can be used.
The essence of thermite welding is to bring together the two sides of the product, between which a gap is provided. The ends are placed in a refractory mold that insulates the metal from the environment and sets the width and height of the weld. A bunker (crucible) with thermite powder is brought to the mold.
The sides of the product are preheated. Usually a propane-oxygen or kerosene-oxygen flame is used. After that, thermite is set on fire in the bunker with a flame or fuse and covered with a lid. At the same time, the feed is opened from the bottom of the bunker to the docking area.
Liquid metal fills the mold and finally melts the edges. The sides are welded. Then wait until the product has cooled down and remove the form. On the surface, bumps, sagging are possible, so machining may be required.
Arc welding. Electric arc welding is one of the most common because it is suitable for joining most types of metals and is easy to implement. All subspecies of electric arc welding have a common principle - a current with low voltage (for the safety of the welder) and increased power (for melting the metal) is used.
Between the positive and negative ends connected to a current source, when touched, an electric arc is excited. If you keep the gap between the poles at 3-5 mm, the arc burns stably and releases temperatures up to 5000º C. This is enough to melt the edges of the base metal. The method of protecting the weld pool and filling the joint are carried out in different ways, from which electric arc resistance welding is divided into several varieties.
Argon welding. In the international system, TIG is prescribed - Tungsten Inert Gas. In argon arc welding, an electric arc burns between the end of the tungsten electrode and the workpiece. The welder manipulates the torch. The tungsten electrode does not melt, so the gap is easier to maintain. Protection of the weld pool is carried out by supplying argon from the cylinder through the reducer to the burner. The gas starts half a second before the start of welding and continues to blow for a couple of seconds after. This reliably isolates the molten metal from external influences.
Filler wire or filler rods are used to fill gaps and increase the height of the weld. They must be of the same alloy as the base metal. On tightly flattened sides of sheet steels of 1.0-1.5 mm, welding without an additive is possible if high mechanical loads are not applied to the product.
Due to the sharply sharpened tungsten needle, the welding seams are narrow and neat, therefore, after application, they often do not need to be processed. The thickness of the penetration depends on the strength of the current. The most powerful devices for argon welding give out 400 A, which is enough to weld parts with a thickness of 30 mm. In this case, water-cooled burners are used. When welding thin steels up to 5 mm, air-cooled machines are suitable.
Semiautomatic welding. Semi-automatic welding has two designations in the international system. MIG means protection of the weld pool with inert gas (Manual Inert Gas), and MAG - protection with active gas (Manual Active Gas). The inert gases include argon and helium, and the active gases are carbon dioxide. Welding with a mixture of argon 80% and carbon dioxide 20% is possible.
The wire simultaneously acts as a filler material. Since it is fed automatically, the welder only has to control the burner, setting the width and height of the seam. On the device there is an adjustment of the current strength and wire feed speed. Welding is carried out with direct current, but there are AC / DC models.
Submerged arc welding. The arc in submerged arc welding burns between the end of the wire and the workpiece. The wire serves as an electrode and filler material, fed automatically from the drum. A hopper moves ahead of the welding head, from which the flux is fed.
Flux is a granular substance used to protect the weld pool. It melts and releases a gas that repels air. The arc burns in a layer of powder, so sparks practically do not break out to the surface, and minimal spatter of the metal is ensured. There are models that have a suction nozzle after the welding head. It removes the flux from an already applied seam, which saves consumables and cleans the surface. Fluxes vary in composition (high-silicon, low-silicon, non-silicon), which determines their suitability for welding specific metals.
Submerged arc welding can be automatic and semi-automatic. The welding actuator (carriage) moves over the product with the help of rollers, a chain. The current source is located nearby in a stationary place and is connected to the carriage by cables. The technology is used to connect pipes of large diameter, laying highways.
Flame welding. Passed with a flame from the burner. To create a flame, acetylene or propane (as a combustible gas) and oxygen (to increase the power of the flame). The temperature of the torch reaches 2800-3100º C, which allows melting the metal edges. To fill the welding bath, an additive wire is used, a welder's free hand.
Gas welding most often combine ferrous metals, pipes, latch containers. Non-volatility allows you to apply welding in the field, on the roofs, in tunnels, basements. Connection to cylinders is performed through gearboxes with pressure gauges. At the oxygen gearbox manometers two - high and low pressure. Additional components will be required (hoses, mouthpieces, nipples) to connect to one system.
Electroslak welding. The essence of electroslag welding is to combine the two sides of the metal due to heat released by the slag bath. To do this, the zone of docking is filled with conductive flux. The welding electrode (wire) is supplied to it, which warms the flux, forming a liquid slag. The electrode continues to carry out the current, being immersed in the welding slag bath. The method of illuminated. The temperature rises and the metal edges are melted with each other.
The range of thickness of the welded metals with this method is 20-3000 mm.
Plasma welding. Plasma is used for melting edges and additive metal. The equipment consists of a source of direct current, gas argon cylinder, plasma torch. To remove the extra heat from the plasmatone nozzle (burner), water cooling is often envisaged.
Gas is supplied to the plasma torch and heats up the electric arc. Due to this, it increases in volume up to 100 times. Due to the thermal expansion, it begins to expire from the nozzle at high speed. This is plasma. Its temperature is 30 000º C, which exceeds the characteristics of other welding methods.
What is chess?
Chess Pieces
Chess Pieces
Rooks are equal in value to five pawns, and a queen is equal to nine. Rooks and queen are heavy pieces. The king is the most valuable piece in chess. His loss means that the game is lost.g
ame is lost.
Initial arrangement
Initial arrangement
Chess knight
Chess knight
Bishop can walk any distance diagonally. At the beginning of the game, each chess player has two bishops. One walks on white, and the other on black fields.
The rook can move any distance horizontally or vertically. The rook and king can castle.
Bishop chess archer, can move any number of squares diagonally. It is easy to see that each bishop can move on squares of the same color, either only on white or only on black. On the field of what color in the initial position the bishop ended up, he will walk along the fields of the same color to the end. Therefore, elephants are called white-field and black-field, respectively.
The queen is the strongest piece on the board. He can move diagonally, vertically or horizontally to any number of squares.
The rook is a straightforward and powerful piece, the long-range artillery of chess, it can move any number of squares horizontally or vertically.
The king can move one square in any direction. Together with the rook, he can perform a special move, castling.
The queen is the strongest piece, combining the capabilities of the rook and the bishop. Can move any number of free spaces in any direction in a straight line, horizontally, vertically, and diagonally.
The most important and valuable figure. The goal of a chess battle is to capture the opponent's king, to declare checkmate to him.
The king, like the queen, can move horizontally, vertically, diagonally in any direction, but only one field.
However, once per game, the king has the right to make a more frisky move, castling. If all the pieces standing between the king and the rook have left, and the king and the rook themselves have not yet made moves.
Physical, mental and spiritual practices from ancient india
No one in the world will be able to tell you clear deadlines, dates and figures – it all depends on your specific situation, on the habit of studying, on what goals you set for yourself. It happens that a person is just starting to practice yoga, and progress is very fast, and then suddenly "runs into a wall."
In this case, everything depends only on you, on your will and determination, on whether you will be able to realize the harmony method for yourself. But in any case, if yoga classes have become a habit for you, all the positive results will come, now it's only a matter of time.
The history of yoga goes back thousands of years, now it is not possible to determine exactly where and when this teaching arose. It is believed that in ancient times yoga was spread among a variety of peoples and countries, echoes of this teaching we find in the myths and legends of Europe, Russia, Scandinavian countries, the Middle East, Egypt, India.
Then, for reasons unknown to us, this halo significantly narrowed, but still covered a fairly wide geographical space - the territory of countries such as Afghanistan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, the countries of Central Asia, modern India, Nepal, Bhutan and Tibet, the countries of Southeast Asia. Now this halo has narrowed even more, to the territory of modern India, Nepal, Tibet and other nearby countries.
As for the names of the teachers and founders of yoga, it is not possible to name them, since in ancient times it was not customary to draw attention to one's personality, it was considered immodest. We only know the names of less recent followers of yoga, such as Patanjali, Vyasa and others.
No one in the world will be able to tell you clear deadlines, dates and figures – it all depends on your specific situation, on the habit of studying, on what goals you set for yourself. It happens that a person is just starting to practice yoga, and progress is very fast, and then suddenly "runs into a wall."
Since the knowledge of yoga in ancient times was passed from mouth to mouth, from teacher to student, written texts and treatises on yoga appeared already at a relatively late time. Many texts on yoga have been lost, and of those that have survived, many have not been translated not only into Russian, but even into any European language.
In this case, everything depends only on you, on your will and determination, on whether you will be able to realize the harmony method for yourself. But in any case, if yoga classes have become a habit for you, all the positive results will come, now it's only a matter of time.
One of the most ancient texts on yoga, which is beyond doubt among orientalists, is the treatise "Yoga Sutra Patanjali". However, in this text, Patanjali rather provides a systematic presentation of different approaches in yoga, generalizing them into a coherent sequence of eight steps, but does not state the entire theory and practice of yoga.
To date, we can say that true knowledge has been preserved primarily in those yoga schools that have maintained the tradition of transferring knowledge from teacher to student for many generations.
Yoga is an extremely safe system of self-knowledge. As the centuries-old history shows, yoga knows how to protect itself, to make sure that powerful knowledge and techniques do not fall into the hands of an evil, cruel person who can harm himself and others. Our universe is so cunningly arranged that even if the knowledge of yoga falls into the hands of such a person, he will not be able to use it. In yoga there are classical methods and so-called fast methods.
Classical methods are almost completely safe, anyone can study them, but it takes a long time to practice them to get a result, it requires determination, courage, will. Fast methods allow you to achieve the goal very quickly, they are truly capable of performing miracles, but they contain many pitfalls and can be dangerous for the practitioner.
However, usually an unprepared person cannot use them and harm himself, because none of the yoga teachers will teach such a person fast methods, and when faced with them independently, he simply will not be able to recognize them.
At the same time, yoga again and again urges the practitioner to be extremely attentive to his body, to remember about the principle of harmony, not to allow any pain. Observing the harmony method and strictly following all the recommendations of your teacher, you will never be able to harm yourself. This applies to both classical Hatha yoga and all other types of yoga.
In ancient times, yoga was an extremely closed teaching - the uninitiated were not even allowed close to the secret practices and techniques of yoga. It was believed that an unprepared person would not be able to use them in any case, but would cause negative associative connections in other people who would identify this person with yoga.
However, over the past 150-200 years, the situation has changed dramatically. It seems that some teachers and teachers of yoga have made a decision: that's it, the time has come, humanity is ready to accept this science, now it's time to fully publicize the knowledge of yoga, to bring it to as many people as possible.
The most interesting thing is that historically it coincided with the scientific and technological revolution, as if yoga teachers were waiting for the moment when it would be possible to spread yoga knowledge very quickly with the help of modern means of civilization. At the moment, the blessing of yoga teachers has been received for the open dissemination of yoga knowledge - of course, in those schools that are open, because even in our time there are many closed schools.
In our yoga school of the Anandaswami tradition, it is believed that yoga knowledge belongs to all mankind, moreover, the history of civilization will largely depend on whether people will be able to perceive this ancient knowledge and the spiritual values inherent in it.
No, it is not. Yoga is extremely respectful of all religions, not singling out any of them, but it is not a religion itself - it is a system of self-knowledge. Yoga can be practiced by a person who adheres to any religious views, as well as an atheist.
In yoga, it is believed that religion is a personal matter for everyone. Yoga does not contradict and perfectly complements religion, but it completely distances itself from any religious disputes and disputes.
Yoga is extremely respectful of science, but it is not a science itself.The difference between science and yoga is in the reference point: science tries to know the world by choosing an external reference point, but in yoga the reference point is the "I" of each person. In addition, yoga piously observes the first principle, in yoga it is believed that it is better not to have any knowledge than to have knowledge gained through the suffering of living beings.
In science, the principles of morality and humanism are not always so rigidly observed.However, in yoga, as in science, it is also called upon to sharpen your mind, wherever possible, to observe the principle of logic and common sense, to fundamentally stop any illogic and obscurantism. Yoga knowledge never contradicts ordinary logic. Yoga perfectly complements science.
Yoga does not treat either physical or mental illnesses – there is medicine for this. Yoga is not a substitute for medicine, if you have health problems and you do not know if you can practice yoga, contact your doctor first. Yoga is designed for "practically healthy" people, in other cases it is necessary to approach yoga classes with extreme caution.
Of course, there are situations when, with the help of yoga, a person was cured of diseases that official medicine recognized as incurable. Since yoga is a very strong teaching, it happens that it lifts a person out of bed, on whom the doctors, as they say, put an end, but, once again, there are no guarantees.
Extremely negative! Yoga believes that it is fundamentally impossible to achieve any heights of self-knowledge with the help of chemistry - be it hallucinogens, psychotropic substances or any other drugs. The basis of spiritual self-transformation is only the will of a person and honest, purposeful work on oneself, it is impossible to "accelerate" this process with the help of chemistry.
Taking drugs, a person not only causes terrible harm to his body, but also sharply degrades spiritually, so yoga has a sharply negative attitude to any narcotic substances. In the twentieth century, there was a boom in the West, a huge surge of interest in drugs and hallucinogens, followers of these trends were convinced that they were opening up "new horizons of consciousness."
In yoga, this is considered a terrible myth, one of the dangerous traps on the path of the spiritual evolution of mankind.
The mentality of the countries of the East itself does not assume that someone will take the liberty to certify yoga teachers, there is not and cannot be a single certification center. There are many different yoga schools in India, and the methods of these schools can sometimes vary dramatically. In addition, in the East there is the utmost freedom in a person's choice of a method of self-knowledge, a method of spiritual development, they respect this freedom even more than we have the "Declaration of Human Rights".
At the same time, in some schools in India and in the West, there is a practice of certification of yoga teachers who have graduated from this school. However, the yoga tradition itself suggests that no certificate can guarantee you that you are really a yoga teacher or a professional teacher.
Of course, from the standpoint of logic, if you trust any yoga school, it probably makes sense to trust a teacher who has a certificate of this school. But there are no guarantees, because in yoga, the personality of the teacher himself is first of all important.
Therefore, the choice is only yours – if, while practicing yoga under the guidance of an instructor, you feel confidence in him and feel inner harmony from performing exercises, it makes sense to continue practicing. If the instructor has certificates of all yoga schools, all imaginable and unthinkable initiations, but you personally do not feel confidence in him – perhaps you should find another instructor.
The main goal is to achieve the highest and transcendent state of happiness, awareness of your higher self, gaining complete freedom from any conditioning, any dependence. This state is called samadhi. Yoga does not bring anything from the outside, it only reveals what is already laid down initially.
Yoga teaches us that the potential of our higher self is truly limitless, that our natural state is sachchidananda, or the experience of the highest joy and bliss.
But in ordinary life, we identify ourselves with our manifestations, with our bodies, because of ignorance, suffering, dependence, pain arises, therefore, the main path of any yoga, no matter what kind of yoga you do, is the gradual elimination of ignorance, the knowledge of the resources hidden in each of us and the attainment of this highest freedom.
Yoga is a holistic and multifaceted teaching about self-knowledge and the surrounding world, which has a thousand-year history. In ancient times, it was an extremely closed system, because the techniques and practices were very strong and gave real power.
This is a very concrete science, it contains many specific exercises and techniques that allow you to realize your inner potential, to reveal the tremendous physical and mental abilities inherent in each person, to maintain yourself in excellent physical shape.
Doing yoga, a person comes out of the "gray everyday life" into a new, absolutely fantastic and magical world, becomes more open, sincere, kind, begins to live a brighter, richer, full-fledged life.
Teaching not only helps to improve physical health, gain a strong, slender, hardy body, but also allows you to fully realize yourself in all spheres of life – in work and study, in career and business, in family and interpersonal relationships, in professional and personal development and many other areas of human activity.
This is an extra-karmic gift of the Universe, left to us by the teachers and teachers of antiquity, who have already achieved all the goals that one can only dream of. They left us the knowledge of yoga to help us change our lives for the better as quickly as possible, to rise to a new spiritual level.
No, it is not. Yoga can be called only that system of self-knowledge that strictly adheres to the first principle of yoga, or the principle of kindness, and the second principle, or the principle of common sense.
The first principle tells us that we "should not harm any living being unless absolutely necessary; if there is no way not to harm, then we must do as our duty dictates." This principle is the cornerstone of any system of self-knowledge, without observing it it is impossible to rise to a new spiritual level.
The second principle, or the principle of logic, tells us that "we should not waste our time and energy on trifles. We must first be very clear about our goals, whether these goals are in work, study, yoga or any other field of activity, and then direct all our efforts only to achieve these goals.
Therefore, before getting involved in another activity, we should ask ourselves whether it leads us to the goal, and if not, we should ruthlessly discard it, no matter how tempting it may seem to us."
Observing the first and second principles, sooner or later we intuitively "grope" our way of life, which is called dharma, or destiny, and by following it, we achieve all our goals faster and at the same time become more aware of our duty.
The foundation of all yoga, the main secret of any yoga exercise is harmony, in the right combination of where to force yourself and where you can afford.
If you only allow yourself, progress will be slow, because yoga classes require will, determination, effort from a person; on the contrary, if you force the process too much and constantly "keep yourself in check" without relaxing for a second, this will also slow down your practice. Asceticism in yoga is absolutely necessary, but it must be harmoniously combined with relaxation and enjoyment from practice.
In yoga, the most important thing is not WHAT you do, but HOW you perform this or that exercise. You can twist into three knots and take the most difficult asana, which will look one-in-one like in the picture, but will not be yoga at the same time, but you can take the simplest pose and get a huge effect from it.
In other words, we must avoid extremes, observe the principle of common sense and listen very carefully to our body, to our feelings, emotions, feelings. Any physical or mental exercise may or may not be a yoga exercise, an element of inner harmony and joy from its performance is important.
The main criterion for success is only one - it is the habit of doing yoga. Of course, flexibility, slimness, a sense of harmony, and the ability to focus are also indicators of progress in yoga, but they are all secondary and secondary.
If you have developed the habit of doing yoga every day - no matter what kind of yoga you do - then success is guaranteed to you, now it's only a matter of time when certain results from the practice will come. If there is no such habit, you can get some effect very quickly and also lose it quickly.
In addition, it should be remembered that yoga can only be called a system of self-knowledge that strictly adheres to the first and second principles - the principles of kindness and common sense.
If a person is evil, cruel, harms others and does not want to change at the same time, it is unlikely that he will be able to master yoga practices at a really serious level.
Strictly speaking, anyone can do yoga. Even if for one reason or another you cannot practice physical yoga (age, health problems, etc.), you can practice other types of yoga - meditation, dream yoga, visualization yoga, raja yoga, etc.
The teaching is very multifaceted, practices related to volitional efforts and asceticism are more suitable for someone, while for someone - with methods of energy and trust in the Absolute. Anyone can learn something useful from a wide arsenal of practical yoga methods.
But, no matter what kind of yoga you do, if you practice it honestly, purposefully, regularly, if you develop the habit of practicing, you can get a truly wonderful result.
In principle, there are no external devices or diagnostic methods to determine whether a particular yoga exercise is being performed correctly. No external observer will be able to do this, only the practitioner himself can determine this.
At the same time, yoga gives some guidelines on how to do this – when performing each exercise in yoga, you should feel harmony and a state of joy. If you are doing an exercise and you want to continue doing it, then you are doing it correctly. You can feel the joy of overcoming yourself by performing a pose with effort, using will, or, conversely, the joy of experiencing pleasant sensations in the body when the pose becomes comfortable, but in both cases there should be positive emotions.
If you feel pain, discomfort, desire to get out of the pose, but use violence on your body, then you do anything but yoga. In yoga, it is believed that violence against the body is absolutely not effective and does not lead to any long-term results. As it is said in an ancient treatise on yoga, "pain and yoga are incompatible, if there is pain, there is no yoga, if there is yoga, there is no pain."
This is the main secret of yoga, this is what distinguishes it from physical education and sports. It is thanks to the harmony method that you begin to feel better about yourself, move from the outside world to the inside, and begin to grow spiritually. It is this method that allows you to get all the beneficial effects of yoga - to develop and hone your intellectual abilities, learn how to plan and achieve your goals, harmoniously build relationships with others, and much, much more.
If we briefly structure the whole variety of effects obtained from yoga, we can answer this question as follows:
Physical health, good energy tone, a surge of energy and vitality.
A beautiful, hardy, slender physical body.
Mental health, stress relief, calmness, balance, inner harmony and freedom, a sense of joy and happiness.
Real positive changes in life - a more interesting and highly paid job, a busy, interesting life, building more harmonious relationships with others, freeing up a temporary resource, achieving all the goals set,
Spiritual development – a person becomes more open, kind, sincere, begins to understand himself and the universe better, becomes a support for other people.
There are a lot of types of yoga, as many as there are manifestations of human activity. As a rule, the main, classical types of yoga include Hatha yoga, kriya yoga, mantra yoga, pranayama, meditation. These yogis allow you to rebuild your physical body, make it more perfect, hardy, strong, help you gain clarity of consciousness, hone your mind and intellectual abilities.
These yogis are the foundation for more complex, exotic yogas, such as Tantra yoga, yoga of falling in love, Nyasa yoga, Bhakti yoga, Jnana yoga, Raja yoga, dream yoga, visualization yoga and many others. About twenty types of yoga are studied in our yoga school within the framework of the Open Yoga University - you can find more detailed information about these types on the website .
No one in the world will be able to tell you clear deadlines, dates and figures – it all depends on your specific situation, on the habit of studying, on what goals you set for yourself. It happens that a person is just starting to practice yoga, and progress is very fast, and then suddenly "runs into a wall."
In this case, everything depends only on you, on your will and determination, on whether you will be able to realize the harmony method for yourself. But in any case, if yoga classes have become a habit for you, all the positive results will come, now it's only a matter of time.
Pilates is a training system aimed at strengthening the body, developing correct posture, developing flexibility, improving the smoothness and accuracy of movements.
It is also important to observe the regularity of training. Single classes will not give effect, you need consistency.
Regular Pilates classes strengthen the whole body as a whole, develop a muscular corset and help to recover from injuries.
Benefits of Pilates:
Physical fitness system
Pilates is a training system aimed at strengthening the body, developing correct posture, developing flexibility, improving the smoothness and accuracy of movements.
The inventor of Pilates, Josef Pilates, was born in 1883 in German Monchengladbach. Josef grew up a very sickly and weak boy, suffering from asthma, rickets and rheumatic fever. His father Friedrich, who was engaged in gymnastics and weightlifting, believed that healing could come through physical exertion. And it really helped – by the age of 14, Josef became strong and almost forgot about old illnesses. His body became so perfect that the boy was even invited to pose for an anatomical atlas.
Pilates fell in love with sports: he was engaged in martial arts, yoga and gymnastics. Josef stayed in Germany until he was 32, working as a physical education coach at a local school. In 1912, he moved to England, where he earned a living in every possible way: he performed in the boxing ring, was a circus performer and even taught Scotland Yard detectives self-defense.
At the same time, Josef begins to develop his own system of exercises. He understands that physical activity alone is not enough for the full development of a person, a spiritual component is also needed, so he combines exercises with the philosophy of martial arts and meditation.
During the First World War, Pilates helped wounded soldiers in hospitals in England, simultaneously trying out his training system. He even equipped some beds with special springs that were attached to the wall. And thanks to the Pilates system, the fighters recovered much faster after injuries.
In 1926, Josef moved to the United States and opened his studio in New York. His training system quickly became popular – so much so that ballet, dance, theater and cinema stars began to appear in his studio.
Gymnastics, of course, was not an innovation for anyone. In the invention of Pilates, people were attracted by something else - a combination of physical exercises and a whole philosophical system.
Pilates is not just a workout, but also its own philosophy
Pilates himself called the developed system contrology - from the word control, since the main thing in it, according to Josef's idea, was precisely control over his body and mind. Pilates believed that "the body is created by the mind" and there is practically no point in physical exercises without proper psychological preparation.
In his opinion, one of the biggest problems of modern man is that he is completely unable to control his mind. The brain works as if by itself, thoughts come and go, and a person not only cannot follow it, but does not even try. But if you combine physical training and mind training, if during gymnastics you concentrate on the part of the body on which the exercise is performed, then the result will be incredible.
Pilates was sure that the human body has enough resources to cure almost any injuries and diseases, we just don't use it because we don't know how.
At the same time, Pilates did not have a clear system of physical training. Josef developed 34 gymnastic exercises, but he did not force anyone to do only them – people were free to choose what to load their own body with. The essence was precisely in the approach to training, a combination of psychology and physical work, a certain attitude to training in general.
"Pilates is basically about effective movements. We do not control the mind through physical exercises, but through intelligent movement we perform exercises with full efficiency. How much stability is needed, how much mobility is needed - we do exactly as much as a person needs to function, live, be healthy, active and perform not only everyday tasks, but also engage in any other sports."
Pilates is a complex system of body development based on gymnastics, yoga, taichi (a kind of wushu) and several other oriental traditions.
The essence of Pilates is dynamic exercises without overstrain, performed at a slow pace simultaneously with breathing exercises and mind control. The movements are performed gently, without a sharp change of exercises.
Pilates has six basic principles:
The most important thing in Pilates is strict adherence to all six principles. If you forget at least one, then the whole technique will collapse and will not work as it should. Otherwise, it will just be fitness with elements of Pilates. Self-control and discipline are the basis of success.
It is also important to observe the regularity of training. Single classes will not give effect, you need consistency.
The Russian word ' apple ' arose as a result of the addition of the prosthetic initial ' j' to Praslav. *ablko ; the latter is formed with the help of the suffix -ъk - from the Late Proto-Indo-European stem *āblu - "apple" ( Lit. obuolỹs , Latvian. ābols , English apple , German Apfel , Gaulish avallo , Old Irish aball ). This basis represents the regionalism of the northwestern Indo-European languages and goes back, in turn, to the common Indo-European basis (reconstructed as *(a)masl- [4] or as *ŝamlu- ). With the suffix -on- , the same stem gave an apple tree (later apple tree ) .
The Latin words mālum "apple" and mālus "apple tree" also go back to Proto-IE. *(a)masl-/*ŝamlu- .
Trees with spreading spherical or ovoid crown 2-10 m high and above. The root system is pivotal, with lateral branches .
It positions itself as a "classic entertainment channel"[13]. The channel airs a large number of films, TV series, cartoons and TV shows. The target audience of STS: everyone from 10 to 45 years old. As of 2019, it ranks sixth in terms of audience share among national channels[8][14].
On December 21, 2009, the international version of the TV channel, CTC International, began broadcasting[15].
The CTC television network was founded by the American entrepreneur Peter Gerwe, who was the first in the Russian market to offer a franchise network model of broadcasting, in which independent broadcasters-affiliates who receive part of the channel's advertising time for their services are responsible for the distribution of the television signal in the regions. The idea of creating such a television network has been hatched by StoryFirst Communications since 1993[17].
On December 1, 1996, the Moscow decimeter AMTV channel, the St. Petersburg Sixth Channel and several regional TV companies, which Hervey and his financial partner Mike Wick developed with their own and borrowed funds [18], began joint broadcasting under the STS brand (which at first stood for "Commonwealth of Television Stations", and since 2002 - as a "Network of Television Stations"). Initially, the launch of the STS was planned to be carried out in January, and later in October 1996, but financial and legal problems prevented this [17]. In the first months.
The fundamental difference between the STS television network and TV-6 or AST-2x2 was: digital broadcasting for several time zones, the presence of a large number of expensive foreign content at that time and the absence of a license for broadcasting — the holders of such in all cities of broadcasting were local TV companies that relayed STS. For example, in Moscow, such a license holder was LLC "Marathon-TV Association"[20] (later - the media "STS-8 TV Channel", the media "STS-Moscow TV Channel"), in St. Petersburg - CJSC "Channel Six TV Company".
The first general director of the channel was Sergey Skvortsov. Oleg Vakulovsky, a well-known TV journalist, worked as the main producer on the TV channel, and Vasily Kiknadze was the sports producer. In 1998, Roman Petrenko became the General Director of the STS. Under him, in 1999, the indicators of the TV channel approached the indicators of the central TV channels ORT, RTR and NTV, while ahead of TV-6 and TV Center[21][22] (in the first year of its existence, the viewing figures were only 1%,
At the end of December 2014, Vyacheslav Murugov left the post of General Director of the CTC. From January 1, 2015 to March 2016, the position of CEO was held by Elmira Makhmutova[77]. On March 10, 2015, the transformation of CJSC "Network of Television Stations" into JSC "STS" was completed. On May 30, 2016, Vyacheslav Murugov became the General director again, while all the main powers for managing the TV channel were given into the hands of Daria Legoni-Fialko, who was appointed director of the CTC TV channel from September 1, 2016.
Since the middle of 2015, the decline in the ratings of the TV channel has stopped[78], during 2016-2017, the STS audience has grown slightly[71][79][80], this was facilitated, in particular, by the appearance of new hits - sitcoms "Hotel Eleon" (a spin-off of "Kitchen") and "Ivanov-Ivanov".
Daria Legoni-Fialko clarified the concept of the TV channel: from now on, STS should be clearly positioned as "a channel of romantic realism, a channel for optimists and family, joint viewing"[81].
In order to improve the quality of the content coming out on the TV channel, the transition to a new development strategy was initiated — an increase in the development time for the launched TV projects (which consists in much more careful control of the scripts and production of series and TV shows)[82]. Also in December 2017, Art Pictures Distribution bought the bulk of the libraries of Hollywood companies Warner Bros., MGM, Paramount and Sony Pictures — this led to an increase in the number of film premieres on STS[83]. According to Vyacheslav Murugov, a strong film screening is a "safety rope of the CTC", which allows you to experiment more freely with the development of projects of the channel's own production[8].
From February to March 2018, STS aired advertising breaks in which the hosts and actors of the TV series called for the presidential elections (without saying who exactly to vote for)[84], which had not been observed since the beginning of the TV channel’s broadcasting . Moreover, a special episode of the sitcom Voronins[85] was filmed and shown several times, with repeated references to the elections.
In April 2018, the director of the TV channel, Daria Legoni-Fialko, left STS[86]. Since then, Vyacheslav Murugov has been in charge of the operational management of the channel, and Anton Fedotov, who has been appointed general producer, controls the production of content[87]. Also, since July 2018, Sergey Svetlakov and Alexander Nezlobin have been working at STS, who became the faces of the TV channel and began to produce humorous shows for it (the revived project “Thank God you have come!” And the new one - “Russians do not laugh”); in the future, they also plan to create television series[88]. In 2019, Mikhail Shats returned to the TV channel (he became the host of the new entertainment show “It was in the evening”[89]), and Mikhail Galustyan also switched to STS[90].
At the end of 2019, STS overtook TNT in terms of audience share. Of the projects that started in 2019 on STS, the most notable were the sports comedy "Dyldy" and the revived Russian version of the TV game "Fort Boyard" with host Sergei Shnurov[8]. In 2020, after a 5-year break, the Galileo program returned to the air of the channel, with a new host, Vladimir Marconi.
On February 1, 2019, the channel switched to the 16:9 broadcast format[91][92]. In November 2019, the HD version of the channel began broadcasting - it is available on the Internet (on the official STS website and on the More.TV video service[93]), as well as on cable, satellite and interactive television networks[94][95].
"The first entertainment television" (1996-2002) "First Entertaining" (in 2002-2007 it was used on the air, from 2007 to the present - only in the certificate of registration of the TV channel as a media name) "STS Revolution" (2004-2005)[96] "Life is Beautiful" (Spring 2006)[97] "I watch STS" (autumn 2006)[98] "STS entertainment landing party" (spring 2007)[99] Entertainment Classics (May 1 - August 15, 2010)[13] Everything New (September 15, 2014 - November 1, 2015)[100] "More sun!" (October 23, 2017 - December 18, 2018)[101] "It's warm in winter! - at STS" (January 15 - February 28, 2019) "100% entertaining!" (from March 1, 2019 to present) "Winter with us!" (December 2, 2019 - February 29, 2020)[102] "100% New Year's!" (December 2020 - January 2021)
Russian tv channel. "STS" ("Network of television stations", the name of the media — "The First entertainment STS") is a Russian federal TV channel. It belongs to the CTC Media Holding.
"The first entertainment television" (1996-2002) "First Entertaining" (in 2002-2007 it was used on the air, from 2007 to the present - only in the certificate of registration of the TV channel as a media name) "STS Revolution" (2004-2005)[96] "Life is Beautiful" (Spring 2006)[97] "I watch STS" (autumn 2006)[98] "STS entertainment landing party" (spring 2007)[99] Entertainment Classics (May 1 - August 15, 2010)[13] Everything New (September 15, 2014 - November 1, 2015)[100] "More sun!" (October 23, 2017 - December 18, 2018)[101] "It's warm in winter! - at STS" (January 15 - February 28, 2019) "100% entertaining!" (from March 1, 2019 to present) "Winter with us!" (December 2, 2019 - February 29, 2020)[102] "100% New Year's!" (December 2020 - January 2021)