SBIR/STTR Award attributes
ABSTRACT Defecatory disorders such as chronic constipation (CC) and fecal incontinence (FI) affect 25% of the population and the incidence is rising. These disorders pose a major health care burden and are poorly recognized and treated. The need for better diagnostics and therapeutics is substantial. CC, a symptom of underlying defecatory disease, affects 12-19% of Americans with expenditure on laxatives being nearly $1B yearly. Another defecatory disorder is FI, which affects 10% of the population and its incidence is rising. Approximately 15% of the population in USA over 70 years of age as well as 10% of those under 70 suffer from FI. It is an under-diagnosed problem due to patients often being too embarrassed to seek medical help. The mechanisms of defecation and continence depend on colorectal motility, stool consistency, rectal capacity and compliance, anorectal sensitivity, and coordination of the pelvic floor muscles and sphincter. Management options for these patients are limited due to the multifactorial control of defecation and continence; and the difficulties in identifying the exact cause of CC and FI with current diagnostics. Precise diagnosis is necessary to judge if the patient is eligible for biofeedback treatment. 3DTs multimodal Fecobionics device is a novel, anorectal natural orifice insertable device that provides high resolution pressures, orientation, bending, and shape during defecation of the device. It simulates feces and electronically measures relevant parameters of defecation such as the propulsive force, anal sphincter relaxation, and anorectal angle. Results from previous studies have shown safe and distinctive recordings of important anorectal function parameters. Specifically, the device did not cause tissue injury to rectum or the anal canal as verified by visual inspection of mucosa and histological examination. Fecobionics evacuations in non- GLP pig studies showed characteristic pressure profiles and orientation/bending data obtained with wired as well as wireless transmission. Furthermore, simultaneous data from human studies outside of the US have provided the first-in-man studies with the initial wired prototypes of Fecobionics. The human studies have confirmed that the device is safe and easy-to-use in the clinical setting with integration of most current tests in one, and high degree of agreement with key parameters obtained with the balloon expulsion test and defecography. Distinct differences were found, however, when compared to the manometry “gold standard” as there are also difference between current clinical tests. To advance these outstanding findings and to move closer to commercialization of Fecobionics, this Fast track proposal intends to accomplish the following: Phase I Aim 1: Modification of filling tube detachment. We will develop an optimized, easy-to-operate tube with needed retention force and detachment. Phase II Specific Aims: 1) GLP studies in swine to demonstrate safety, 2) In vivo comparison of anorectal angle and pressure measurements, and 3) 510(k) submission. To obtain data for submission of 510(k) for market release of wireless technology. The long-term goal is to develop the technology for biofeedback training by patients in their homes with remote assistance by practitioners to substantially reduce healthcare costs.