Implements for squeezing-off ulcers or the like on {the inside of} inner organs of the body; Implements for scraping-out cavities of body organs, e.g. bones; Calculus removers; Calculus smashing apparatus; {Apparatus for removing obstructions in blood vessels, not otherwise provided for } for extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy [ESWL], e.g. by using ultrasonic waves
Implements for squeezing-off ulcers or the like on {the inside of} inner organs of the body; Implements for scraping-out cavities of body organs, e.g. bones; Calculus removers; Calculus smashing apparatus; {Apparatus for removing obstructions in blood vessels, not otherwise provided for } for extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy [ESWL], e.g. by using ultrasonic waves