SBIR/STTR Award attributes
The Orbital Wildfire Resilience (OWR) project comprises the innovative combination of MyRadar’s miniaturized satellite technology, onboard Artificial Intelligence (AI) processing, and wide-reaching dissemination platform to improve the wildfire hazard resilience of stakeholders. This research facilitates the development of new MyRadar commercial alerting, nowcasting, and satellite imagery products. The Phase II mission will be an orbital demonstration of multi-sensor data capture and downlink, and AIassisted low-bandwidth alerting, and training dataset generation. Phase II tasks will include the construction of two 1U HORIS small-satellite pathfinder flight models with ground-validated subsystems, cross-characterization of both flight model sensor suites, launch certification and deployer integration, orbital commissioning, and collection of orbital training data for AI model development. In a changing climate the impact of wildfire-related hazards is anticipated to grow significantly, straining the limited available resources to mitigate their effects, and testing the resilience of the American public and economy to the threats they pose. The R&D conducted within the OWR project serves to catalyze the addition of new consumer-facing hazard alerting products for the MyRadar app and the development of satellite data products to fill gaps in existing hazard reconnaissance as well as result in an increase the resilience of satellite hazard mapping capabilities.