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What is ANOMUS?
Anomus is a platform that seeks to streamline verified content, news, and professional journalism by exposing fake content through community governance.
How ANOMUS work?
Anomus is a platform that seeks to streamline verified content, news, and professional journalism by exposing fake content through community governance.
What are the "Anomus Principles"?
1. To become objective when creating or contesting content;
2. To remain unbiased when creating or contesting content;
3. No racial, ideological, or political content promoting segregation;
4. No content that would encourage, promote, instigate, or defend the harm of a person or a group of people;
5. Not to create any false content, spread rumors, or facilitate the spreading of rumors without having the knowledge acquired directly to support or refute those rumors;
6.To believe in the freedom of speech and press;