ASIC (an acronym for application-specific integrated circuit) is an integrated circuit that is specialized for a specific task. Unlike conventional general-purpose integrated circuits, application-specific integrated circuits are used in a particular device and perform strictly limited functions specific to that device; consequently, the functions are more efficient and, ultimately, cheaper. An example of an ASIC is a chip designed to control only the radio channel of a cell phone, hardware coding/decoding chips for audio and video signals (signal processors).
ASIC chip has a narrow range of applications, due to a rigidly defined set of functions.
Modern ASICs often contain a 32-bit or even a 64-bit processor, sometimes with several cores, memory blocks (both ROM and RAM) and other large blocks. Such ASICs are often referred to as a single-chip system.
When designing digital ASICs, hardware device description languages (HDLs) such as Verilog and VHDL are used to describe their functionality.
Before the emergence of asics, coins were mined using video cards and computer processors. Such methods were profitable (processors to a lesser extent), however, due to the increase of power and big electricity bills, they became unprofitable.
These problems were solved with the creation of ASIC miners. ASIC stands for Application Specific Integrated Circuit.
ASIC-mining is mining cryptocurrency using special equipment. ASICs are designed to mine a specific coin and have no other use. The principles of mining on an icicus are the same as those of a video card - the icicus decrypts the blockchain and creates new blocks. It differs in that the calculations are done with special chips, and its power is higher. Thus, more coins can be mined with the help of asics.
Asics appeared long before the emergence of cryptocurrencies. For the first time, they were used to speed up graphics work in computers in 1981. Later, asics were used in many electronic devices to optimize and speed up operations.
If you think about it, an icicle is just a chip that does a certain kind of work. And already in the 21st century, these microchips allow deciphering the algorithms behind a particular blockchain.
It is important to note that each cryptocurrency works based on a specific algorithm. These algorithms may or may not coincide between cryptocurrencies. It is very important to choose an Icic that fits the algorithm of the cryptocurrency you are going to mine.
Despite the fact that Icic mining brings good profits, it has a number of disadvantages. One of those disadvantages is that each individual icicus is designed for 1-2 algorithms. Icic can't be re-purposed for other currencies and if you want to start mining other coins - you'll have to buy new equipment.
Another disadvantage is that these devices are specific and it is quite difficult to find a reliable distributor. You can't come to the store, choose a suitable Icic and make sure of its quality. You have to order it online and wait for it to arrive in normal condition. Moreover, most likely, the customs will not let your device through and the seller will need to send it in disassembled condition. This takes a lot of time and strains your nerves, because such equipment costs quite a lot of money.
However, asics are very popular, and their development is quite active. Every year there are new technologies and it is possible that in a couple of years, the icicle will be no bigger than a standard tablet.
There is an opinion that the use of ACIS miners harms the entire crypto industry. The fact is that the power of asics is enough to create new blocks in a fairly short time. Many entrepreneurs create mining aisic farms with huge profits. This leads to the fact that most of the coins belong to a narrow circle of people, and thus to centralization.
The basic principle of cryptocurrencies and blockchain is that the more people own a coin, the more decentralized it is. And the more decentralized it is, the more stable and efficient the whole system is.
To prevent the centralization and disappearance of cryptocurrencies, many blockchains create hashing algorithms that are resistant to ASIC hardware. For example, the developers of the anonymous cryptocurrency Monero deliberately make changes to the algorithm every six months.
On the one hand, the active proliferation of asics has negative consequences, as centralization is harmful for the entire industry and can lead to its collapse. On the other hand, Icic farms motivate developers to create new, more robust algorithms. Icic farms push the system to evolve, speed up the block creation process, and help produce more coins.
How exactly one treats Iciches is an individual matter. However, all opinions agree on one thing - asics have a huge impact on the whole industry and it's hard for us to do anything about it.