SBIR/STTR Award attributes
Autonomous Solutions, Inc. (ASI) has developed a client/server command and control application called Mobius. Mobius can be used to monitor vehicles and assets and control autonomous vehicles. Mobius has been successfully used to control a wide variety of ground vehicles (from small roving cameras to 100-ton haul trucks) to perform a wide variety of missions, including physical security, farming, mining, material handling, cleaning, etc. Mobius is a very powerful and capable command and control platform. It can communicate with a wide variety of manned and unmanned vehicles using a variety of protocols. It includes a wide variety of planning algorithms for navigating in a 2D environment, and a large collection of other useful features that have broad application, such as streaming video or audio from the vehicle, and teleoperation. We feel that there are many ways in which Mobius could be applied to defense applications given its success in non-defense industries. These applications could include autonomous vehicle command and control, asset management and tracking, manned or unmanned vehicle telemetry and telematics, and monitoring remote operations. Mobius can also be used to coordinate diverse and complicated multi-vehicle operations, or any operation where a human is removed.