SBIR/STTR Award attributes
Domestic and foreign threats threaten the Air Force’s ability to protect its people, assets, and ability to do the mission. In an age of rapidly advancing technology and threats at home and abroad the AF must find innovative solutions to protect its installations. Base defense has been a consistent goal for the AF with the Year of the Defender in 2019, Year of Integrated Base Defense in 2020, and the goal to improve base lethality and readiness in the 2021 AFIMSC Strategy. Part of this defense is the AF’s 38,000-person global security force. These Security Forces personnel conduct physical security, antiterrorism, force protection, law enforcement, and policing operations. The 820th Base Defense Group is unique and provides the Air Force's only first-in, worldwide deployable, fully integrated, multi-disciplined, self-sustaining base defense capability.â With increasingly distributed operations, the Air Force and 820th BDG need a tactical Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) within its defensive network to enhance base air defense. AAC’s HAMR (Hybrid Advanced Multi-Rotor) UAS is the solution. HAMR provides better ISR quality with a smaller logistical footprint in order to enable company and flight level units to have an organic ISR asset for them to employ. HAMR will integrate with the 820th BDG's other advanced technologies to “sense” the base air picture and enable seamless physical to digital layered defense.