Affinity Designer lets users create concept designs, print projects, logos, icons, user interface designs, mockups, and more.
Best in class, our app lets you create concept designs, print projects, logos, icons, user interface designs, mockups, and more. It has already been loved by thousands of professional illustrators, web designers and game developers who appreciate its amazing performance and efficiency when working with built-in vector and bitmap design tools.
Affinity Designer lets users create concept designs, print projects, logos, icons, user interface designs, mockups, and more.
Revolution in design
Optimized for the latest technologies on Mac, Windows and iPad platforms, Affinity Designer sets a new industry standard in the design world. Best in class, our app lets you create concept designs, print projects, logos, icons, multi-user interface designs, mockups, and more. It has already become the favorite of thousands of professional illustrators, web designers, game developers and other creative professionals who appreciate its amazing performance and efficiency when working with built-in vector and bitmap design tools.
Serious business
Without any gimmicks or exaggerations, you now have a set of all the necessary tools that you have always dreamed of. Affinity Designer is a simplified work tool for professionals that will always get the job done.
Fast and amazing
Affinity Designer was created to keep up with the latest in computing hardware. It is a joy to use this dynamic, responsive and smooth application.
+ Pan and zoom at 60 frames per second
+ Dynamic gradients, effects and adjustments
+ Live preview of blend modes
+ All transformations and curves are edited in real time in the preview
Difficulty level is up to you
Affinity Designer is designed to handle very large documents, so you can add the smallest details without fear of performance degradation.
+ Optimized for working with documents of any complexity
+ Processing 1000 objects without delay
+ Create a composition with layer groups and color coding
+ Live preview in outline mode for precise selections
You choose the type yourself: raster or vector
Switch between working environments to fully work with vector and raster images with just one click. Add bitmap brush textures to your illustrations, edit individual pixels in icons and masks, add some grain to your perfect vector images, frame and clip pixel layers, and more. In other words, enjoy true creative freedo.
Built for your workflow
Thousands of designers around the world have told us what they expect from a graphic design app. This knowledge formed the basis of our creation of Affinity Designer.
Time saving features
The interface is designed to provide the best user experience possible and allow you more time to be creative. Time-saving tools like Select Same and Select Object let you efficiently apply the same attributes or select all objects of a certain type for easy editing, while studio presets for UI layout let you save your favorite workspace settings for different tasks and easily switch between them.
Works on any device, wherever you are
The application file format is exactly the same for Windows, Mac or iPad devices. This gives you (or your team) complete freedom to seamlessly work on the same file from multiple devices.
Control over color options
Work in RGB or LAB color spaces, support up to 32 bits per channel. In addition, if you plan to print your designs using Pantone colors, comprehensive color management systems based on CMYK and ICC profiles are standard.
Unmistakable vector tools
Affinity Designer is full of tools carefully designed to achieve high performance while maintaining completely accurate geometry.
+ A complete set of vector tools
+ Better versions of the Pen and Node tools available
+ Pencil and brush stabilization
+ Non-Destructive Boolean Operations
+ Powerful Contour Tool
Powerful Contour Tool
Easily add a path to any object or increase the width of single open curves. This is an easy way to create abstract shapes or parallel paths, perfect for a variety of architectural uses, creating a logo, or creating a print file for a sticker.
Advanced features when working with grids and guides
The possibilities for creating grids and guides are almost endless. Whether it's a standard grid template or full multi-plane perspective, you have full access to settings for spacing, cells, gaps, angles, and more.
+ Column and page guides
+ Isometric grids and planes
+ Auto Leveling Tools
+ Pixel snapping and alignment
Scale up to over one million percent
This is what we mean by power. From the very beginning, we designed our module to work with floating point precision. What does it mean? Scale up to 1,000,000%
Unlimited artboards
Place screens, pages, menus and other elements in one project on any number of artboards. Export artboards or any individual elements in your designs with a single click.
+ Create artboards of any size
+ Selecting a size from predefined device sizes
+ Output full artboards or elements in any format
+ Export files at 1x, 2x, and 3x resolution with a single operation
Ability to create links between symbols
Symbols allow an unlimited number of instances of the same base object to be included in the current project. When editing one object, others instantly change. You can easily create multiple variants of symbols with a range of distinct attributes, or even create symbols within symbols, opening the door to truly innovative workflow acceleration techniques.
Pixel view in dynamic mode
The perfection of pixel design is ensured by the ability to view the work in pixel mode. This feature allows you to view vector images in standard and Retina resolution, and get a real idea of how each element of the composition will look after export.
Sophisticated typography
Whether you're working with artistic heading text or text boxes in areas after headings, you can add complex styles and ligatures, and you have full access to options for spacing, kerning, letter spacing, and more. You can convert text to outlines at any time to take full control of how you create exquisite custom typography to give text more value.
+ Comprehensive support for the OpenType format
+ Artistic text and text blocks
+ Character and paragraph styles
+ Placing text along any path
Professional-quality images for printing, display, or collaboration
At the heart of Affinity Designer's backend technology is advanced file support. Support for all major image and vector file types is included, including PDF/X4, EPS, SVG, and PSD.
No subscription
We also don't expect you to pay us a monthly fee. Get the Affinity Designer app for only 4,990.00 RUB. for Windows or Mac OS or for 899.00 rub. for iPad (no subscription).