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Agios Pharmaceuticals is a company that develops and discovers biopharmaceutical therapeutics for the research of cancer metabolism. The company was founded by Craig Thompson, Lewis Cantley, and Tak Mak, in 2008, in Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States.
The company develops drugs that also focus on glycolysis, fatty acid metabolism, and autophagy, as well as hematologic malignancies, solid tumors, and rare genetic diseases. Agios' drugs are focused on cellular metabolism and precision medicine. Some of their products include Mitapivat and Vorasidenib, and other intensive chemotherapies.
Agios' two approved oncology precision medicines are meant to provide new insights and potential therapeutic approaches, and tthe company is growing their preclinical, clinical and commercial programs.
Agios Pharmaceuticals is continued to provide their commercial medicine TIBSOVO during the COVID-19 pandemic to their patients in the United States. International and domestic business was stopped during the pandemic as the company required their employees to work from home.