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Air cab is a means of public transport designed to carry passengers for a certain fee (taxi) by means of air transport.
Air cab is a variation of the general concept of cab, which is often perceived as transportation of passengers by passenger cars, or small river and sea (lake) transport (water cab). At the same time air cab is more expensive type of transport. Air cab makes it possible to significantly reduce the passenger's travel time and the time to reach the destination. In large cities, it avoids such unpleasantness as getting caught in traffic jams.

Air cabs exist to varying degrees in most modern states with small aircraft. As a rule, it functions in the territory of state capitals, large cities or on routes between them. The greatest quantity of them in Sao Paulo, New York and Tokyo, where there is also the greatest quantity of helicopters and helipads in the world. It is also developed in the Czech Republic, Australia and other countries. Sometimes tourist companies use services of an air cab for show tourists local sights from a bird's-eye view.