Hero of the soviet union
Alexander Matrosov is a Red Army soldier, served as a submachine gunner in the 2nd separate rifle battalion of the 91st Separate Siberian Volunteer Brigade.Stalin. Member of the Komsomol. On June 19, 1943, he received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously) for closing the embrasure of a fascist bunker, giving fellow soldiers the opportunity to capture a strong point.
Each generation has its own heroes and idols. Now, when the palm is held by various stars of the cinema and pop industry, when young people are increasingly trying to look like scandalous representatives of bohemia, I want to remember the names of those who became a real hero, who remained in the eternal memory of the people and history. One of such heroes is Alexander Matrosov, whose name is forever inscribed in golden letters in the chronicle of the Great Patriotic War, whose feat many fighters sought to repeat, not sparing their lives, in order for the Motherland to gain freedom and independence. Time passes, insignificant details of the events of those years are erased in memory.
In the active army since November 1942, he served as part of the 2nd separate Rifle Battalion of the 91st Separate Siberian Volunteer Brigade named after I.V. Stalin (later the 254th Guards Rifle Regiment of the 56th Guards Rifle Division, Kalinin Front). For some time the brigade was in reserve. Then she was transferred near Pskov to the area of Bolshoy Lomovaty Bor. Right from the march, the brigade entered the battle.
On February 27, 1943, the 2nd Battalion was tasked with attacking a strongpoint near the village of Pleten, west of the village of Chernushki, Loknyansky district of the Pskov region. As soon as our soldiers passed through the forest and came to the edge, they came under heavy enemy machine gun fire - three enemy machine guns in bunkers covered the approaches to the village. One machine gun was suppressed by an assault group of submachine gunners and armored fighters. The second bunker was destroyed by another group of armored trucks. But the machine gun from the third bunker continued to shell the entire hollow in front of the village. Attempts to silence him were unsuccessful. Then the Red Army soldier Alexander Matrosov crawled towards the bunker. He approached the embrasure from the flank and threw two grenades. The machine gun fell silent. But as soon as the fighters rose to attack, the machine gun came to life again. Then Matrosov got up, rushed to the bunker with a jerk and closed the embrasure with his body. At the cost of his life, he contributed to the fulfillment of the combat mission by the unit.
He was buried in the village of Chernushki, Loknyansky district, and in 1948 the ashes of A.M. Matrosov were reburied in the city of Velikiye Luki, Pskov region, on the left bank of the Lovat River at the intersection of Rosa Luxemburg Street and the Alexander Matrosov embankment.
A few days later, the name of Alexander Matrosov became known throughout the country. Matrosov's feat was used by a journalist who happened to be with the unit for a patriotic article. At the same time, the date of the Hero's death was postponed to February 23, timing the feat to the birthday of the Red Army. Despite the fact that Alexander Matrosov was not the first to commit such an act of self-sacrifice, it was his name that was used to glorify the heroism of Soviet soldiers. Subsequently, over three hundred people committed a similar heroic act. The feat of Alexander Matrosov became a symbol of courage and military valor, fearlessness and love for the Motherland.
By the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated June 19, 1943, the Red Army soldier Alexander Matveyevich Matrosov was posthumously awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union for exemplary performance of combat missions of the command at the front of the struggle against the Nazi invaders and the courage and heroism shown at the same time.
Awarded the Order of Lenin (posthumously).
Alexander Matrosov is a Red Army soldier, served as a submachine gunner in the 2nd separate rifle battalion of the 91st Separate Siberian Volunteer Brigade.Stalin. Member of the Komsomol. On June 19, 1943, he received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously) for closing the embrasure of a fascist bunker, giving fellow soldiers the opportunity to capture a strong point.
On February 27, 1943, the battalion in which Matrosov served was tasked with attacking a Fascist stronghold located near the village of Chernushki in the Loknyansky district of the Kalinin region (since October 1957, the territory of the Pskov region).
The soldiers passed through the forest, found themselves on the edge, and were instantly pinned to the ground by heavy enemy fire. Deadly fire poured from three machine guns of enemy bunkers, making it impossible to move a single step towards the village. It was possible to suppress the firing points with the help of assault brigades of two people each. Armored trucks and submachine gunners coped with one machine gun, the second machine gun also soon quieted down thanks to the efforts of armored trucks. And only the third did not stop talking, shooting through all the open space on the outskirts of the village. The assault group sent to suppress him did not return.
Then a calculation of two fighters was sent to the bunker – Peter Ogurtsov and Alexander Matrosov. Ogurtsov was seriously wounded right in front of the bunker, and Matrosov had to complete the task alone. He managed to approach the embrasure from the flank, and cover the bunker with two grenades. The machine gun fell silent, giving the Soviet soldiers the opportunity to go on the attack. But as soon as they got up, machine-gun fire rang out again. It was at that moment that Alexander rose to his full height, threw his whole body on the embrasure and closed it. This allowed the unit to fulfill the combat mission assigned to it.
The hero was buried in the same village. In 1948, Matrosov's body was reburied in Velikiye Luki (Pskov region).
On June 19, 1943, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR awarded the young Red Army soldier the title Hero of the Soviet Union. On September 8 of the same year, People's Commissar of the USSR Stalin signed an order to enroll Matrosov (forever) in the 1st company of the 254th Guards Rifle Regiment and assign this regiment the name of the deceased hero. Matrosov became the first of all Soviet soldiers who were permanently enrolled in the lists of the unit. The order emphasized that the feat of the Red Army soldier Matrosov is an example of courage and heroism to all soldiers of the Red Army.
Many other cases of suppression of enemy bunkers were not so widely replicated, although they happened all the time. It is worth noting that Soviet soldiers died near the embrasure until 1943, that is, before it became known about Matrosov. But they began to be reported en masse only after his death, as confirmation that Alexander's heroism found a response in the soul of the Red Army soldiers.
During the years of the Great Patriotic War, the feat of Alexander Matrosov was repeated by over four hundred people, and about fifty of them long before his death.
The hero was buried in the same village. In 1948, Matrosov's body was reburied in Velikiye Luki (Pskov region).
On June 19, 1943, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR awarded the young Red Army soldier the title Hero of the Soviet Union. On September 8 of the same year, People's Commissar of the USSR Stalin signed an order to enroll Matrosov (forever) in the 1st company of the 254th Guards Rifle Regiment and assign this regiment the name of the deceased hero. Matrosov became the first of all Soviet soldiers who were permanently enrolled in the lists of the unit. The order emphasized that the feat of the Red Army soldier Matrosov is an example of courage and heroism to all soldiers of the Red Army.
Many other cases of suppression of enemy bunkers were not so widely replicated, although they happened all the time. It is worth noting that Soviet soldiers died near the embrasure until 1943, that is, before it became known about Matrosov. But they began to be reported en masse only after his death, as confirmation that Alexander's heroism found a response in the soul of the Red Army soldiers.
During the years of the Great Patriotic War, the feat of Alexander Matrosov was repeated by over four hundred people, and about fifty of them long before his death.
Alexander Matrosov is a Red Army soldier, served as a submachine gunner in the 2nd separate rifle battalion of the 91st Separate Siberian Volunteer Brigade.Stalin. Member of the Komsomol. On June 19, 1943, he received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously) for closing the embrasure of a fascist bunker, giving fellow soldiers the opportunity to capture a strong point.
On February 27, 1943, the battalion in which Matrosov served was tasked with attacking a Fascist stronghold located near the village of Chernushki in the Loknyansky district of the Kalinin region (since October 1957, the territory of the Pskov region).
The soldiers passed through the forest, found themselves on the edge, and were instantly pinned to the ground by heavy enemy fire. Deadly fire poured from three machine guns of enemy bunkers, making it impossible to move a single step towards the village. It was possible to suppress the firing points with the help of assault brigades of two people each. Armored trucks and submachine gunners coped with one machine gun, the second machine gun also soon quieted down thanks to the efforts of armored trucks. And only the third did not stop talking, shooting through all the open space on the outskirts of the village. The assault group sent to suppress him did not return.
Then a calculation of two fighters was sent to the bunker – Peter Ogurtsov and Alexander Matrosov. Ogurtsov was seriously wounded right in front of the bunker, and Matrosov had to complete the task alone. He managed to approach the embrasure from the flank, and cover the bunker with two grenades. The machine gun fell silent, giving the Soviet soldiers the opportunity to go on the attack. But as soon as they got up, machine-gun fire rang out again. It was at that moment that Alexander rose to his full height, threw his whole body on the embrasure and closed it. This allowed the unit to fulfill the combat mission assigned to it.
Hero of the soviet union