Real name: Alexander Paradeev
Nickname: paradeevich (Paradeev1ch, Paradeevich, Perdeich)
Age: 23 (estimated)
Relationship: single (presumably)
Place of birth: Chelyabinsk
Where does he live: Moscow

The biography of the future star began, according to the data in the group, in 1998. He was born on October 9th. According to some sources, Sasha has a younger sister. They have the same mother, different fathers.
After school, the graduate became a student of the Ural GUFK. Once Sasha saw an ad on Instagram about a vacancy for an English teacher for children in China, Sasha responded. Previously, grandfather Paradeev was engaged in business in the Celestial Empire.
From the beginning of his career, Paradeev did not hide the fact that he had problems with the skin of his face. He did not tell in detail how he solves the issue, but the audience nevertheless noted that over time the rashes almost disappeared. But more and more questions come to the blogger