RUssian Enterpreneur, own M-Video and Eldorado.
Interesting Facts
OAO M.Video is the only Russian non-grocery chain that placed its shares on the stock exchange. The company held an IPO in 2007.
Unlike the owners of other networks of household appliances and electronics ( Eldorado , Technosila and Mir ), Alexander Tynkovan managed to keep his business during the crisis and did not lose the company. The co-owner of the company is brother Mikhail.
In his free time he enjoys playing sports, likes to travel with his family, at work he sometimes plays chess with a Palm computer for a while.
Family status
Married, two children.
Born June 14, 1967 in Moscow , Russia .
1992 - graduated with honors from the Moscow Power Engineering Institute with a degree in Electrical Equipment for Aircraft (diploma topic "Automated control systems").
After graduating from the Moscow Power Engineering Institute, he worked in a TV store.
1993 - Together with partners, he opened his first 50 m2 store on Maroseyka Street in Moscow .
1993 - became the founder and the head of JSC M.Video company .
2001 - was among the most highly professional managers in Russia .
2007 - became a member of the Presidium of the Association of Retail Companies.
2008 - Alexander Tynkovan was appointed the third independent director of the Supervisory Board of X5 Retail Group by the meeting of shareholders .
2011: State
Takes 161st place in the rating of the Russian-language version of Forbes "The richest businessmen of Russia - 2011". Alexander Tynkovan's fortune is estimated at 600 million dollars [1] .
For April, 2012 Tynkovan Alexander Anatolyevich is the president of JSC M.Video company , the independent director of the supervisory board of X5 Retail Group .
The main assets of Nikolay Olshansky are concentrated:
• in trade ( OJSC M.Video , X5 Retail Group ).
2017: Chairman of the Board of PJSC
Since June 2017 – Chairman of the Management Board of PJSC .
2018: President of M.Video-Eldorado Group
Since 2018 – President of the M.Video-Eldorado Group.
2020: Chairman of the Committee of the Board of Directors of M.Video-Eldorado on strategy and digital transformation
In August 2020, Alexander Tynkovan joined the Strategy and Digital Transformation Committee of the M.Video-Eldorado Group of the Board of Directors as Chairman of the Committee. Read more here .
Agreement of intent with M.Video-Eldorado and Sberbank on the joint development of
On January 28, 2020 the M.Video-Eldorado group informed TAdviser about signing with Sber and the founder and the co-owner of Alexander Tynkovan of the agreement on intentions on joint development of the marketplace. The parties plan to conclude a binding agreement in the first half of 2021 after the completion of a comprehensive investment due diligence, obtaining all necessary permits from the corporate governance bodies of the participants in the transaction and the FAS Russia . Read more here .
Binding agreement on the sale of an 85% stake in "Sberu"
The M.Video-Eldorado group on March 30, 2021 reported to TAdviser that together with Sber and the co-owner of Alexander Tynkovan signed legally binding documentation on acquisition by Sber of 85% of a share in the company (Marketplace LLC) . The transaction is expected to close in the second quarter of 2021. Read more here .
*Chairman of the Board of Directors of M.Video-Eldorado
On May 21, 2021 the M.Video-Eldorado group working in the field of electronic commerce and retail trade in electronics and home appliances and entering into the Safmar Group Mikhail Gutseriev announced that the Board of Directors of the company elected the founder of M .Video” by Alexander Tynkovan. The corresponding decision was made during the meeting of the Board of Directors on May 18, 2021, along with the election of the composition of the committees of the Board.
“The M.Video- Eldorado Group is going through a significant stage of transformation from a traditional retailer into a fully technological company with a retail network and a fulfillment infrastructure. As part of the updated strategy, the company has set itself an ambitious plan to double GMV (total sales - approx. TAdviser ) to 1 trillion rubles by 2025, and we are consistently implementing steps towards achieving this goal - from developing and launching new technological products to changing organizational structure and strengthening the corporate governance system.
Increasing the proportion of independent members on the Board of Directors is in line with our desire to adhere to the highest international standards of governance and will allow strengthening the expertise at the Board level, which is important for the further growth of the company. I am sure that the consistent implementation of the best corporate governance practices, which the company has been guided by throughout its nearly thirty-year history, will ensure that the interests of all groups of shareholders of M.Video-Eldorado are observed, as well as the necessary support for management in the process of digital transformation aimed at continuing growth in value and investment attractiveness of the Group,” Alexander Tynkovan commented on the event.
RUssian Enterpreneur, own M-Video and Eldorado.
RUssian Enterpreneur, own M-Video and Eldorado.