Alfred Lin is a Taiwanese-American venture capitalist, partner at Sequoia Capital, co-founder of Venture Frogs, and former COO/CFO and chairman of Zappos.
Alfred Lin has made partner investments through Sequoia Capital in DoorDash, Instacart, Faire, FTX , Found, Reddit, Dolls Kill, and Truework. Lin has personally invested in StyleSeat, Uber, Crunched, Appbistro,, Schematic Labs, Flipboard, Jelli, and Cardpool. His notable exits include Uber, Schematic Labs, Jelli, Crunched, Cardpool,, and Appbistro.
Alfred Lin is a Taiwanese-American venture capitalist, Partnerpartner at Sequoia Capital, Co-founderco-founder of Venture Frogs, and former COO/CFO and Chairmanchairman of Zappos.
Lin was born in Taiwan and immigrated to the United States at the age of six. He holds a bachelor's degree in applied mathematics from Harvard University and a master's degree in statistics from Stanford University. Lin dropped out of a PhD program at Stanford to join LinkExchange in 1996; andhe served as Vicevice Presidentpresident of Financefinance and acting CFO until 1998, when it was acquired by Microsoft. In 1999, Lin co-founded the incubator and seed fund Venture Frogs with LinkExchange founder Tony Hsieh, and served as Generalgeneral Managermanager until 2014. Venture Frogs invested in tech and internet startups, including Ask Jeeves, OpenTable, Tellme Networks, and Zappos. From 2001 to 2005, Lin served as Vicevice Presidentpresident of Financefinance & Businessbusiness Developmentdevelopment at TellMe, which was later acquired by Microsoft. From 2005 to 2010, Lin served as the COO, CFO, and Chairmanchairman of Zappos, which was acquired by Amazon in 2009. Lin joined venture capital firm Sequoia Capital as a Partnerpartner in 2010.