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Company offers you a diamond tool for various processing. For example, grinding and polishing tools for stone finishing, diamond profile cutters to give specific shapes to products, diamond face veil cutters are used to treat the end edges of the product after sawing, breakage, General granite chemistry is used for gluing parts of the product, and for polishing properties of the product, and adding the product extra shine and durability. Diamond cutting discs have found their application in everyday human life during repair work, cutting granite, marble, concrete, ceramic tiles and other stones.
AlmazInstrum company machines for engraving on marble and granite are realized. These machines allow you to reproduce on the stone any graphics, whether text or picture.
AlmazInstrum is the official distributor of high-quality general materials (adhesives, mastics, detergents, stone preservatives).
The AlmazInstrum company offers you the diamond tool for various processing. For example , Grinding polishing tool for the final processing of stone, Diamond profile cutters for giving specific shapes to the product, Diamond end mills are used to process the end edges of the product after cutting with a saw, breaking off, Chemistry for General granite is used for gluing parts of the product, and also to improve water-repellent properties products, and giving the product extra shine and wear resistance. Cutting diamond discs have found their application in everyday life of a person when carrying out repair work, cutting granite, marble, concrete, ceramic tiles, and other stones.
The AlmazInstrum company sells machines manufactured by the SAUNO company for engraving on marble and granite . These machines allow you to reproduce any graphics on stone, whether it be text or a picture.
We offer:
- diamond polishing tools and chemicals for granite, marble and other natural and artificial stone;
- flexible Velcro wheels, diamond grinding and polishing wheels, polished diamond trapezoids, diamond tubular Velcro, abrasive corundum cones, Velcro-snail adapter, Snail mounting housing;
- diamond cutters;
- end mills FATs;
- cutting diamond disks (dry cutters);
- chemistry: glue, General silicone, polishing solutions, protective agents General, protective solutions General adhesive mastic;
- accessories for monuments;
- sharpening of diamond needles.