Public Joint Stock Company "Ashinsky Metallurgical Plant" was founded in 1898
We meet the gardening season with AMZ shovels!
Public Joint Stock Company "Ashinsky Metallurgical Plant" was founded in 1898
Ashinsky Metallurgical Plant
Alexey Ivanovich Umov, founder of the Ashinsky Metallurgical Plant
The management of the enterprise pursues a policy of preserving and updating the labor potential of the plant. Given the long-term demographic trends, especially in the conditions of a single-industry town, such as Asha, this task is no less important than the modernization of production.
The personnel policy of PJSC "Ashinsky Metallurgical Plant" The personnel policy of PJSC "Ashinsky Metal Plant" is aimed at preserving, strengthening and developing human resources, forming high-performance, cohesive, efficient and socially active personnel capable of implementing the latest technologies, working to increase production volumes and produce high-quality products, responding in a timely manner to changing market requirements.
Among the areas of personnel work are the search, attraction and selection of highly qualified specialists, the maintenance of a professional personnel reserve and the adaptation of new employees. An important role is played by continuous training and development of personnel - preparation and implementation of programs aimed at increasing their potential, certification complexes and analysis of the work done.
Stimulation of labor.
The labor incentive system includes measures aimed at motivating employees in order to improve the attitude of staff to the work performed and increase interest in achieving high results. The company guarantees the security of its team members with social guarantees and benefits.
The priority direction in personnel development is the organization and improvement of work with young specialists, the creation of effective career growth schemes, as well as the formation of purposeful activities of the Council of Young Professionals and the Union of Working Youth.
Press Service.
Information policy.
The information policy of the Ashinsky Metallurgical Plant is designed to reflect the work of the enterprise, taking into account its prospects, reliability and responsibility, including social responsibility. The course on accessibility and transparency of the activities of JSC "Ashinsky Metal Plant" was elected by the Board of Directors and today it is systematically maintained by structural divisions.
Editions of the plant.
The first edition of the Ashinsky Metallurgical Plant was called "On the Rise" and was published in the 1930s of the last century. A few decades later, in 2000, the first issue of the updated corporate media was published, called the "Factory Newspaper". Today it is a weekly from 8 A3 format pages, full color, 3500 copies. It is distributed by subscription on the territory of the enterprise and beyond - in Ash and Ashinsky district.
Public Joint Stock Company "Ashinsky Metallurgical Plant" was founded in 1898
About the company.
To buyers.
"The metallurgical plant, it is the heart of the native city...". These words from a poem by the local poet Andrey Bulykin accurately reflect the role and importance of our plant in the life of the city of Asha and the Asha district. Born in 1898, he laid the foundation of the city.
The plant began with blast furnace production. Already later, at the beginning of the new century, after the blast furnaces, open-hearth furnaces were built, which provided the rolling mills with ingots, first of the Minyar, and later of the Zlatoust plants. Own rolling production appeared in Asha only in the second half of the twentieth century.
In 1952, the sheet-rolling shop No. 1 was put into operation, in 1959 — the sheet-rolling shop No. 2, specializing in the rental of hot-rolled and cold-rolled sheets of heat-resistant, heat-resistant and corrosion-resistant steels and alloys for aircraft construction, space technology and chemical engineering.
In 1974, the sheet-rolling workshop No. 3 was added to them, equipped with a twenty-roll mill 720 of the German company "Zundvig", which produces the thinnest tape from precision alloys and electrical steels.
PJSC "Ashinsky Metal Plant" is a large metallurgical enterprise, for the functioning of which a large number of goods and services are needed.
The plant cooperates with suppliers and manufacturers of goods and services located in the Russian Federation and abroad, for this purpose two divisions have been created: the Logistics Department and the Import and Equipment Department.
Social reference point.
Ashinsky Metallurgical Plant, being a city-forming and socially-oriented enterprise, invests not only in the development of production, but also in the maintenance of social facilities.
The management of the enterprise pursues a policy of preserving and updating the labor potential of the plant. Given the long-term demographic trends, especially in the conditions of a single-industry town, such as Asha, this task is no less important than the modernization of production.
Public Joint Stock Company "Ashinsky Metallurgical Plant" is one of the most dynamically developing metallurgical enterprises in Russia, located on the main transport highways of Russia in the Ural Federal District. Throughout the history of its existence, it has made its way from a small iron-making plant to one of the unique metallurgical enterprises of the Urals.
Today PJSC "Ashinsky Metal Plant" is a compact, modern, multi-profile production, one of the top five suppliers of thick-rolled products made of carbon, low-alloy, structural and alloyed steel grades. More than 80% of the products of sheet rolling shop No. 1 are sold on the domestic market of Russia.
PJSC "Ashinsky Metal Plant" is the leader of the CIS market of amorphous and nanocrystalline alloys and the largest Russian manufacturer of household and family goods made of stainless and carbon steel. About 700 items of products under the AMET trademark are widely known to consumers in all corners of the country.
Public Joint Stock Company "Ashinsky Metallurgical Plant" was founded in 1898