AmorChem is an early-stage, venture capital fund focused on creating life science companies.
In February 2019, AmorChem II announced financing of a project on the SRSF3 target, which regulates RNA splicingRNA splicing, transport and gene expression and plays a role analogous to checkpoint inhibition in the innate immune system. Removal of the off-switch in the innate immune response could lead to new therapeutic approaches for neuroinflammatory diseases. The funding will support work in the laboratory of Dr. Jasna Kriz in an agreement with Université Laval and the CERVO Brain Research Centre of the CIUSSS de la Capitale Nationale.
AmorChem announced in January, 2019, the closing of its first financing of a university project focused on RNA Zipcodes, short sequences of RNA that control their intracellular transport. The project is a collaboration is between UnivalorUnivalor, Dr Éric Lécuyer of the Montreal Clinical Research Institute (“IRCM”), Dr. Mathieu Blanchette and Dr. Jérôme Waldispühl of McGill University.