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2022: Consolidation of all lines of business under the Angara Security brand
On February 7, 2022 Angara Group announced that it unites all lines of business under the Angara Security brand. This name reflects the scope of the company, and the updated corporate identity will be the same for all departments.
There are several organizations in the Angara group of companies, and each of them is actively developing. As a result of the emergence of a large number of new services and directions, it became necessary to make the activities of all divisions of the company more understandable for current and potential customers - to speak the same language with them in terms of terminology and at the same time ensure a unified perception of the company's brand.
As a result, it was decided to unite all business lines under the Angara Security brand. As part of the rebranding, sub-brands with new names and a single visual style were created for separate divisions.
Angara Security is a group of companies that provides a wide range of services in the field of information security, including system integration and software supply, audit and consulting, penetration tests - more than 20 types of services in total.
Entensys Enterprise Partner
Angara has received Gold partner status from the Russian developer of technologies for secure Internet access, flexible user management and improving the quality of Internet access - Entensys. Under the new partner status, Angara receives additional technical, technological and marketing support from Entensys, the opportunity to train its technical and sales specialists in working with the company's solutions, as well as additional discounts on its products.