API is a set of codes, protocols, and tools that are used to create software and applications and allow communication between software programs.
Hardware APIs, also known as Hardware Platform Interface (HPI), are an open specification that defines an API for platform management of computer systems. These APIs support tasks such as reading temperature and voltage sensors, configuring hardware registers, accessing system inventory information, and more complex activities. These are used with fault-tolerant and modular high-availability computer systems, which typically include automatic fault detection features and hardware redundancy. Some hardware APIs include:
API is a set of codes, protocols, and tools that are used to create software and applications and allowsallow communication between software programs.
APIs are used for communication between services, such as embedding a popular function like Google Maps into a website or app using the Google Maps API to embed the map. This means if the Google Maps API did not exist, any website or application that wanted to have an interactive map would have to take the time to develop theirits own interactive map. Whereas the Google Map API allows sites and apps to have access to a consistent map experience.
As a set of defined rules for computercomputers and applications to communicate with one another, APIs sit between an application and the web server, acting as an intermediary layer that processes data transfer between systems. To do this, an API follows a familiar pattern:
Before a developer or an enterprise builds an API, to be successful it is considered best practice to develop an API strategy. The API strategy is a blueprint for the API and a digital-first initiative and can include what the goal for an API for the developer is. That is to say, an API strategy has to outline what the API is going to do, who the API is being built for, and how the API can create success for the larger enterprise. There are various approaches to building an API strategy, which depends independ partpartly on the organization and the goals of the API,. howeverHowever, a common and simple API strategy blueprint can break down the development of the strategy into four digestible and practical stages. These four stages are:
Generally, once an API strategy has been developed and defined, it will inform the approach towardstoward the APIsAPI's architecture, and the approachesprocesses toof building the architecture, and will bleed into the management of the API. That management addresses the needs of developers, applications, users, and the business in a cohesive manner. The strategy and the later management of an API can include the following considerations:
An API strategy can help an organization towardstoward a digitization strategy, and can be a part of a digitization strategy. However, the API strategy can help an enterprise understand how it can use an API to engage customers through web, mobile, and social apps. And by developing private APIs, a business can offer employees and partners new tools to help streamline operations and better serve customers.
Often APIs are a part of the digitization or modernization strategies for enterprises. The proliferation of APIs across industries has driven this growth and has driven more enterprises to develop APIs to modernize their business. Modernization efforts come with new sets of challenges, and necessitate the above enterprise strategy capable of encompassing the full API cycle for public and private APIs. When deciding, as an enterprise, to modernize or digitize and develop APIs, the API strategy can be incredibly important as it can help an organization to understand the hidden costs, challenges, and cultural shifts that are associated with developing APIs and offering APIs as a product.
Enterprise modernization using APIs has further become more common as the "API Economy" has continued to grow, becoming a key part of digital transformation, and considered by many to be a must for agile businesses. To help an organization through this modernization process and development of APIs, it is considered to be best practice to: keep API documentation up-to-date, accurate, and easy-to-readeasy to read; track success with applicable metrics; and build a community of developers, while ensuring to engage that community.
API management, as mentioned above in API strategy, is the process of designing, publishing, documenting, and analyzing APIs in a secure environment. While the API strategy and management are similar, the API strategy can be considered a conceptual and research step, whereas the API management is a procedural step. API management can be developed by an organization, but the more popular approach is to use an API management solution, which an organization can employ to guarantee public and private APIs are consumable and secure. Most API management solutions generally include the following capabilities including:
Further, a part of API management is the protection and securing of the API, which will depend on the architecture used in the API. Further, securitySecurity, much like analytics, involves transparency into the use of the developer's APIs, which is enabled by the API management platform. API management can also help developers increase the lifecycle of their APIs, iterate upon the APIs, and not need to retire APIs when their use cases and popular uses begin to change. API management can also help organizations manage API integrations across growing numbers of systems and applications, and gives these organizations greater flexibility when APIs grow in scalability.
When building an API product, and managing the API product over time, developer experience, especially when developers are an API's main customers, should be the top priority. To ensure this is the case, usability testing can be undertaken to ensure the API offers a consistent and best possible experience, and that the API performs as intended under various conditions. This type of testing should take place through all stages of the development of an API. But, toTo get as much as possible throughout of testing, there needs to be some preparation, which can include the following:
While organizations can undertake usability with itstheir own teams, API management platforms can offer usability testing, and related testing, programs to help the organizations as part of the maintenance ofmaintain the API. Or, anAn organization can furtheralso employ an outside organization to go through the API and provide feedback on their testing. This can, as noted above, help define development strategies and iteration strategies to ensure developers receive a consistent experience and can keep their API product competitive.
Continuous delivery (CD) is the other end of the CI/CD pipeline, which automates the delivery of applications and code changes, often to multiple infrastructure environments such as testing and development. CD automation can perform calls to databases, web servers, and additional services whichthat must be updated or restarted once an application is deployed. Development teams can then use this then to deploy productions on a daily, hourly, or continuous deployment schedule.
An API gateway is an API management tool that sits between a client and a collection of backendback-end services, and the API gateway acts as a reverse proxy to accept all API calls, aggregate various services, and return the appropriate result. These tend to be fully managed services whichthat make it easier for developers to create, publish, maintain, monitor, and secure APIs at scale. API gateways support containerized and serverless workloads, as well as web applications. For organizations that follow a DevOps approach, developers use microservices to build and deploy apps in a fast-paced, iterative way. Some common functions of an API gateway include authentication, routing, rate limiting, billing, monitoring, analytics, policies, alerts, and security.
Further, an API gateway can help conduct and organize the requests being processed by the microservices architecture to create a simplified experience for a user. Further, the API gateway will route the requests to the appropriate backendback-end service, or invoke multiple backendback-end services and aggregate the results. And, ifIf there are failures in the backendback-end services, the API gateway can mask them by returning cached or default data.
Either way, API integration is an important part of API management, especially as API integration allows users to exchange data from outside sources into an API or a backendback-end service, or for the various APIs across an organization to integrate data between them and increase an organization's connectivity. This can further increase or enable the flow of data between on-premise and SaaS applications, data warehouses, IoT devices, data lakes, and other endpoints in an organization's technology stack.
Further, API integration, through the organization's communication, enables the different services described above to communicate with each other often through the translation of data and information across different information standards. These translational tasks handled by API integrations further describe how an organization can increase its uniformity when it comes to data. As well, an API does not have to be associated with a single functional unit, and can be resolved into various request types for different backendback-end systems, which in turn can communicate in different ways, requiring a multidimensional API integration to provide a unified response and, as described above, offer an organization a unified data plane.
API design is the process by which the "what" and the "how" of the API are formulated. This requires varying levellevels of thought and care that results in resultingresult in varying levels of API quality. A well-designed API is often typified by theirits consistent behavior, which takes context into account and maintains the needs of users in theirits design. This can increase the speed of the API in which it can be learned and the likelihood of programmers making mistakes when using it. And when APIs perform similar actions, they should behave similarly, regardless of technical differences. Taking context into account also can increase consistency.
In API design, taking context into account usually means adhering to commonly accepted best practices. Knowing users and keeping their needs in mind further increase the usefulness and adoption of an API. This includes developers of an API understanding the pain points and helping users avoid that pain. In general, effective API design includes thecommon followingcharacteristics:
To do this can include, especially with REST APIs, building atop HTTP's standards, naming resources as nouns, and incorporating popular data formats. HTTP methods are sometimes also called HTTP verbs and define the type of requests being made to the REST API. Common HTTP methods include the following:
Resources in the API, as noted above, are sometimes referred to as the nouns that the HTTP verbs act upon. Early web services were built around remote procedure calls, where APIs were seen as an extension of the code that called upon them,; whereas REST can be accessed with multiple HTTP methods. The path to access a resource, if say an API stored animals, and a user wants to retrieve a list of animals, is the pairing of the HTTP methods with the resource name:
In this schema, identifiers can be integers, hashes, or other values. Whether the resources are plural or singular can be a matter of preference, but the important part for the end-userend user is that they remain consistent within each API, and across an organization's APIs.
And in APIs, requests will return content from the server that the client needs to interpret if the data is available. This is rarely done in plain text, and usually uses a structured data format. A REST API does not specify any data formats, but JSON and XML are the two most commonly used. Whichever structure (JSON, XML, CSV, HTML, YAML or RSS) is used, similar structures would be used in the body of requests when passing data, as typically request and response bodies use the same data format.
API design specifications have been around since the late 1990s. Web Service Description Language (WSDL) has been used to define web services over that time, while a more web-based approach to APIs saw the emergence of Web Application Description Language (WADL) to help describe the surface areas of APIs. And in 2011, Swagger was introduced, which offered more interactive documentation and helped developers understand what an API does and how it can be put to use. In 2015, Swagger had growngrew to a second version. Placed in the Linux Foundation, this led to the creation of the OpenAPI Initiative to move forward the specification, and to help users and developers describe HTTP APIs. Since OpenAPI, other specifications have been developed, such as AsyncAPI.
As noted above, API specifications are more than documentation,; although they are used for documentation, butthey are usedbeing toapplied across stops in the API lifecycle. They can be used toWhen generategenerating documentation, they can be used to describe technical details of what an API does and publish that information to keep documentation up to date. Further, API specifications can be used to create mock-servers, as part of a design-first approach to an API, and itthey can be used in this case for QA and testing to ensure that the API does what it needs to do and can stand up to users.
Further, API specifications are also being used as scaffolding for testing, allowing API producers to generate contracts, integration, performance, and related tests to make sure the API is behaving as intended. API specifications can be used for security. The specification can be used to scan an APIs surface area for vulnerabilities, to audit authentication, or be used toand scan for other common vulnerabilities to ensure the API is as secure as it should be. AndFinally, some companies use API specifications are used through the lifecycle for code generation; used to generate client or server-side code, allowing the specification to generate code that allows an API producer to deploy the API, deploy it to a gateway, or generate SDKs in a variety of programming languages.
Similar to other software programs, low-code, and hybrid low-code, development has been proposed to solve the security challenges and breaches that can come with the lack of standardization in API development, often owing to a single line or two of bad code. These breaches and difficulties in code development can come at any point in the development of the API, which is where low-code development tools can offer developers a quick way to develop APIs using low-code structures whichthat have been previously been tested. Furthermore, this allows an organization to build an API faster than traditional API development, and with fewer concerns. And the level of standardization can keep APIs consistent across an organization for internal and external users.
And whileWhile low-code development platforms have increasingly included no-code features to increase the efficiency of developers further, it has also been the case that, at times in low-code environments, there are integrations or use-casesuse whichcases that are not supported. Hybrid low-code allows a developer to use low-code to speed up the development, but also to finish APIs to increase their potential use cases, integrations, scalability, security, or extensibility.
In this way, the hybrid low-code development process allows users to balance the speed of the development process with customized functionality and delivers the higher accessibility and shorter development time of the low-code environment without sacrificing the level of control of the hand-coding environment. In 2020, APIs were still largely developed by hand, but the amount of hybrid low-code tools was increasing as more companies develop or work to integrate APIs into their digitalization strategies and general workflows. Hybrid low-code, and low-code, can also enable organizations to integrate artificial intelligence systems into their APIs for analytics, monitoring and security, and to increase autonomous API integration.
APIs often play a role in security, as they can be used to control access to hardware devices and software functions that an application may not necessarily have permission to use. And when a user uses an API, it connects the user's device or website to the server, but neither device nor server are fully exposed to each other, which further protects both the user and the data center. Instead, each communicates with small packets of data and sharing what is necessary.
Securing APIs, or API security, is the process of protecting APIs from attacks,. APIs especiallycan asbe primary targets because they are commonly used and enable access to sensitive software functions and data, APIs can be primary targets. Generally, API security is a component of web application security. The type of security can include shoring up vulnerabilities, such as broken authentication or authorization, lack of rate limitingrate-limiting, and code injection. To do this, organizations will regularly test APIs to identify these vulnerabilities. And, as the use of APIs continuecontinues to increase and become foundational to modern application development and use, the attack surface has increasedexpanded, increasing the importance of securing APIs.
Most API implementations are either REST or SOAP. REST APIs use HTTP and support Transport Layer Security (TLS) encryption, which can keep an internet connection private and check that the data sent between two systems is encrypted and unmodified. REST APIs also use JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), a file format that makes it easier to transfer data over web browsers, meaning the APIs don't need to store or repackage data.
SOAP APIs use built-in protocols known as Web Services Security, which define a set of rules guided by confidentiality and authentication. These APIs use a combination of XML encryption, signatures, and SAML tokens in order to verify the authentication and authorization. Often SOAP APIs are considered to have more comprehensive security measures.
API compliance refers to regulations that API practitioners need to follow to ensure sensitive data is protected from mishandling, abuse, or loss. This can involve complying with the legal requirements from national laws, internal laws, or standards of the API industry. These can define the types of data that should be protected, the data exchange process, and penalties for failing to observe the regulations. The protected data can include users' personal information, which can include anything such as a name, email, IP address, orand national ID numbers.
API compliance is separate from API security, although it is often considered to be similar as they have similar goals, which is togoals—to minimize the security risks of APIs. However, compliance ensures that APIs follow legally stipulated data protection standards. Most of the critical API compliance risks include the following:
The main compliance standards include the GDPR, PCI-DSS, HIPAA, and ISO/IEC 27001. These compliance standards are concerned with the way personal data is dealt with in general, and across separate industries such as the Paymentpayment Cardcard Industryindustry and Healthcarehealthcare and Healthcarehealthcare Insuranceinsurance data.
Web service APIs are any APIs that use web service protocols and standards for exchanging data between systems or applications. Web service alone tends to support only HTTP protocol and tends to use REST, SOAP, and XML-RPC for communication. While a web service API can be used for any style of communication, supportsupports HTTP and HTTPs protocol, and supports XML and JSON. A web service API includes some features such as efficiency, wide reach, customization, personalization, data ownership, easy integration with GUI, and language-independent. The following are examples of web service APIs:
WebSocket API is an API that makes it possible for two-way interactive communication sessions between a user's browser and a server. This API allows a user to send messages to a server and receive event-driven responses without having to poll the server for a reply. Interfaces of a WebSocket API includesinclude the WebSocket, which is the primary interface for connecting to the WebSocket server and sending and receiving data on the connection; CloseEvent, which is the event sent by the WebSocket object when the connection closes; and MessageEvent, which is the event sent by the WebSocket object when a message is received from the server.
Class-based APIs work to support class-based views, where a view is a callable, which takes a request and returns a response, over an HTTP protocol. In the case of a book library, the API client would connect and download book data for books published since last visit. Examples of class-based APIs include:
Object remoting APIs allow for an instantiating of an object in another process, or even on another machine, and interacting with that object as if it were an ordinary, in-process object instance. These APIs, especially .NET framework APIs, tend to be legacy APIs,. andAnd in the case of many .NET APIs, Microsoft has begun obsoletingphasing out their services in favor of WCF or HTTP-based REST services, which can communicate with objects in other applications or across machines. Some object remoting API examples include:
Hardware APIs, also known as Hardware Platform Interface (HPI), isare an open specification that defines an API for platform management of computer systems. These APIs support tasks such as reading temperature, orand voltage sensors, or configuring hardware registers, accessing system inventory information, orand more complex activities. These are used with fault-tolerant and modular high-availability computer systems, which typically include automatic fault detection features and hardware redundancy. Some hardware APIs include:
Event streams help software extend beyond the request-response approach common to web API styles (such as REST or GraphQL). This allows the software to communicate bi-directionally, removing the need for API consumers to poll for state changes, butand instead allowing APIs to publish events to an event stream for notification of data changes or important business events to any number of subscribed services for processing. Streaming and event APIs are able, in this way, to provide high-performancehigh performance and a reliable mechanism for streaming significant amounts of data on a constant basis. Common examples of streaming and event APIs include:
A healthcare API is any API built to allow for easy and standardized data exchange between healthcare applications and related solutions, often with support for popular healthcare data standards such as HL7 FHIR, HL7 v2, and DICOM. This can allow for the building of fully managed, highly scalable, enterprise-grade development for building clinical and analytics solutions, and can include value-added capabilities, such as de-identification for better data preparation and analytics and machine learning capabilities for better data streaming. Use cases for APIs across healthcare include:
Retail APIs allow for multiple different retail services to be built into a retail service endpoint, such as personalized recommendation systems, catalog and product search, order submissions, inventory, and specific retail solutions for specific business lines. This can allow a retailer to provide a digital channel experience as efficient and well-rounded as a brick-and-mortar experience, and further allows for the integration of newer services to the digital channel as they are developed. Further, APIs, and a digital channel can also allow retailers to reach a wider audience, offer affiliate services, and allow customers to query an entire product base. Examples of retail APIs include:
Open banking API refers to the practice of traditional or incumbent banking institutions opening their APIs to third parties to allow those third parties to develop new applications and services. This offers the traditional banks and the financial technology companies a chance to cooperate rather than compete. Under the system, a bank allows third parties to access the necessary financial information required for financial technology companies to develop those new applications and services, which further provides account holders greater financial transparency, and greater financial experiences. As well, this places greater pressure on incumbents to improve their offerings, cultivating cooperation and competition in the banking industry to the benefit of the account holder. BenefitsThere are a variety of benefits from an open banking API for both traditional financial institutions and financial technology companies can include:
At the core of all IoT devices and their ability to connect to the internet for communication and conducting their allotted operations are APIs. Communication APIs especially play an important role in IoT, as often computing is done off-device, and the communication API empowers the IoT devices for information exchange, including the bulk of computing and data retrieval to be done in the cloud. Examples of APIs for the IoT include:
With the increasing use of blockchain and decentralized applications, the APIs used in blockchain have also increased in use. The APIs used in blockchain are similar to the APIs used in other web services and software services:. offeringThey offer communication between blockchain services; offering security and authentication services to increase the trustless nature of blockchain services; as a way to offer distributed processing and deliverydeliver token-based computation; to offer a system for ownership and collaboration within data environments; to offer a system of dynamic management of blockchains and helping those blockchains to log transactions to specific users, specific times, and specific environments; toimprovement improveof blockchains by monitoring and tracking them to identify inefficient nodes and areas of issue; and APIs can be used to unify and integrate disparate blockchains and blockchain environments and increase interoperability between environments. Blockchain API providers include:
APIs are seeing increasing use in the automotive world, as they offer vehicle applications to interactioninteract with other applications or software platforms. This could include an advanced driver-assistance system that could make APIs available to perform specific functions, allowing them to retrieve information about the current environment to better inform the driver-assistance system's decision-making on that information. This could be especially important in the case of a hands-free or autonomous driving vehicle, where the API would allow the vehicle and driver to access information about the vehicle and what the vehicle sensors are seeing in the surrounding environment, which could further build trust in the system's performance. Examples of automotive APIs include:
As APIs are seeingsee increased use in various industries, they have also begun to be used in cybersecurity programs. Here, APIs are being used to detect and clean malware and viruses, explore the reputation of websites, explore an attack surface area, conduct cyber fraud investigations, monitor brands, search for the detection and cleaning of malware and viruses, exploring the reputation of websites, exploring an attack surface area, cyber fraud investigations, brand monitoring, copyright violation searchviolations, and run bug and data bounty programs. Examples of security APIs include:
In the travel industry, APIs are being used more as companies are increasingly open to sharing data with each other, creating ways for consumers to interact with various tools and systems through a single platform, to help unify the experience and simplify the experience for the average traveler. This again works best through connectivity and communication, which APIs offer between applications, which can in turn power flight search and booking platforms; hotel booking aggregators; flight data, schedules, and fares; wholesale hotel booking with bed banks; partner hotel booking with OTAs; hotel mapping; car rental booking; business travel management and expense tracking; tours, attractions, and experiences; and reviews and ratings. Some travel APIs include:
Entertainment APIs span a variety of topics but work to connect a user's application to a respective database for the necessary or desired information. For example, the IMDB application uses an API to return information about movies, television shows, actors, or directors to a user's phone. For developers, an API allows them to connect applications to massive databases and offer the data from these databases to their platforms and their users, based on their parameters. These APIs can be used by movie theaters, web administrators, and independent musicians, and they provide users with various amounts of information, such as song lyrics, movie facts, or actor information, or can include simple jokes, game content, or other consumable internet media. Examples of entertainment APIs include:
Similar to other software programs, low-code, and hybrid low-code, development has been proposed to solve the security challenges and breaches that can come with the lack of standardization in API development, often owing to a single line or two of bad code. These breaches and difficulties in code development can come at any point in the development of the API, which is where low-code development tools can offer developers a quick way to develop APIs using low-code structures which have been previously been tested. Furthermore, this allows an organization to build an API faster than traditional API development, and with fewer concerns. And the level of standardization can keep APIs consistent across an organization for internal and external users.
And while low-code development platforms have increasingly included no-code features to increase the efficiency of developers further, it has also been the case that at times in low-code environments there are integrations or use-cases which are not supported. Hybrid low-code allows a developer to use low-code to speed up the development, but also to finish APIs to increase their potential use cases, integrations, scalability, security, or extensibility.
In this way, the hybrid low-code development process allows users to balance the speed of the development process with customized functionality and delivers the higher accessibility and shorter development time of the low-code environment without sacrificing the level of control of the hand-coding environment. In 2020, APIs were still largely developed by hand, but the amount of hybrid low-code tools was increasing as more companies develop or work to integrate APIs into their digitalization strategies and general workflows. Hybrid low-code, and low-code, can also enable organizations to integrate artificial intelligence systems into their APIs for analytics, monitoring and security, and to increase autonomous API integration.
Open banking API refers to the practice of traditional or incumbent banking institutions opening their APIs to third parties to allow those third parties to develop new applications and services. This offers the traditional banks and the financial technology companies a chance to cooperate rather than compete. Under the system, a bank allows third parties to access necessary financial information required for financial technology companies to develop those new applications and services, which further provides account holders greater financial transparency, and greater financial experiences. As well, this places greater pressure on incumbents to improve their offerings, cultivating cooperation and competition in the banking industry to the benefit of the account holder. Benefits from an open banking API for both traditional financial institutions and financial technology companies can include:
Examples of open banking APIs include:
AI and machine learning APIs are services that provide a set of functions and procedures for developers to use. Often these are statistical techniques that bring about a perception of learning in the programs in which these APIs are used. This can help a program solve a specific problem in a specific project, or can be used to provide data-matching and pattern-matching capabilities to develop results. Examples of AI and machine learning APIs include:
At the core of all IoT devices and their ability to connect to the internet for communication and conducting their allotted operations are APIs. Communication APIs especially play an important role in IoT as often computing is done off-device and the communication API empowers the IoT devices for information exchange, including the bulk of computing and data retrieval to be done in the cloud. Examples of APIs for the IoT include:
With the increasing use of blockchain and decentralized applications, the APIs used in blockchain have also increased in use. The APIs used in blockchain are similar to the APIs used in other web services and software services: offering communication between blockchain services; offering security and authentication services to increase the trustless nature of blockchain services; as a way to offer distributed processing and delivery token-based computation; to offer a system for ownership and collaboration within data environments; to offer a system of dynamic management of blockchains and helping those blockchains to log transactions to specific users, specific times, and specific environments; to improve blockchains by monitoring and tracking them to identify inefficient nodes and areas of issue; and APIs can be used to unify and integrate disparate blockchains and blockchain environments and increase interoperability between environments. Blockchain API providers include:
APIs are seeing increasing use in the automotive world, as they offer vehicle applications to interaction with other applications or software platforms. This could include an advanced driver-assistance system that could make APIs available to perform specific functions, allowing them to retrieve information about the current environment to better inform the driver-assistance system's decision-making on that information. This could be especially important in the case of a hands-free or autonomous driving vehicle, where the API would allow the vehicle and driver to access information about the vehicle and what the vehicle sensors are seeing in the surrounding environment, which could further build trust in the system's performance. Examples of automotive APIs include:
As APIs are seeing increased use in various industries, they have also begun to be used in cybersecurity programs. Here, APIs are being used for the detection and cleaning of malware and viruses, exploring the reputation of websites, exploring an attack surface area, cyber fraud investigations, brand monitoring, copyright violation search, and bug and data bounty programs. Examples of security APIs include:
Popular social networks offer service APIs to devoted users, which offer developers a chance to expand the reach of their applications. Social media APIs can allow developers to display content on any application, such as tweets, Facebook posts, or photos from photo-sharing applications, and make them visible to end-users. These can work for primary content and related details and are used to display everything from users' posts to photo metadata and locations. These APIs allow users to put content into a related service. Some social media APIs include:
In the travel industry, APIs are being used more as companies are increasingly open to sharing data with each other, creating ways for consumers to interact with various tools and systems through a single platform, to help unify experience and simplify the experience for the average traveler. This again works best through connectivity and communication, which APIs offer between applications, which can in turn power flight search and booking platforms; hotel booking aggregators; flight data, schedules, and fares; wholesale hotel booking with bed banks; partner hotel booking with OTAs; hotel mapping; car rental booking; business travel management and expense tracking; tours, attractions, and experiences; and reviews and ratings. Some travel APIs include:
Entertainment APIs span a variety of topics but work to connect a user's application to a respective database for the necessary or desired information. For example, the IMDB application uses an API to return information about movies, television shows, actors, or directors to a user's phone. For developers, an API allows them to connect applications to massive databases and offer the data from these databases to their platforms and their users based on their parameters. These APIs can be used by movie theaters, web administrators, and independent musicians, and they provide users with various amounts of information such as song lyrics, movie facts, or actor information, or can include simple jokes, game content, or other consumable internet media. Examples of entertainment APIs include:
Further, a part of API management is the protection and securing of the API, which will depend on the architecture used in the API. Further, security, much like analytics, involves transparency into the use of the developersdeveloper's APIs, which is enabled by the API management platform. API management can also help developers increase the lifecycle of their APIs, iterate upon the APIs, and not need to retire APIs when their use cases and popular uses begin to change. API management can also help organizations manage API integrations across growing numbers of systems and applications, and gives these organizations greater flexibility when APIs grow in scalability.
Depending on an organization's approach to their APIs, API integration may be a part of their API management (whether that is through a third-party platform or not) or it may be considered a separate procedure with a separate platform; although often an API management platform will manage integrations, and an API integration platform (as a service) will often offer API management tools.
Either way, API integration is an important part of API management, especially as API integration allows users to exchange data from outside sources into an API or a backend service, or for the various APIs across an organization to integrate data between them and increase an organization's connectivity. This can further increase or enable the flow of data between on-premise and SaaS applications, data warehouses, IoT devices, data lakes, and other endpoints in an organization's technology stack.
Further, API integration, through the organization's communication, enables the different services described above to communicate with each other often through the translation of data and information across different information standards. These translational tasks handled by API integrations further describe how an organization can increase its uniformity when it comes to data. As well, an API does not have to be associated with a single functional unit, and can be resolved into various request types for different backend systems, which in turn can communicate in different ways, requiring a multidimensional API integration to provide a unified response and, as described above, offer an organization a unified data plane.
This increased integration across an organization's various services, software, data lakes, and technology stack (including APIs) allows for a digital transformation that can maximize the use of existing data and services to overall improve efficiency and productivity, while also making the data and services more easily accessible for customers, partners, and staff.
In API design, taking context into account usually means adhering to commonly accepted best practices. Knowing users and keeping their needs in mind further increase the usefulness and adoption of an API. This includes developers of an API understanding the pain points and helping users avoid that pain. In general, effective API design includes the following:
In API design, taking context into account usually means adhering to commonly accepted best practices. Knowing users and keeping their needs in mind further increase the usefulness and adoption of an API. This includes developers of an API understanding the pain points and helping users avoid that pain.
To do this can include, especially with REST APIs, building atop HTTP's standards, naming resources as nouns, and incorporating popular data formats. HTTP methods are sometimes also called HTTP verbs and define the type of requests being made to the REST API. Common HTTP methods include:
Resources in the API, as noted above, are sometimes referred to as the nouns that the HTTP verbs act upon. Early web services were built around remote procedure calls, where APIs were seen as an extension of the code that called upon them, whereas REST can be accessed with multiple HTTP methods. The path to access a resource, if say an API stored animals, and a user wants to retrieve a list of animals, is the pairing of the HTTP methods with the resource name:
In this schema, identifiers can be integers, hashes, or other values. Whether the resources are plural or singular can be a matter of preference, but the important part for the end-user is that they remain consistent within each API, and across an organization's APIs.
And in APIs, requests will return content from the server that the client needs to interpret if the data is available. This is rarely done in plain text, and usually uses a structured data format. A REST API does not specify any data formats, but JSON and XML are the two most commonly used. Whichever structure (JSON, XML, CSV, HTML, YAML or RSS) is used, similar structures would be used in the body of requests when passing data, as typically request and response bodies use the same data format.
API design specifications have been around since the late 1990s. Web Service Description Language (WSDL) has been used to define web services over that time, while a more web-based approach to APIs saw the emergence of Web Application Description Language (WADL) to help describe the surface areas of APIs. And in 2011, Swagger was introduced, which offered more interactive documentation and helped developers understand what an API does and how it can be put to use. In 2015, Swagger had grown to a second version. Placed in the Linux Foundation, this led to the creation of the OpenAPI Initiative to move forward the specification, and to help users and developers describe HTTP APIs. Since OpenAPI, other specifications have been developed, such as AsyncAPI.
As noted above, API specifications are more than documentation, although they are used for documentation, but are used to across stops in the API lifecycle. They can be used to generate documentation, they can be used to describe technical details of what an API does and publish that information to keep documentation up to date. Further, API specifications can be used to create mock-servers, as part of a design-first approach to an API, and it can be used in this case for QA and testing to ensure that the API does what it needs to do and can stand up to users.
Further, API specifications are also being used as scaffolding for testing, allowing API producers to generate contracts, integration, performance, and related tests to make sure the API is behaving as intended. API specifications can be used for security. The specification can be used to scan an APIs surface area for vulnerabilities, to audit authentication, or be used to scan for other common vulnerabilities to ensure the API is as secure as it should be. And API specifications are used through the lifecycle for code generation; used to generate client or server-side code, allowing the specification to generate code that allows an API producer to deploy the API, deploy it to a gateway, or generate SDKs in a variety of programming languages.
Event streams help software extend beyond the request-response approach common to web API styles (such as REST or GraphQL). This allows software to communicate bi-directionally removing the need for API consumers to poll for state changes, but instead allowing APIs to publish events to an event stream for notification of data changes or important business events to any number of subscribed services for processing. Streaming and event APIs are able, in this way, to provide high-performance and a reliable mechanism for streaming significant amounts of data on a constant basis. Common examples of streaming and event APIs include:
A healthcare API is any API built to allow for easy and standardized data exchange between healthcare applications and related solutions, often with support for popular healthcare data standards such as HL7 FHIR, HL7 v2, and DICOM. This can allow for the building of fully managed, highly scalable, enterprise-grade development for building clinical and analytics solutions, and can include value-added capabilities such as de-identification for better data preparation and analytics and machine learning capabilities for better data streaming. Use cases for APIs across healthcare include:
Retail APIs allow for multiple different retail services to be built into a retail service endpoint, such as personalized recommendation systems, catalog and product search, order submissions, inventory, and specific retail solutions for specific business lines. This can allow a retailer to provide a digital channel experience as efficient and well-rounded as a brick-and-mortar experience, and further allows for the integration of newer services to the digital channel as they are developed. Further, APIs, and a digital channel can allow retailers to reach a wider audience, offer affiliate services, and allow customers to query an entire product base. Examples of retail APIs include:
There are two widely used architectural approaches to APIs: service-oriented architecture (SOA) and microservices architecture. SOA, the oldest of the two approaches, began as an improvement to monolithic applications, where a single monolithic application would do everything; some functions could be supplied by different apps loosely coupled through an integration pattern, like an enterprise service bus (ESB). While SOA is simpler than monolithic architecture, it carries a risk of cascading changes throughout the environment if component interactions are not clearly understood, which reintroduces some complexity and problems SOA sought to remedy.
Example of a breakdown of an API strategy.
Before a developer or an enterprise builds an API, to be successful it is considered best practice to develop an API strategy. The API strategy is a blueprint for the API and a digital-first initiative and can include what the goal for an API for the developer is. That is to say, an API strategy has to outline what the API is going to do, who the API is being built for, and how the API can create success for the larger enterprise. There are various approaches to building an API strategy, which depends in part on the organization and the goals of the API, however, a common and simple API strategy blueprint can break down the development of the strategy into four digestible and practical stages. These four stages are:
Generally, once an API strategy has been developed and defined, it will inform the approach towards the APIs architecture, approaches to building the architecture, and will bleed into the management of the API. That management addresses the needs of developers, applications, users, and the business in a cohesive manner. The strategy and the later management of an API can include:
An API strategy can help an organization towards a digitization strategy, and can be a part of a digitization strategy. However, the API strategy can help an enterprise understand how it can use an API to engage customers through web, mobile, and social apps. And by developing private APIs, a business can offer employees and partners new tools to help streamline operations and better serve customers.
Often APIs are a part of the digitization or modernization strategies for enterprises. The proliferation of APIs across industries has driven this growth and has driven more enterprises to develop APIs to modernize their business. Modernization efforts come with new sets of challenges, and necessitate the above enterprise strategy capable of encompassing the full API cycle for public and private APIs. When deciding, as an enterprise, to modernize or digitize and develop APIs, the API strategy can be incredibly important as it can help an organization to understand the hidden costs, challenges, and cultural shifts that are associated with developing APIs and offering APIs as a product.
Enterprise modernization using APIs has further become more common as the "API Economy" has continued to grow, becoming a key part of digital transformation, and considered by many to be a must for agile businesses. To help an organization through this modernization process and development of APIs, it is considered to be best practice to: keep API documentation up-to-date, accurate, and easy-to-read; track success with applicable metrics; and build a community of developers, while ensuring to engage that community.
API management, as mentioned above in API strategy, is the process of designing, publishing, documenting, and analyzing APIs in a secure environment. While the API strategy and management are similar, the API strategy can be considered a conceptual and research step, whereas the API management is a procedural step. API management can be developed by an organization, but the more popular approach is to use an API management solution, which an organization can employ to guarantee public and private APIs are consumable and secure. Most API management solutions generally include capabilities including:
Further, a part of API management is the protection and securing of the API, which will depend on the architecture used in the API. Further, security, much like analytics, involves transparency into the use of the developers APIs, which is enabled by the API management platform. API management can also help developers increase the lifecycle of their APIs, iterate upon the APIs, and not need to retire APIs when their use cases and popular uses begin to change. API management can also help organizations manage API integrations across growing numbers of systems and applications, and gives these organizations greater flexibility when APIs grow in scalability.
When building an API product, and managing the API product over time, developer experience, especially when developers are API's main customers, should be the top priority. To ensure this is the case, usability testing can be undertaken to ensure the API offers a consistent and best possible experience, and that the API performs as intended under various conditions. This type of testing should take place through all stages of the development of an API. But, to get as much as possible through testing, there needs to be some preparation, which can include:
While organizations can undertake usability with its own teams, API management platforms can offer usability testing, and related testing, programs to help the organizations as part of the maintenance of the API. Or, an organization can further employ an outside organization to go through the API and provide feedback on their testing. This can, as noted above, help define development strategies and iteration strategies to ensure developers receive a consistent experience and can keep their API product competitive.
The continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipeline is considered a best practice for DevOps teams. It enables developers to deliver code changes frequently and reliably without error. The development of a CI/CD pipeline is considered an important aspect of software development across an API lifecycle, from design to management to deployment.
Continuous integration (CI) is a practice and coding philosophy intended to make it easier for development teams to prepare, implement, and run quality control on an API release. The goal of CI is to automate and ensure consistency in the building, testing, and packaging of applications. CI provides a way for development teams to integrate and validate their changes and can reduce error-prone deployment work to provide early visibility into bugs.
Continuous delivery (CD) is the other end of the CI/CD pipeline, which automates the delivery of applications and code changes, often to multiple infrastructure environments such as testing and development. CD automation can perform calls to databases, web servers, and additional services which must be updated or restarted once an application is deployed. Development teams can use this then to deploy productions on a daily, hourly, or continuous deployment schedule.
An API gateway is an API management tool that sits between a client and a collection of backend services, and the API gateway acts as a reverse proxy to accept all API calls, aggregate various services, and return the appropriate result. These tend to be fully managed services which make it easier for developers to create, publish, maintain, monitor, and secure APIs at scale. API gateways support containerized and serverless workloads, as well as web applications. For organizations that follow a DevOps approach, developers use microservices to build and deploy apps in a fast-paced, iterative way. Some common functions of an API gateway include authentication, routing, rate limiting, billing, monitoring, analytics, policies, alerts, and security.
Further, an API gateway can help conduct and organize the requests being processed by the microservices architecture to create a simplified experience for a user. Further, the API gateway will route the requests to the appropriate backend service, or invoke multiple backend services and aggregate the results. And, if there are failures in the backend services, the API gateway can mask them by returning cached or default data.
There are two widely used architectural approaches to APIs: service-oriented architecture (SOA) and microservices architecture. SOA, the oldest of the two approaches, began as an improvement to monolithic applications, where a single monolithic application would do everything; some functions could be supplied by different apps loosely coupled through an integration pattern, like an enterprise service bus (ESB). While SOA is simpler than monolithic architecture, it carries a risk of cascading changes throughout the environment if component interactions are not clearly understood, which reintroduces some complexity and problems SOA sought to remedy.
Scalability can be important when designing an API and related microservices. The scalability of an API becomes an essential attribute as applications continue to develop and as the use of the API becomes more demanding. This could include an increased amount of data being processed, in which scalability allows the API to adapt to the increasing amounts of data. Broadly speaking, when talking about scalability in terms of an API, this can be defined as:
Securing APIs, or API security, is the process of protecting APIs from attacks, especially as they are commonly used and enable access to sensitive software functions and data, APIs can be primary targets. Generally, API security is a component of web application security. The type of security can include shoring up vulnerabilities such as broken authentication or authorization, lack of rate limiting, and code injection. To do this, organizations will regularly test APIs to identify these vulnerabilities. And, as the use of APIs continue to increase and become foundational to modern application development and use, the attack surface has increased, increasing the importance of securing APIs.
Visualization of the attack surface of an API.
Most API implementations are either REST or SOAP. REST APIs use HTTP and support Transport Layer Security (TLS) encryption which can keep an internet connection private and check the data sent between two systems is encrypted and unmodified. REST APIs also use JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), a file format that makes it easier to transfer data over web browsers, meaning the APIs don't need to store or repackage data.
SOAP APIs use built-in protocols known as Web Services Security, which define a set of rules guided by confidentiality and authentication. These APIs use a combination of XML encryption, signatures, and SAML tokens in order to verify the authentication and authorization. Often SOAP APIs are considered to have more comprehensive security measures.
For all types and architectures of APIs, API security encompasses network security concepts such as limiting and throttling, as well as concepts from data security, identity-based security, and monitoring and analytics.
API compliance refers to regulations that API practitioners need to follow to ensure sensitive data is protected from mishandling, abuse, or loss. This can involve complying with the legal requirements from national laws, internal laws, or standards of the API industry. These can define the types of data that should be protected, the data exchange process, and penalties for failing to observe the regulations. The protected data can include users' personal information, which can include anything such as a name, email, IP address, or national ID numbers.
API compliance is separate from API security, although it is often considered to be similar as they have similar goals, which is to minimize the security risks of APIs. However, compliance ensures that APIs follow legally stipulated data protection standards. Most of the critical API compliance risks include:
The main compliance standards include the GDPR, PCI-DSS, HIPAA, and ISO/IEC 27001. These compliance standards are concerned with the way personal data is dealt with in general, and across separate industries such as the Payment Card Industry and Healthcare and Healthcare Insurance data.
API is a set of codes, protocols, and tools that createsare used to create software and applications and allows communication between software programs.
APIs are used for communication between services, such as embedding a popular function like Google Maps into a website or app using the Google Maps API to embed the map. This means, if the Google Maps API did not exist, any website or application that wanted to have an interactive map would have to take the time to develop their own interactive map. Whereas the Google Map API allows sites and apps to have access to a consistent map experience.
There are two widely used architectural approaches to APIs: service-oriented architecture (SOA) and microservices architecture. SOA, the oldest of the two approaches, began as an improvement to monolithic applications, where a single monolithic application would do everything,; some functions could be supplied by different apps loosely coupled through an integration pattern, like an enterprise service bus (ESB). While SOA is simpler than monolithic architecture, it carries a risk of cascading changes throughout the environment if component interactions are not clearly understood, which reintroduces some complexity and problems SOA sought to remedy.
AAPI is a set of codes, protocols and tools that creates software and applications and allows communication between software programs.
Application programming interface (API) is a set of codes, protocols, and tools for querying data, parsing responses, and sending instructions between one software platform and another. It allows communication between software programs. APIs have often been described as any sort of generic connectivity interface to an application,; however, APIs have taken on some characteristics that make them useful and valuable:
APIs are used for communication between services, such as embedding a popular function like Google Maps into a website or app using the Google Maps API to embed the map. This means, if the Google Maps API did not exist, any website or application whichthat wanted to have an interactive map would have to take the time to develop their own interactive map. Whereas the Google Map API allows sites and apps to have access to a consistent map experience.
While data transfer differs depending on the web service being used, this process of requests and response happens through an API. And, where the user interface is designed to be used by humans, APIs are designed for use by a computer or application. APIs offer security because their position as middleman facilitates the abstraction of functionality between two systems. API calls also usually include authorization credentials to reduce the risk of attacks on the server, and an API gateway can limit access to minimize security threats. Also, during an exchange, HTTP headers, cookies, or query string parameters provide additional security layers to the data.
Because APIs allow companies to open up access to their resources while maintaining security and control, they offer valuable aspects for businesses, and. someSome popular examples of application interfaces users may encounter include the following:
Microservices architecture is similar to SOA in patterns in their use of specializespecialized, loosely coupled services. But they go further to break down traditional architectures, with services in the microservices architecture using a common language framework, such as RESTful APIs. They use these frameworks to communicate with each other without difficult data conversion transactions or additional integration layers. This allows and encourages faster delivery of new features and updates. And, asBecause each service is discrete, theyit can be replaced, enhanced, or dropped without affecting any other service in the architecture. This can help optimize distributed or cloud resources and can support dynamic scalability for individual services.
API design is the process by which the "what" and the "how" of the API are formulated. This requires varying level of thought and care that results in resulting in varying levels of API quality. A well-designed API areis often typified by their consistent behavior, which takes context into account and maintains the needs of users in their design. This can increase the speed of the API in which it can be learned and the likelihood of programmers making mistakes when using it. And, when APIs perform similar actions, they should behave similarly, regardless of technical differences. Taking context into account also can increase consistency.
In API design, taking context into account usually means adhering to commonly accepted best practices. Knowing users and keeping their needs in mind further increasesincrease the usefulness and adoption of an API. This includes developers of an API understanding the pain points and helphelping users avoid that pain.
APIs often play a role in security, as they can be used to control access to hardware devices and software functions that an application may not necessarily have permission to use. And when a user uses an API, it connects the usersuser's device or website to the server, but neither device nor server are fully exposed to each other, which further protects both user and data center. Instead, each communicates with small packets of data and sharing what is necessary.
Web service APIs are any APIs that use web service protocols and standards for exchanging data between systems or applications. Web service alone tends to support only HTTP protocol, and tends to use REST, SOAP, and XML-RPC for communication. While a web service API can be used for any style of communication, support HTTP and HTTPs protocol, and supports XML and JSON. A web service API includeincludes some features such as efficiency, wide reach, customization, personalization, data ownership, easy integration with GUI, and language-independent. ExamplesThe following are examples of web service APIs include:
WebSocket APIsAPI is an API that makes it possible for two-way interactive communication sessions between a user's browser and a server. This API allows a user to send messages to a server and receive event-driven responses without having to poll the server for a reply. Interfaces of a WebSocket API includes the WebSocket, which is the primary interface for connecting to WebSocket server and sending and receiving data on the connection; CloseEvent, which is the event sent by the WebSocket object when the connection closes; and MessageEvent, which is the event sent by the WebSocket object when a message is received from the server.
Library-based APIs allow a running code to talk with another running code. Since a library tends to refer to a chunk of running codes that are designed to be reused during development, an API is the method or means by which these running codes interact with each other. While an API can be thoughthought of as the logical representation of what is in the library, or the consistent format whichthat explains what can be done with the library. Common library-based APIs include:
Class-based APIs work to support class-based views, where a view is a callable, which takes a request and returns a response, over an HTTP protocol. In the case of a book library, the API client would connect and download book data for books published since last visit. Examples of class-based APIs include:
Object remoting APIs allow for an instantiating of an object in another process, or even on another machine, and interacting with that object as if it were an ordinary, in-process object instance. These APIs, especially .NET framework APIs, tend to be legacy APIs, and in the case of many .NET APIs, Microsoft has begun obsoleting their services in favor of WCF or HTTP-based REST services, which can communicate with objects in other applications or across machines. Some object remoting API examples include:
Visualization of how an API works.
There are two widely used architectural approaches to APIs: service-oriented architecture (SOA) and microservices architecture. SOA, the oldest of the two approaches, began as an improvement to monolithic applications, where a single monolithic application would do everything, some functions could be supplied by different apps loosely coupled through an integration pattern, like an enterprise service bus (ESB). While SOA is simpler than monolithic architecture, it carries a risk of cascading changes throughout the environment if component interactions are not clearly understood, which reintroduces some complexity and problems SOA sought to remedy.
The API lifecycle.
Microservices architecture is similar to SOA in patterns in their use of specialize, loosely coupled services. But they go further to break down traditional architectures, with services in the microservices architecture using a common language framework, such as RESTful APIs. They use these frameworks to communicate with each other without difficult data conversion transactions or additional integration layers. This allows and encourages faster delivery of new features and updates. And, as each service is discrete, they can be replaced, enhanced, or dropped without affecting any other service in the architecture. This can help optimize distributed or cloud resources and can support dynamic scalability for individual services.
Example of the Twitter REST API.
API design is the process by which the "what" and the "how" of the API are formulated. This requires varying level of thought and care that results in resulting in varying levels of API quality. A well-designed API are often typified by their consistent behavior which takes context into account and maintains the needs of users in their design. This can increase the speed of the API in which it can be learned and the likelihood of programmers making mistakes when using it. And, when APIs perform similar actions, they should behave similarly, regardless of technical differences. Taking context into account also can increase consistency.
In API design, taking context into account usually means adhering to commonly accepted best practices. Knowing users and keeping their needs in mind further increases the usefulness and adoption of an API. This includes developers of an API understanding the pain points and help users avoid that pain.
APIs often play a role in security, as they can be used to control access to hardware devices and software functions that an application may not necessarily have permission to use. And when a user uses an API it connects the users device or website to the server, but neither device nor server are fully exposed to each other, which further protects both user and data center. Instead, each communicates with small packets of data and sharing what is necessary.
Visualization of a generic REST API.
Web service APIs are any APIs that use web service protocols and standards for exchanging data between systems or applications. Web service alone tends to support only HTTP protocol, and tends to use REST, SOAP, and XML-RPC for communication. While a web service API can be used for any style of communication, support HTTP and HTTPs protocol, and supports XML and JSON. A web service API include some features such as efficiency, wide reach, customization, personalization, data ownership, easy integration with GUI, and language-independent. Examples of web service APIs include:
WebSocket APIs is an API that makes it possible for two-way interactive communication sessions between a user's browser and a server. This API allows a user to send messages to a server and receive event-driven responses without having to poll the server for a reply. Interfaces of a WebSocket API includes the WebSocket, which is the primary interface for connecting to WebSocket server and sending and receiving data on the connection; CloseEvent, which is the event sent by the WebSocket object when the connection closes; and MessageEvent, which is the event sent by the WebSocket object when a message is received from the server.
Library-based APIs allow a running code to talk with another running code. Since a library tends to refer to a chunk of running codes that are designed to be reused during development, an API is the method or means by which these running codes interact with each other. While an API can be though of as the logical representation of what is in the library, or the consistent format which explains what can be done with the library. Common library-based APIs include:
Class-based APIs work to support class-based views, where a view is a callable which takes a request and returns a response, over an HTTP protocol. In the case of a book library, the API client would connect and download book data for books published since last visit. Examples of class-based APIs include:
OS functions and routines APIs
OS functions and routines APIs are any API used for OS functions, such as documented, callable subroutines in an OS API, such as processes including CreateProcess, CreateFile, and GetMessage in the Windows OS through the Window API. Other functions of these APIs include:
Object remoting APIs
Object remoting APIs allow for an instantiating of an object in another process, or even on another machine, and interacting with that object as if it were an ordinary, in-process object instance. These APIs, especially .NET framework APIs, tend to be legacy APIs, and in the case of many .NET APIs, Microsoft has begun obsoleting their services in favor of WCF or HTTP-based REST services which can communicate with objects in other applications or across machines. Some object remoting API examples include:
Hardware APIs, also known as Hardware Platform Interface (HPI) is an open specification that defines an API for platform management of computer systems. These APIs support tasks such as reading temperature, or voltage sensors, or configuring hardware registers, accessing system inventory information, or more complex activities. These are used with fault-tolerant and modular high-availability computer systems which typically include automatic fault detection features and hardware redundancy. Some hardware APIs include:
Application programming interface (API) is a set of codes, protocols and tools for creatingquerying data, parsing responses, and sending instructions between one software platform and applicationsanother. It allows communication between software programs. APIs have often been described as any sort of generic connectivity interface to an application, however APIs have taken on some characteristics that make them useful and valuable:
APIs are used for communication between services, such as embedding a popular function like Google Maps into a website or app using the Google Maps API to embed the map. This means, if the Google Maps API did not exist, any website or application which wanted to have an interactive map would have to take the time to develop their own interactive map. Whereas the Google Map API allows sites and apps to have access to a consistent map experience.
As a set of defined rules for computer and applications to communicate with one another, APIs sit between an application and the web server, acting as an intermediary layer that processes data transfer between systems. To do this, an API follows a familiar pattern:
While data transfer differs depending on the web service being used, this process of requests and response happens through an API. And, where the user interface is designed to be used by humans, APIs are designed for use by a computer or application. APIs offer security because their position as middleman facilitates the abstraction of functionality between two systems. API calls also usually include authorization credentials to reduce the risk of attacks on the server, and an API gateway can limit access to minimize security threats. Also, during an exchange, HTTP headers, cookies, or query string parameters provide additional security layers to the data.
Because APIs allow companies to open up access to their resources while maintaining security and control, they offer valuable aspects for businesses, and some popular examples of application interfaces users may encounter include: