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A platform for competitive gamers and streamers to compete and broadcast to the rest of the world, exhibiting their full potential in a competitive environment. In addition to being a gaming and streaming platform.

Arcader aims to offer a unique tokenized prediction market platform with blockchain integration that will offer gamers and viewers the chance to speculate, support, and engage with their favorite streamers and esports stars on the Arcader platform. Arcader seeks to fill the gap in the market between the current centralized eSport world, and gamers who can be brought to the next generation of the P2E community by offering tokenized DAO gaming, made possible with blockchain technology.
The world’s first exclusive gaming stream-2 -earn platform allowing free and fair monetisation of your gaming skills, for streamers and viewers alike.
A transparent risk-conscious prediction market platform where everyone wins, powered by an unbiased DAO-based adjudication mechanism.
Next gen esports arena powered by an equitable matchmaking algorithm with various different game-play modes to make the best out of your experience: Solo, Party, Teams, and Pro-Seasons.