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Ark is cryptocurrency designed to connect all blockchains of every cryptocurrency in the world. Ark utilizes a modified version of the Delegated-Proof-of-Stake (DPoS) consensus mechanism with 51 delegates running the Ark network that are rewarded with block rewards every 8 seconds. The Ark platform also uses its own SmartBridge technology to off-load functions that are not essential to the Ark platform to hundreds of side blockchains, enabling the Ark blockchain to stay operating efficiently. The company offers Ark desktop cryptocurrency wallets for Windows, Mac OS, and Linux, and also offers ARK mobile device wallets for Android and IOS.
Ark has many commercial and strategic partners such as OnOS, Wolfram, Ledger, Changelly, Exodus, Atomic Wallet, Bugcrowd, Spend, Major League Hacking, and Hiway.
The Ark Development and Security Bounty Program allows Ark community members to earn rewards for improving the Ark codebase. All rewards paid out through the Development and Security Bounty Program are made in ARK cryptocurrency with a USD valuation at the time of payout. Each submitted code improvement is grouped into payment tiers associated with the impact, code quality, test coverage, and complexity so users can predict the payouts they will receive for their contributions.