A young, promising rap musician "Mayot" literally broke into the music charts. His tracks are quickly gaining popularity, winning the first lines of the charts. He releases both solo albums and joint albums with other rappers. The personal life of this musician is for the most part a mystery, the singer devotes a lot of time and effort to creativity.
Artem Nikitin, future "Mayot" rapper, in 1999 in Tyumen. He spent his childhood and school years here, in the city on the Tour. As a teenager with a dense physique, Artem preferred sportswear. After studying, he liked to spend time with friends, often becoming a participant in street fights.

The early biography of the singer is a real mystery. There is no exact data on the network either about his parents or about his education. However, it is known that "Mayot" began to get involved in music in his school years.
In his free time, Artem listened to rock, learned to play the guitar. He recorded the first tracks back in Tyumen, where he became a member of the Melon Music label. The association was formed in the rapper's homeland, but later its members moved to Moscow, where they continued to work on the development of the label.

Today Melon Music has 6 members: Artem Nikitin (Mayot), Kudin Nikita (GANSY), Siminok Alexey (SEEMEE), Shurov Roman (163ONMYNECK), Shaburov Artur (YUNGWAY), Mustafin Donat (DooMee). Between 2018 and 2023, Mayot released 5 solo albums, as well as 3 collaboration CDs with rappers FENDIGLOCK and SEEMEE.
Mayot's first solo album was the first part of "B-Polar", which was presented in early autumn 2018. The record became a collection of the following songs: "Keep It Real", "Pick It Up", "Cereals", "Good Mayot 2", "Backwood", "White". The track "Keep It Real," was a collaboration with rapper SEEMEE. The second part of "B-Polar" was presented to listeners at the end of autumn. The disc included 7 tracks: "Pay", "On Fire", "Rain", "About Feelings", "Drugs", "Confused", "Bye". One of these compositions, "About Feelings", was the result of a collaboration between Mayot and Pavel Milnichenko, known in musical circles as Malenkyi Yarche.
The third solo album of the musician was the album "Birthday", released in February 2019. The album included 13 tracks.
Tracks "She wants" and "In the dark" were recorded together with SEEMEE.
In September 2020, the rapper releases his fourth album, GHETTO GARDEN. The release of this collection made Mayot even more recognizable and popular among rap fans. The compositions "Sea" and "Torchy" immediately climbed to the first positions of the music charts. The album itself is a collection of 19 tracks recorded both solo and in partnership with other artists.
December 2020 - the fifth solo album of the musician is released. The composition of the album "Gas station Kid" included 8 songs: "Popcorn", "Scum", "Cap", "Not healthy lifestyle", "Christmas trees", "Shit", "21", "Fagayu". This compilation is a kind of deluxe version of GHETTO GARDEN. Mayot included here the tracks recorded while working on the 4th album, but not included in it due to some reasons.
The rapper has released two albums with SEEMEE. The first one, "Trippin' Of Drugs", was released in August 2018. The disc consists of 6 songs: "President Stuff" (with GANSY), "Drugs", "Bag", "Warhammer" (with YUNGWAY), "Drive By", "Yellow Enique".
In April 2019, the second album, Scum Off the Pot, was released. This included 8 tracks that gave the performer new fans and even greater popularity.
In April 2020, information appeared about the upcoming joint project between Mayot and Fendiglok, which the latter soon confirmed. In May 2020, their joint album "FENDIMAYOT" was released, consisting of four tracks: "Many Affairs", "Dubina", "Botanical Garden" and "Cow". Within a few days, the album gained more than a million plays, and some songs hit the top hundred of music charts. Now Fendiglok (Arthur) continues to engage in creativity, develop a musical career. The plans include a concert tour, the poster of which he has already presented on social networks.
In an interview with reporters, Morgenshtern named Mayot the most promising rap artist of 2021. And the hits from Jabo and the appearance in the Thrill Pill album allowed the musician to gain popularity on the Internet.
In 2022, the fifth album, Refueling Kid 3, was released. This included 16 tracks that gave the performer new sound from Artem.
Mayot is not married and there are no children yet. On his Instagram page, the rapper most often publishes photos related to work on new tracks and albums, and rarely advertises his personal life. There is information that the singer is in a relationship with Maria, whose page was found on the network by fans. However, the fans do not know anything about the girl's age or her occupation.
In an interview with Project Face, Mayot admitted that his favorite dish is potato casserole with meat, and his sportswear brand is Nike. When asked about his favorite books, Artem replied that he was fond of such works as Brave New World by O. Huxley, 1984 by D. Orwell, Junky by W. Burroughs and We by E. Zamyatin.
At the end of 2020, Mayot was invited to the SBEK cooking show hosted by Yung Bek.