SBIR/STTR Award attributes
ARWEN is an intelligent software assistant that helps security personnel to identify vulnerabilities in a soft target facility's infrastructure and security practices anticipate and visualize attacker tactics and plan effective defenses. ARWEN combines Augmented REality (AR) and Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning (AI/ML) to assist security advisors in planning for defense of soft targets AR capabilities support data collection during the initial site survey, and AR will display results of analysis, such as points of vulnerability and recommended remedial actions.AI/ML analyzes the collected data, first to identify and prioritize vulnerabilities adn then to generate action recommendations. ARWEN unifies site survey and vulnerability analysis in a single integrated system, and it represents the data in forms that can be analyzed by AI/ML, modified (e.g. by adding a virtual lock to a door), and re-analyzed to test the effect of the modification. Nvel ML methods discover sequences of actions that produce maximum gain to an attacker over a finite time-period. ARWEN can be marketed as a licensed security service to be use by consultants.Security staff at soft targets such as theaters and office buildings will probably use expert consultants. Staff at convention centers wehre many different events are hosted may train their own staff to use ARWEN in order to identify vulnerabilities and remediations under a variety of different conditions.The venue infrastructure information that ARWEN collects adn stores can also have great value if it can be made available to first responders following an incident.