Metal-rolling methods or mills for making semi-finished products of solid or profiled cross-section ; Sequence of operations in milling trains; Layout of rolling-mill plant, e.g. grouping of stands; Succession of passes or of sectional pass alternations for rolling heavy work, e.g. ingots, slabs {, blooms} billets, in which the cross-sectional form is unimportant {Rolling combined with forging or pressing} in a continuous process
Metal-rolling methods or mills for making semi-finished products of solid or profiled cross-section ; Sequence of operations in milling trains; Layout of rolling-mill plant, e.g. grouping of stands; Succession of passes or of sectional pass alternations for rolling heavy work, e.g. ingots, slabs {, blooms} billets, in which the cross-sectional form is unimportant {Rolling combined with forging or pressing} in a continuous process