SBIR/STTR Award attributes
TuberculosisTBkilled an estimatedmillion people in the world inOverof the mortalities associated with this deisease occurred in regions of the world where access to reliable TB testing and other suppotive infrastructure is severely limitedUntil there are pivotal technological innovations in the diagnosis of TB for point of carePOCapplicationthe ambitious goals of the WHO s End TB strategyareduction in TB mortality andreduction in TB incidence bywill remain beyond reachNew technological advances in cloul computingsmartphone features applicationsand diagnostic testing are poised to play a pivotal role in changing this situationThis project will couple smartphone technology communications with a rapidinexpensiveand easy to use POC test for TB that can be performed in any location by virtually untrained staffand can provide an accurate diagnosis in underminutesUpon successful completion of these technical objectivesa detailed assessment of the technology planincluding a cost time analysiswill be used to justifiy the development and field evaluation of a beta prototyp for movement to Phase II funding