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Launched in late October this year, by a startup developer based in the Philippines, BabyFlokiZilla is a Community-driven, Meme token on Binance Smart Chain. It is a forked contract from a BUSD reward token. Baby FlokiZilla aims to destroy all Zillas while its use case is to incorporate NFTs into it while also helping out charities.
How to buy BabyFlokiZilla tokens (BABYFLOKIZILLA)
List of exchanges that support the purchase of BabyFlokiZilla (BABYFLOKIZILLA):
No exchange platform allows direct purchase of BabyFlokiZilla (BABYFLOKIZILLA) in Euro (€) as of February 1, 2022
Step 1: It is therefore necessary to go through an exchange platform accepting the Euro (€), to buy Ethers (ETH) or Bitcoins (BTC) from euros (€), then you must exchange these BTC or these ETH for BabyFlokiZilla (BABYFLOKIZILLA) on an exchange offering the pairs BTC/BABYFLOKIZILLA and ETH/BABYFLOKIZILLA (See step 2 below)
To buy ETH or BTC from euros, you can use the following platforms:
Coinhouse (Recommended, the French leader, very reliable, easy to use, moderate fees: from 2.49% to 3.49% transaction fees, for purchases in SEPA and CB respectively. (Coinhouse on Wikipedia)
Coinbase (the world leader, moderate fees: from 1.49% to 3.99% transaction fees, for purchase in SEPA and CB respectively.
The credit card is accepted on these 2 platforms, but it is preferable to go through a bank transfer because the transaction costs are generally lower than with a purchase via CB
Step 2: To exchange these Ethers (ETH) or Bitcoins (BTC) purchased in step 1 against BabyFlokiZilla (BABYFLOKIZILLA), you can use the cryptocurrency-to-cryptocurrency exchange platforms offering the BTC/BABYFLOKIZILLA pairs and ETH/BABYFLOKIZILLA following:
PancakeSwap (v2)
For Uniswap and Balancer, it is imperative to buy and send Ether (ETH), because Bitcoin (BTC) is not supported by these platforms