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Venture Capital Firm attributes
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Baekeland funds was a venture capital fund headquartered in Ghent, Belgium. It was founded in 1999 by the University of Ghent and the Ghent University Association. It was managed by the University of Ghent's Technology Transfer Department. The firm made seed and early stage investments in spinout of the University of Ghent. The firm targeted investment in companies on the way to commercialization in the biotechnology, hardware, software, healthcare, healthcare technology, and biopharmaceutical industries.
Baekeland Funds operated two funds the Baekeland Fund I and Baekeland Fund II. The Baekeland Fund I closed in 1999 with a value of €3.5 million. The Baekeland Fund II, which closed in 2005, made maximum seed investment of €500,00 and a maximum early stage investment of €1 million.
The Baekeland Funds were followed by the Obic Fund which was launched in 2010 by Ghent, Brussels and Antwerp university associations.