Bama Gruppen is a healthier and fresher future founded in 1886.
The green shift involves a transition from an economy and value creation based on fossil resources (coal, oil and gas), to a value creation based on renewable, biological resources such as fruit and vegetables. We can succeed in this through sustainable, economic growth and increased consumption of fruit and vegetables.
The world's population is growing, and more food is needed. As one of the world's largest companies in fresh fruit and vegetables, we work to ensure sustainable food production and value creation where we shop.
We want to be a driving force for the green shift in Norway.
Since the year 2000, we have had 100 projects.
We use research, innovation and value creation work (FIV) as tools and driving force to develop consumption of fruit and vegetables.
Gartnerhallen with its 1030 producers is our most important partner. They ensure fruit and vegetable production throughout the country, so that consumers are guaranteed the opportunity to buy as local food as possible.
BAMA has a strong foothold in planned Norwegian production.
BAMA views cooperation as a prerequisite for responsible business practice, and crucial for achieving the UN's sustainability goals. We also have ethical guidelines for suppliers, which everyone who delivers to us undertakes to follow. This work is followed up through audits and supplier dialogues.