SBIR/STTR Award attributes
Battle Born Supply Co. is excited to work with the Air Force in order to continue the development of our 3D printed, engineering ceramic thermal armor. Our thermal armor technology is based on proprietary / patent-pending, interconnected chain mail-type components that are produced and then affixed to weapon barrels, suppressors, or exhaust systems. Our complex geometries and engineering-grade ceramic materials offer the most advanced thermal resistance / lowest thermal conductivity possible. With working temperatures above 1500°C, ultra-high strength and fracture toughness, and extremely high thermal shock resistance, our product offers superior user protection against hot surfaces / components and impressive long-term durability. Most barrel and suppressor wraps / covers – as well as exhaust system heat shrouds – actually cause increased thermal weathering of components, as they don’t allow for components to go through natural heating and cooling cycles – they simply lock in residual heat build-up. Our thermal armor provides the user with a thermal barrier that is safe to touch, while allowing for heat to dissipate through the 20 - 80% of negative space our product exhibits. A user can grab a hot rifle barrel, attach / detach a suppressor, or evade burns to their body on hot exhaust pipes with our thermal armor.