Intentionally conspicuous device designed to attract attention to a specific location (on land or water)
Beacon is an active organization and company founded in 2018. The company is involved in various aspects of the cryptocurrency and blockchain industries, including cryptocurrency hedge funds, decentralized cryptocurrency exchanges, and cryptocurrency wallets. They also deal with smart contracts, mining, and tokenization. Beacon is located in Herndon, Virginia.
The company trades under the ticker symbol BECN on various stock exchanges, such as NOK (company), Coinbase, Dazeinfo, XAF1, Dash (cryptocurrency), Merseyrail, WASD, Superalgos, and Saxo Bank.
Led by CEO Julian G. Francis and key person Philip W. Knisely, Beacon has a workforce of 7,582 employees. They have attracted investments from Ferry Venture Capital.
Intentionally conspicuous device designed to attract attention to a specific location (on land or water)